Chapter 236

Professor Sun nodded, and then said, "Not everyone is safe. They may not be doing this kind of thing for profit, or maybe it's just for a kind of psychological pleasure."

To put it simply, it means that the psychology has been distorted, and he is completely a psychopath.They do this just to seek a sense of conquest, to think that they are capable and powerful, or even just for that.

Now that the matter has been resolved, Ye Ying and the others didn't get too entangled in this matter.If it is not resolved, just solve it... For so long, I have been doing tasks, facing zombies, facing mutant animals, and facing various dangers. Even if I don’t want to, I don’t want to become numb. There is a way to control this emotion.

Just try to do what you have to do, and it has nothing to do with preferences, emotions, or whether you can do it.

These are all impossible things.

After Professor Sun mentioned this for a while, he returned to the previous topic, and asked Ye Ying and the others, "Do you still remember the night before the end of the world, when there was a big meteor shower?"

Ye Ying tried hard to think back, and finally remembered this matter.

When she came back from rebirth, Li Rong and the others also said that they would watch the meteor shower at night, but they were too distracted by what she said about the end of the world to watch it, and she didn't pay much attention to whether there was a meteor shower at the time.

But now that Professor Sun has specifically mentioned this, does the end of the world have anything to do with this?
"According to the detection of the satellite system before this incident, the current situation has something to do with the meteor shower. The thing you brought back does not belong to the earth, just like the supernatural powers on your body, which did not exist in the first place. "

"At that time, the relevant part only detected something abnormal. Later, all communications were interrupted, including before that, the earth's magnetic field was disturbed and the atmosphere fluctuated, so that the plane could not take off, and even the high-speed train was affected to a certain extent. It's just that these things were not reported at that time, but the information was preserved."

It's a pity that Ye Ying didn't know about these things at the time, otherwise she probably wouldn't have chosen the path of flying in the first place.But think about it carefully, the end of the world is coming, it is always better to stay in a familiar place than a strange place.

Even if she knew this, she probably wouldn't choose other ways to go home immediately, but would also choose to stay temporarily and take care of her roommates before leaving.

It's just that things didn't develop like this, and she didn't dare to say that she would definitely do this, but she had to admit that a small detail or a seemingly insignificant decision might bring about completely unexpected changes And development.

"According to the results of our research, we preliminarily determined that this accident was caused by the accumulation of impacts from outer space for thousands of years. Meteor showers brought fallen meteorites and also brought the invasion of alien microorganisms. It has impregnated human beings bit by bit, and it has been preserved in the genetics and has never disappeared. This is not a sudden change, but the result of a quantitative change to a qualitative change..."

Professor Sun explained so much to several people in one breath, and he didn't say the most important part until the end.

"We managed to build a bridge with the satellite again, and still carry out detection in outer space. According to our calculations, the earth will encounter a new meteor shower storm in about a month. This is an opportunity."

Opportunities are often accompanied by risks, even more serious than risks.

(End of this chapter)

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