Chapter 250

The corpses of the zombies kept piling up under their feet, the pace of progress became slower and slower, and the apex was getting closer and closer, and some people began to fall down. Ye Ying wanted to save her, but she had no choice but to grit her teeth and turn her head to continue moving forward.Countless pictures suddenly flashed before her eyes. The past life, this life, and all the things she experienced seemed to be dreams.Which life is real, or both are true, or are all false, I always feel unclear.

Are you afraid of death?


Should be scared.

However, it doesn't seem so regrettable.

If death is unavoidable, Ye Ying only hopes that she can complete the task she should complete at the last moment, making the apocalypse disappear, and the living still have hope of living.Didn't I never think about it for a moment, is this kind of rebirth really real?Can this kind of rebirth really change anything?Can this life really escape the fate of the previous life?If fate is predetermined, no matter how you go, you will eventually reach the end of death, then what is so terrible about death?I only wish that when I am alive, I am worthy of anyone!

Finally reaching the apex, Ye Ying tightly held the silver-white box which was actually very light, and jumped into the crater of the extinct volcano again.

The weird alien plants that were originally small had grown into huge ones. The vine whips kept swinging towards Ye Ying, and the zombies rushed towards Ye Ying. Ye Ying could only resist with one hand.Even with the support of Ye Kun and others, she still feels powerless, but she has no fear in her heart, nor does she stop for even a second, but keeps moving forward.

In the midst of the melee, Ye Ying could no longer feel whether she was injured or how much she was injured.It's just that at some point in front of the eyes began to become blurred, and the vision became not clear enough. The big leaves of the weird plants slid so badly that people couldn't stand still, and the whole person slipped and rolled down.In the black extinct volcanic cave, only a little green light emitted by the plants themselves was illuminated. Ye Ying fell down and was caught by the rattan and thrown outside, as if she didn't want her to get close to anything.

Ordinary powers are useless to this plant, Ye Ying immediately used the healing power to turn into a blade and cut the rattan weaving.The rattan weave was cut off, and Ye Ying fell down again without restraint.After falling about 20 meters, she finally saw that there was a part that was brighter than other places in the lower part of the center of the entire large mutant plant, and there was also a hole, and there seemed to be other plants in it. of what.

More attacks from this large mutated plant came frantically, which seemed to confirm Ye Ying's conjecture.She was pleasantly surprised for a moment, and shouted, "I found it!" But her voice was hoarse and weak.Ye Ying quickly put away her emotions, and paid attention to other people, the situation was not very good, so she had to find a way by herself.Although the voice was a little weak, Ye Kun, Lin Qi, Gu Shu, and Chen Mo all heard Ye Ying's voice and began to try to go to her.It's just that it's not easy.

With the help of the attacking vine whip and the structure of the plant itself, Ye Ying used the healing ability as a weapon, and directly used the healing ability that transformed into a blade as her own help. After a few jumps, she once again avoided the vine After the whip's attack, he rushed forward and encountered an obstacle, then fell down and jumped, rolling into the position that was inexplicably brighter than other places.

(End of this chapter)

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