Chapter 241

Quite a few children were stunned and unable to move because of the sudden appearance of the pliers, but when Xie Wei and Jiang Lan's roar reached their ears in the next second, they quickly recovered.

The children were holding hands at first, but at this time, they didn't even bother to let go of the person they were holding, so they pulled the people around them and ran forward together.There are no lights in the passageway, including the front is also pitch black, Xie Wei hastily used the power of the fire department to light the way for the children.

Originally turning the corner was because the situation was unknown and he had to be careful so he didn’t walk fast. Now that he could see what was going on before him, running was the only best choice.

Although the large pliers pierced through the outer wall of the base with only one blow, but because of this blow, it stuck its large pliers on the outer wall of the base so that the passage was not completely blocked, allowing the children to move in one fell swoop. run over.Xie Wei told the children to run, and Jiang Lan stood behind to prevent the big pliers from attacking a second time.

The pincers got stuck, and the seawater didn't rush in from the outside in an instant, but only seeped in a little bit. The speed was relatively slow, which gave them a little chance to escape.Although the large pincers got stuck, it only stopped for a few seconds, and then the unknown creature was completely dissatisfied that its pincers were stuck and struggled.

It started to move, struggled left and right, and cracked a hole in the outer wall that was just enough to hold its big pincers, making it bigger, and the sea water poured into the base more violently, the soles of Xie Wei and Jiang Lan's feet They are all stepping on a layer of water.

Both of them have ice-type powers, and when the children had already run over, and they had to buy time for themselves to escape, they naturally chose to use ice-type powers to block the big pincer.

Xie Wei and Jiang Lan looked at each other and nodded, as if they had exchanged opinions. Then they activated the ice-type abilities at the same time and attacked towards the pincers.They knew that with their abilities, they would definitely not be able to subdue this unknown creature, but they also felt that there should be no problem if they just temporarily blocked the action of the pincers.

Xie Wei and Jiang Lan, who thought there would be no mistakes, decided to go wrong after all, and underestimated the attack power of this creature.They smashed the ice-type abilities on the big pincers, and at the same time wrapped the larger opening in the outer wall of the base. The big pincers couldn't move at once, and Xie Wei and Jiang Lan were ready to escape immediately.

But just as they turned around, the big pliers had already destroyed the blocking effect caused by their ice ability.Then, the big pliers almost directly carried out an indiscriminate attack. First, it swept to the left, distorting and distorting the walls on both sides of the entire passage, and then turned to the left—that is, Xie Wei and Jiang. Lan's side swept over again.

It took only a second for this thing to happen, so fast that Xie Wei and Jiang Lan just realized that their previous attacks were useless, and the next second before they had time to react to what to do next, the big pliers It was already waving and pushing towards them with a strong wind.

Xie Wei and Jiang Lan were in a state of confusion at this moment, and hurriedly used their abilities to block them, but they still couldn't dodge them and were swept down on the wall of the passage.Xie Wei and Jiang Lan didn't care about others at this time, they couldn't even care about themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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