Chapter 251

It's not spacious inside, but it's very bright. When you step on it, it's very bright.There is nothing inside except for a crib-like thing that the plant itself imagined.On that "crib", there was a young life that did not belong to human beings lying on it.He has no ears and nose, high forehead and cheekbones, a very thin body, and a short tail.It just looks so indescribably fragile.

Ye Ying walked forward cautiously, wanting to get closer to see what it was, when a child's voice sounded like an electronic sound.

"who are you?"

There is no one else, if anyone can speak, make a sound, there is no doubt that there is only one life like this baby.

Ye Ying was silent, thinking, and didn't dare to answer easily, but also hoped that she would not say any nonsense or useless words.Rather than chatting, she wanted to know what she should do now.The key point, is it on this unknown creature?If the reagent is used on him, can it prevent the end of the world?She will not soften her heart, no matter how small and weak the other party is, as long as she can stop the end of the world from continuing, she will not soften her heart!

"Why didn't you answer?...You're thinking, kill me?" Surprise and doubt, coming from this immature voice, always make people feel unbearable.In an instant, countless vines shot towards Ye Ying from the hotbed under the baby.Ye Ying was careless, and although she dodged immediately, she was still injured in several places.

The attack she received made Ye Ying take a few steps back, but the baby spoke again.

"Last time, you came here too. I saved you. Do you know that? So now, are you going to repay your kindness?" The immature voice was dull, always feeling a little awkward, but couldn't tell what was awkward. Ye Ying turned her eyes and continued. Observing this place, I always feel that something is not particularly right.

"Are you an alien?" Ye Ying spoke for the first time, having a conversation with this unknown life.


"What do you want to do when you come to Blue Star?" Ye Ying kept moving her hands as she opened the silver-white box, took out the reagent, and held it in her hand.


"You've hurt a lot, killed a lot of innocent lives, you've made a mess of this planet..."

"Isn't this very interesting?" The voice suddenly interrupted Ye Ying's words, and there was a little complacency in her words, probably because she really thought it was very interesting.

"Not at all."

(End of this chapter)

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