Chapter 79

There are undoubtedly two worlds inside and outside the base.

People who fled to the base from other places full of zombies and hardly seen living people, when they stepped into the base, they would inevitably have the idea of ​​"opening the door to a new world".

The end of the world is almost a month away. At this time, the large rescue base in the west accommodates a lot of survivors, although this number is only relative to the capacity of the base.If you want to compare it with the original base of 13 billion people, there are really too few people who survived.

The five of Ye Ying and the others were taken to the assigned residence. On the way, they saw a lot of men and women, as well as soldiers standing guard at fixed points and small groups of soldiers patrolling the base to maintain order.

All the soldiers have serious expressions, and their resolute faces give people a sense of calmness and reliability.Men and women have their own looks, either fearful or panicked or calm and calm.

With guns and ammunition as weapons, coupled with the fact that the number of soldiers is large enough, and the number and abilities of the soldiers are not low, it is easy to suppress civilians.

Because of this, the management in the base is actually very strict, and no one is allowed to be presumptuous, but where there are people, conflicts are inevitable.

Such absolute force suppression was only at the very beginning.No matter what dangerous tasks there are, soldiers have always rushed to the forefront, and worked hard to protect civilians and protect civilians with supernatural powers, so the number of soldiers sacrificed is far higher than that of civilians.

Although the country later recruited volunteers from civilians to join the army, after all, there are too few soldiers who can make selfless dedication and sacrifice compared to soldiers who absolutely obey orders.

"The people living here are all supernatural beings like you," the soldier who led Ye Ying and the others upstairs explained to them, "The amount of electricity and water provided every day is distributed according to each person. It’s missing, so I hope you don’t waste it.”

"For the time being, there is no way for the base to provide things like food for free. If you have abilities, you can go to the management area next door to receive tasks. Each task will have a corresponding reward according to the degree of danger. It doesn't matter if you don't have abilities. We still need A lot of talents... such as doctors, nurses, people who understand agriculture."

Water is only used for washing, and you have to figure out how to drink water every day; electricity is actually only supplied to residents at night, and the purpose is only to provide lighting.

Even in the last days, people will get sick. If there is no medicine and the person's constitution is not very good, maybe a cold will become terminally ill.Therefore, doctors and nurses are also important, but if you want to survive, you still have to grow food.

The country does have a certain amount of grain reserves, but everyone understands the truth of sitting and eating.

Providing missions so that civilians have access to food is equivalent to supporting people, and in addition to supporting soldiers—they must go as long as they are assigned missions, and they have no right to choose or escape. It can even be said that It's because every day is spinning before the gate of hell, so the speed of consumption is... very pessimistic.

"Here we are, this is the room."

The entire large-scale rescue base in the western countries is roughly divided into four areas, dormitory area, living area, management area, and scientific research area.

(End of this chapter)

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