Chapter 242

The bodies of the two people fell on the wall and then fell heavily on the passage again, making an extremely dull sound.Both of them felt that their internal organs had been greatly impacted, and their heads were so dizzy that they couldn't even think. Even if they died in the next moment, they would not feel any surprise.

Throat discomfort for a while, Xie Wei couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of blood.She struggled to open her eyes, she could barely see the surrounding situation in the dark, she still rolled her eyes, and she couldn't see any children in her sight, she felt a little relieved, thinking that at least the children had escaped up.

Jiang Lan, who was not too far away from Xie Wei, also coughed twice, and couldn't help moaning in pain because of the huge pain coming from her body. She lay on the ground with her face pressed against the cold steel plate, what was in her heart? No idea.

Ye Ying, Ye Kun, Lin Qi and others arrived at the designated place first, quickly understood the situation and obeyed the arrangement. They had just been assigned a task and came out from there to act separately. Before arriving at the next designated place, they felt that the entire submarine base was shaking. flickered.

This time Ye Ying and Lin Qi were assigned to act together. They ran to the designated place together at this time, but stopped because of a sudden change.While stabilizing their bodies, both of them noticed that this huge, frighteningly large, and unbelievably large sea crab had already launched an attack on the submarine base.

When a situation is discovered, the entire submarine base has already floated up urgently. The submarine base is not fixed on the seabed but can be driven to other places with the help of external equipment.This is also to prevent the creatures on the bottom of the sea from mutating. If you encounter such a situation, you must be able to escape, otherwise you will undoubtedly trap yourself to death.

(End of this chapter)

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