Chapter 78

"Mom and Dad, if the people at the base ask us if we have supernatural powers, you can just say no. My brother, Xie Wei and I will all admit that we have supernatural powers, so they won't doubt us."

Xie Wei does have supernatural powers, the fire element, otherwise she would not have been able to make it all the way home from N City in Province J so easily.

This was something that had been discussed before, and it was impossible for Ye Ying and Ye Kun to let their parents face so many dangers again.It just so happens that their parents have supernatural powers. If they stay in the base, they basically don't have to worry about trouble or being bullied.

Ye Ying is not going to report her three-line abilities for the time being, and that time has not yet come.Not long after she finished speaking, Ye's father and Ye's mother agreed with her words and did not raise any objections.

Guns and other things were naturally placed in Mama Ye's space, but weapons such as bone choppers were not necessary.Some food and water have already been taken out, waiting to go to the base to change to a better place to live.

The closer you are to the large rescue base in the west, the more you can feel the breath of living people.A large power grid surrounded the base, leaving only one opening for cars to pass by, and a team of soldiers guarded it specially, and at the same time, they also covered the ordinary people who had fled.

Although there were people queuing up, the line was not very long, and soon it was Ye Ying's turn.There is still some distance from the gate of the base, so there is no special inspection, just record the number of people and gender first.

Ye Ying and the others were quickly released, and then drove to the gate of the base. There were also two teams of soldiers guarding there with guns. This was to prevent riots or sudden corpse changes.

In order to ensure the safety inside the base, anyone entering from the outside will undoubtedly have to go through strict inspections, and there will be several days of isolation and observation in addition.

It's not that cars cannot be driven into the base, but they must be strictly disinfected before they are allowed.Furthermore, after the vehicle enters the base, it cannot be used at will, and an application is required.

Ye Ying and the others drove the car to the place where the information was recorded at the gate of the base before getting out of the car, then moved all the things down, and then handed over the car to the soldiers who came up to take over.

"A family?" The female officer in charge of recording looked up at Ye Ying and the five of them and asked.

"Yes, my parents, and two younger sisters." Ye Kun walked in the front, negotiating with the female officer.

This kind of answer was somewhat beyond the female officer's expectations. There are too few parents and family members who can come to this western base with the whole family.

"Report your name, gender, date of birth, and whether you have supernatural abilities in turn, and show them to us for confirmation. People with supernatural abilities can get better living conditions, and if you are willing to hand in water or food, It can also be used in exchange for better living conditions.”

"Any questions?"

"Do we need to turn in all the water and food?"

"No, you can pay as much as you want... Of course, the more the better, the better for us. Are there any questions?"


"Then report the information, according to the order I just said, name, gender, date of birth, whether there is any ability, what ability and display."

Ye Kun nodded, and reported his own information first, while the female officer kept writing on the paper.After Ye Kun, Ye Quan, Xie Chunfang, Xie Wei, and Ye Ying reported their information respectively.

After handing in some water and food, plus the benefits of the three supernatural beings, they successfully got a three-bedroom house.

After being quarantined for three full days, Ye Ying and the others really entered the base.

(End of this chapter)

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