Chapter 244

Walking through the corridor, turning the corner, the water under the feet continued to rise, and the air in the base began to become thinner. Ye Ying could only run forward with a restless heart.Even after going through so much, even after making so much effort, it still makes people feel that if one is not careful, or one is not lucky, all efforts will fall short, and zombies or strange beasts will still attack and take people's lives, and they are powerless to resist.

When two bruised people lying in a pool of blood suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Ye Ying felt an attack coming.She didn't see clearly what was attacking her, so she subconsciously used the ice ability to block it, and in a short time, she also realized that the person lying on the ground was actually Xie Weihe she was looking for. Jiang Lan.

The next moment after the ice-type ability was shot, Ye Ying had already used the healing-type ability and threw it at Xie Wei and Jiang Lan.There are too many injuries on their bodies, it seems that wherever the healing ability falls, it doesn't make a difference.Ye Ying couldn't think too much, and could only make a judgment based on the glance she glanced at.I just learned from Professor Sun that the way to get out of the apocalypse has already begun, and I have experienced so much with Xie Wei and Jiang Lan. No matter what, Ye Ying can't see and has no way to see what happened to them here.Obviously there is only one step left, and I absolutely don't want to be unable to take another step here.

Lin Qi followed Ye Ying, feeling that her emotions were fluctuating violently.Lin Qi has seen situations like Ye Ying's in the past, and the number of times can't be counted as infrequent.Because I have seen it too much, I know that Ye Ying is often not calm enough because of excitement at such times, and will not notice many dangers.Whether as a partner or anything else, Lin Qi had no choice but to choose to protect Ye Ying.

Ye Ying knew that Lin Qi had been following her all the time, but she was all focused on Xie Wei and Jiang Lan at the moment, so she didn't have any special feeling for this obvious matter.When Lin Qi used his ability to help her block the attack, Ye Ying finally realized it completely, turned her head and glanced at Lin Qi, and the moment their eyes met, the two nodded at the same time, and the division of labor became clear.

Xie Wei and Jiang Lan obviously couldn't leave by themselves, so they needed someone to help them and take them away from here as soon as possible.Ye Ying has healing abilities, so it is more appropriate for her to save people, so Lin Qi naturally assumes the responsibility of covering.We have done so many missions together, even though we don't have much communication with Ye Ying in normal times or privately, there seems to be no lack of tacit understanding.There are some things that don't need to be explained, she can understand, Lin Qi can only understand better.

What to deal with is a powerful big guy, Lin Qi can't be distracted, and soon concentrates on dealing with this big guy.The two large pliers seem to be unable to fully grow due to the narrow space, but you can see that there are long or short thorns on each large pliers.Such thorns look as short as an arm, and as long as half a person's height. Even if they are not sharp, if they are rubbed, they may be seriously injured, so we must be careful.

Both Xie Wei and Jiang Lan were in a daze and didn't know what was going to happen. Ye Ying's healing ability soothed their wounds and made them gradually fall asleep.Ye Ying used the healing ability to heal them in several places that were bleeding and seriously injured first, but more treatments would undoubtedly have to wait until they were out of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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