Chapter 57

These zombies appeared collectively from nowhere, and their target was not Ye Ying. They seemed to want to join the other zombies and join the main force.

It's fine when there are three or four zombies gathered in front of the car, but when five or six zombies stand in front of the car, it's not easy to just knock them into the air.

A person's disadvantages are greatly magnified at this time. If a person uses supernatural powers to help clean up the zombies, he will not be blocked by the gathered zombies.

At this time, several abilities hit the zombies gathered in front of Ye Ying's car.The zombies hit by the ability lost their ability to move, and fell down one after another. When they fell, they were pulled to the side by some force.

Ye Ying didn't expect that the people behind would come to help her... It's not enough to save her after all, after all, she is not completely in danger now.

Even though what they did was tantamount to saving themselves, Ye Ying still thanked them in her heart, and then drove more seriously, not daring to relax.

When I turned a corner, I was caught off guard, and the zombie tide team walked across another street.Ye Ying looked at the scene not far away, even if it was not the first time she saw it, the only word she could use to describe her inner feelings was shock.

The zombies advanced one by one densely. Although the footsteps were not uniform, they were clustered together. Even if the one in front didn't move, it would be pushed away by the zombies behind.

If you want to describe it, it is probably the situation when the crowds rush into the train on the No. [-] Metro Line during the rush hour, or when she was in college, waiting for the elevator before class, and waiting for her turn to get on the elevator.Although I can't move by myself, but even if I don't move... I can still get on the subway or the elevator - being squeezed.

I don't know where the head of this zombie tide is, let alone where the end is.Ye Ying braked suddenly, even if she didn't turn around, she couldn't just rush up and rush into the pile of zombies to die.

A few zombies turned their heads slowly and looked in Ye Ying's direction. At this moment, Ye Ying had already turned the car and drove to the other side of the street.

She didn't see that the zombies looked this way and seemed to want to walk towards them, but they seemed to be guided by something else and continued to move in the original direction.

Ye Ying turned the front of the car, only to see that except for one person driving, the roof of the car was opened, and everyone else was standing.When Ye Ying braked and turned the car, they also turned the car and continued to follow Ye Ying's car to escape.

The speed of the car had been raised to the fastest speed, and time passed bit by bit. Ye Ying didn't know how many streets they had crossed and how many zombies they had killed.It was only after she managed to get out of the suburbs and saw the rice fields and peanut fields one acre next to the other that she realized that she was out of danger.

The setting sun has disappeared in the sky, but the endless sky is still dyed with orange and red rays, and the white clouds are also dyed into warm colors. The light shines on the concrete road, reflecting a different kind of brilliance.

Ye Ying slowed down the speed of the car and slowly stopped beside the road.There are no tall buildings and buildings, and there are many fewer obstacles to the line of sight. You can see far away at a glance, and there are no traces of zombies.

At some point, Ye Ying's forehead and back were covered with sweat. She panted heavily, then leaned back on the car seat and laughed silently.She raised her hand and wiped her face, wiped away the sweat dripping from her forehead, took out a water bottle and took a big sip of water.Having escaped the crisis, she has to talk to these people...

(End of this chapter)

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