Chapter 87

The day after Ye Ying and the three of them decided on the first task, Ye Kun accompanied Ye's father to accept the task of digging trenches.After all, this kind of physical work is not suitable for Ye Mama to do in addition to the hot weather.Even if Mother Ye is going to take the task, she can only wait until she sees a suitable task.

After a good rest for a day, Ye Ying and Ye Kun and Xie Wei had already washed up at 05:30 on the third day early in the morning. After finishing the preparation, they can go down after checking that there is nothing missing. Went upstairs to assemble.

Ye Quan and Xie Chunfang felt restless and got up early. Originally, Mother Ye planned to get up at four o'clock to make breakfast for them, and wanted them to eat breakfast before going out.But Ye Ying and the others didn't want to make Ye's mother busy early in the morning, so they didn't agree to it.

"Dad, Mom, let's go."

After confirming that the three people are all ready, Ye Kun said goodbye to his parents, Ye Ying and Xie Wei also said goodbye to Ye Quan and Xie Chunfang, and then went downstairs under the watchful eyes of Ye's father and Ye's mother .

When Ye Ying and the others arrived at the meeting place, it was 15 minutes before six o'clock. At this time, there were only two or three people, and they were all men.During the 45 minutes from 15:[-] to [-]:[-], the rest of the civilian supernatural beings who participated in this mission were all present.

Including the three of Ye Ying and the others, a total of 30 civilians with supernatural powers participated in this mission.Fifteen of them are men, mostly between the ages of [-] and [-]; the remaining five women, Ye Ying and Xie Wei, Jiang Lan and Xie Lin, and another girl who is only in her early twenties .

Before the meeting, Jiang Lan and Xie Lin didn't know that Ye Ying and the others were also participating in this mission. When they first saw it, they couldn't help saying their fate in their hearts, but they just said hello from a distance and didn't join them.

The other girl saw that there were women who were willing to participate in the mission like her, and they were about the same age, so she smiled kindly at Ye Ying and the others.

Among the 20 people who participated in the task, except for one or two who signed up alone, the rest were in a group, or two or three people, or four or five people together.

The five girls still respect and respect each other, because they all know that it is not easy, but some of the men who participated in the task together did not.

There were at least four or five people who showed dislike in their eyes, and one even yelled loudly with disdain, "Oh, why are there so many women in this mission, don't hold back the big guy!" Yes." His tone was harsh, and his face was even more disgusting.

Most of the unrelated people had an attitude of watching the show and didn't say much. When his sister was said so, Ye Kun couldn't help but look at that person without kindness even though he was calm and didn't make trouble.

In the eyes of the other party, Ye Kun's behavior is clearly provocative.In fact, it was because of Ye Kun's look at him that he felt two points of fear.

"What are you looking at? What's there to see? Am I wrong?" Li Sheng said with a hard mouth, and sneered twice, "You protect these two little girls so much, maybe they are sleeping with you Quite a lot, can I serve you comfortably?" After finishing speaking, Li Sheng laughed again, as if what he said was so funny.

Everyone only saw that after Li Sheng laughed a few times, he suddenly hugged his head and his face turned pale.He knelt down and groaned in pain. Two or three people came forward to look at him, but they were standing five steps away.

(End of this chapter)

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