Chapter 245

It was not easy for Lin Qi to hold on alone, Ye Ying seized the time to help Xie Wei and Jiang Lan up one by one.The apocalypse and the power have made her body much stronger than ordinary men. Although it is not easy to hold two people at once, but at this time, she doesn't care so much at all.

Just when Lin Qi and Ye Ying were working hard to save Xie Wei and Jiang Lan, the radio in the base rang, and a deep and steady voice with years of accumulation sounded—"All personnel please pay attention, Next, notify the damaged area of ​​the base. All damaged areas will be abandoned. Please evacuate to a safe place as soon as possible. The base is floating, and the damaged area will be isolated in ninety seconds. Ten seconds later, the base will rush out of the water and fly straight for ten kilometers to get out of trouble!"

Then, the damaged areas were notified one by one. Even though they were listening to the radio, Ye Ying and Lin Qi did not dare to be negligent.After all, time waits for no one, and this big guy will never give them a chance to breathe.Lin Qi and Ye Ying are more or less aware of the special escape device installed in the base, and it is not surprising that they will use it now.From the time the energy is fully stored to the time the device starts, it seems that there are only [-] seconds left—no, it's less than [-] seconds.

"Hurry up, the two areas in front of here are damaged, we have to hurry up." Lin Qi released the wind blade towards the "big guy" again, and said to Ye Ying at the same time.Ye Ying responded, gritted her teeth and hugged Xie Wei and Jiang Lan tightly to avoid any unexpected accidents when they ran away later, and then said to Lin Qi, "My side is fine, let's retreat. "

Lin Qi responded and began to change the attack method and direction.He has ice and wind abilities, but he didn't use them just now because he judged that the fire abilities might speed up the thinning of the air. He only used the ice and wind abilities, but he still felt a bit reluctant and difficult. .He grabbed Ye Ying's side in two steps, and took Jiang Lan from her side. At the same time, he communicated with Ye Ying, "Use the fire and wind powers to launch two big attacks, and then look for opportunities to retreat." .”

Ye Ying quickly understood, and cooperated with Lin Qi to release the ability. The tacit understanding allowed both of them to choose the best timing. "Attack the past.The flames burned the thing that looked like a large pincer and shrank back. Taking advantage of the moment it shrank back, Lin Qi and Ye Ying carried Jiang Lan and Xie Wei respectively and quickly left the dangerous area.

Ye Kun is busy helping more people out of trouble. Most of these people are ordinary people. They may have supernatural powers but they are not very powerful. In addition, they have lived a comfortable life for a period of time. After all, there is nothing they can do about this sudden situation. Immediately make the most calm and rational judgment.So, in the end, it was still confusing.In the chaos and the news conveyed on the radio, more and more people began to desperately want to run to a safe place.

After finally channeling the crowd, they all left the already damaged area. Ye Kun was about to follow the last wave of people to evacuate when the area was suddenly attacked.A thick and long taupe long leg directly broke through the steel wall and attacked inward.After getting in with a long foot, he scratched and pulled again, the entire steel wall was torn apart like a piece of paper, a huge hole was broken, and the sea water rushed in all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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