Chapter 247

When Ye Kun continued to look for opportunities to attack sea crabs to achieve his plan, he had to be vigilant of Feng Jiaru's behavior, and at the same time warned her to leave quickly.Feng Jiaru didn't speak, and didn't care about any mutated creatures, just stared at Ye Kun without saying a word at a place not too far away, as if Ye Kun owed her eight lifetimes of blood debt, and now he must pay it off.

The ability blasted at the long legs of the sea crab. Seeing that the long legs of the mutated sea crab were somewhat damaged and flinched, Ye Kun immediately reached out and grabbed Feng Jiaru's arm, ready to drag her out of here together.It's pointless to waste words, Ye Kun doesn't want to argue with her, not to mention the timing is not right at all.

Although Ye Kun's attack had an impact on the sea crab, it did not hurt it so badly that it immediately attacked again when it flinched. Seeing that if Ye Kun and Feng Jiaru didn't avoid it, both of them would die. being attacked.Ye Kun grabbed Feng Jiaru's arm and was about to take her away, but Feng Jiaru slashed at Ye Kun's arm with his other hand.Ye Kun didn't think that Feng Jiaru would go crazy and try to hurt him, so he didn't dodge immediately, his arm was cut and he let go subconsciously.

At this moment of letting go, Feng Jiaru's whole body bounced out, paddling the accumulated water under his feet while moving, and there was a sound of water.However, at this very moment, the long legs of the mutated sea crab had already greeted her. The sharp horns cut through Feng Jiaru's skin, cut through her flesh and blood, and pierced into her body. There was a pair of piercing, bright red and warm. blood spurted out...

Ye Kun was sprayed with blood before he had time to react, and at this moment, the world seemed to be frozen, the picture lost its color, and there was no sound.A living person died in front of him like this, it didn't take long, just a moment, in a moment, the person was already dead, there was no time to leave a single word, no time to express the resentment in her heart, so she never spoke again Opportunity.

Even though such a thing happened, the instinct of the body still made Ye Kun retreat in a daze.He saw Feng Jiaru being hung on the sharp corner, being swung back and forth, the blood was constantly thrown out, fell into the stagnant water, and flung onto the steel wall... Even the hole on Feng Jiaru's body became bigger and even bigger. The internal organs and intestines began to run out...

The brain couldn't think normally for the time being. Ye Kun only remembered that he kept retreating farther and farther away from there until he reached a safe place. Then the alarm sounded, the radio sounded, and the damaged area was isolated and abandoned. The base, and then the base burst out of the water, fleeing the area...

(End of this chapter)

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