Chapter 237

In the past, many things that were not clear and did not make much sense were today. After learning the answer from Professor Sun, Ye Ying felt that the secrets of the last days were getting closer and closer to them.According to Professor Sun, this is not a sudden change, but an accumulation of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

As time goes by, those subtle things permeate into human beings or creatures on the earth bit by bit.When that critical value was reached, it finally broke out, and they just happened to be at such a time.

Ye Ying thought, perhaps the supernatural power is a product of these accumulations, or it may be caused by external factors stimulating something in the human body itself.Maybe the end of the world disappears, and their abilities will disappear along with it.This... probably isn't a bad thing.

Not all of the survivors are good or law-abiding. If the apocalypse disappears and the supernatural powers still exist, after these people return to the ground, it is impossible to say that there will be troubles.Because of the topography of the Z Dynasty and the sparse population, it will not be easy to find out the troublemakers.

If the end of the world disappears, even if there are people with spatial abilities, it is estimated that all the things in the space will be exposed.It is not easy to hide some guns and ammunition.Weapons can be confiscated in a way at that time, at least to a certain extent, it can suppress other accidents from the surviving humans after the disappearance of zombies and mutant animals.

The official notice hadn't been conveyed yet, Ye Ying and her brother Ye Kun returned to their place of residence after leaving Professor Sun's place.They also learned from Professor Sun that the laboratory has been researching a bacterial biological weapon with the purpose of decomposing zombies.

Similar chemical and biological weapons have appeared in wars, and such things are almost anti-human existence.But now, if the zombies can be really successfully killed, it will undoubtedly be the ultimate weapon to help human beings regain their new life and self-ownership.

According to Professor Sun, their research is not easy, but at this time they have encountered a bottleneck, and it is very likely that the breakthrough lies in the things Ye Ying and the others brought back.This is also the reason why Professor Sun is excited.Day and night research is not enough to support them to get the research results they want, not enough for them to get a glimpse of the mysteries of the end times, but there are other possibilities, other breakthroughs, which may bring some bright prospects.

Ye Ying found that once she was free, she didn't know what to do.She will go back to her residence and have nothing to do, so she simply lies on the bed and rests, thinking about what she heard from Professor Sun earlier.

An unreal feeling has been floating in her mind. She almost feels that the things she has experienced in this life are just a dream, and all the things in the previous life are real, because everything has been so smooth since rebirth to the present , so smoothly that she occasionally feels unreal.

Thinking of the opportunity that Professor Sun mentioned, and thinking that the apocalypse might really disappear in a short time, Ye Ying felt that her chest was full of excitement and joy.With such emotions, she was thinking about other messy things, and fell asleep in a daze without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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