Chapter 248

It has been three months since the submarine base was attacked by mutant sea crabs. During these three months, due to the insecurity of the seabed and rampant zombies and beasts on land, the survivors lived like a guerrilla war. Ordinary life is very difficult.The only consolation is that the food can barely support it, and it won't starve people to death directly.Just keep fleeing and fighting, some people still lost their lives after all.

The blazing sun scorched the land where signs of life had become scarce as usual. After receiving the order, Ye Ying and Ye Kun went to the designated place to meet Lin Qi, Gu Shu, Chen Mo and others.Each of them led a small group of people to escape continuously during this period of time.In addition, there is no doubt that it is to constantly practice to improve one's ability.Everyone knows why they gather today and what needs to be done, and this is something that has been clearly told to them.This day, whether they or others who have survived to this day, has been waiting for too long.

After not seeing each other for a while, Ye Ying felt that everyone seemed to have changed a little bit, but they didn't seem to have changed much.There was no time to greet each other, so everyone greeted each other and went to General Gu.Two rows of soldiers stood neatly outside a small row of steel houses. When they saw Ye Ying and the others, they saluted one after another, and someone stepped forward to lead them into the house.

Not only General Gu is here, but Professor Sun is also here. There is also a silver box on the table, which contains something that cannot be seen.

"Here we come." General Gu's face was serious, but it was Professor Sun who greeted Ye Ying and the others first, and everyone nodded in greeting. Professor Sun also had a serious face and began to explain this time to Ye Ying and the others, "Crack the vaccine for the end of the world It has been researched, but the cost is too great, the sacrifice is too great, and we don't have time, so the opportunity is only this time, I hope you can understand."

Such words are not surprising, but when hearing it, there is still a feeling of blood boiling, at least Ye Ying is like this, and together with the blood boiling, there is no doubt that it is still stressful.But no matter how much pressure there is, there will be no shortage of things to do, dangers to face, and things to fight.

Professor Sun opened the silver-white box, and there were three medicine-like things that exuded a light green color lying inside.Ye Ying's eyes naturally fell on it, and she sighed inwardly.There are some things, I don't know whether it should be attributed to coincidence or other things, everything is implicated because of one thing, there is always an illusion... the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell.

"After repeated calculations and verifications, we estimate that these three medicines need to be used together to truly be effective. Therefore, no matter what the opportunity is, it is only this time. If you miss it, you don't know if there will be another opportunity. "Professor Sun spoke earnestly, but General Gu's tone was much more indifferent, "This time the task is related to the lives of too many people. It is still the same sentence, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed. If you fail, not only will you die, Including everyone else, it is very likely that they will not survive. Especially, Ye Ying, please understand your mission, and the rest of you must do your best to cover Ye Ying to complete the mission!"

General Gu's gaze swept across Ye Ying, Ye Kun, Lin Qi, Chen Mo, and Gu Shu, without compassion but with firmness.The moment General Gu's voice fell, the five of Ye Ying's bodies tensed up, and they shouted a simple "yes" with great momentum, making it impossible to ignore their determination.

(End of this chapter)

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