Chapter 56

The other people flocked to the balcony after hearing the exclamation. From there, looking into the distance, the dark zombies were moving and advancing rapidly in this direction.

After rebirth, Ye Ying encountered such a large-scale collective movement of zombies for the first time.

She had experienced it in her previous life, but that was the situation a long time later. It is only such a short time in the last days, and it is impossible for zombies with leadership capabilities to have evolved.If this is true, the evolution rate of human beings is more than ten times slower than that of zombies.

Now is not the time to think about these things, she is not afraid, but it is only serious for these people to escape as soon as possible.You can't pretend to stay here without being discovered by the zombies, and then escape. When the zombies arrive and find them, they may really be unable to escape.

Another very important point is that when zombies gather like this, humans have almost nowhere to hide.Even if they hide in the house, they will still be found.

One zombie, two, three, or even four or five zombies may not be able to destroy the building, but forty or fifty, four hundred or five hundred or even four thousand or five thousand?

"Bring a little water, food, weapons, and prepare to escape immediately! If you don't want to be a zombie's meal, hurry up!"

Everyone who was temporarily intimidated by the appearance of the big wave of zombies woke up one after another by Ye Ying's roar, and subconsciously started to act immediately, probably because they had experienced the same situation where they had to flee immediately.

"Liu Zhuang, come with me and drive the car downstairs first." The boy wearing glasses called someone, then glanced at Ye Ying, Ye Ying said, "My car is parked outside the community." He didn't What more to say, the three of them went downstairs together first.

Ye Ying and their actions were inconsistent. After walking to the first floor together, Liu Zhuang and the boy wearing glasses ran to their car while Ye Ying ran to the outside of the community.

These people are very mobile. Ye Ying rushed to the outside of the community and got into her car. When she first started driving, the sound of their car's engine could be heard inside the community.

It can be imagined that almost when the two people drove the car downstairs, the people upstairs had already packed their things and rushed downstairs.After the others got into the car quickly, the car drove directly outside the community.

Ye Ying started the car, and the speed of the car was so fast, the speed of the other two cars was also so fast, they followed Ye Ying's car and ran for their lives together.

When they were upstairs, they saw that the zombies were coming from the northeast, and they couldn't figure out where they were going, but if they fled all the way south, they shouldn't encounter them head-on.

Ye Ying was about to continue going south, and the two large bases in the south and west were the closest to here, so going south was almost without any shaken decision in Ye Ying's consciousness.

Time suddenly became urgent, not only not to collide with this large wave of zombies head-on, but even just passing them by may encounter a major crisis.Therefore, they want to get as far away from here as possible before the big wave of zombies arrives in this area.

Ye Ying drove across this road more than ten minutes ago. There were not many zombies on the road, but now there are obviously more.One after another, the zombies were knocked into the air and crushed by the wheels, but more zombies appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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