Chapter 88

Only Li Sheng knew that he had a sudden headache like this because he felt his head was stabbed by something.The pain was really too sharp, otherwise he wouldn't be ashamed in front of so many people.

Being arrogant, he didn't expect that the woman he insulted would do it. Li Sheng only wondered if Ye Kun had some evil skills?He was just stared at, and then his head hurt like this?
Others cared about Li Sheng from afar and didn't care, so they didn't listen at all. It was too difficult for him to grit his teeth and endure the pain, and the veins on his forehead were so violent that his face became ferocious and distorted.

"what happened?"

Just when Li Sheng felt the pain in his head subside a little, an officer came over and asked, this is the person in charge of this mission.

Li Sheng's rations had almost bottomed out, that's why he came out to take up this mission. If he couldn't go to participate in the mission this time, then he would have to starve.So even though his head was still hurting, Li Sheng endured the pain and stood up with difficulty and said, "A little problem, don't delay things, I can still participate in the mission."

The officer frowned and glanced at Li Sheng. His face was pale, and cold sweat was streaming down his forehead. He didn't seem to be okay at all... "If you feel unwell, go back and rest. If you can't fight, then you won't have to drag others down."

The officer spoke a little rudely, but he slapped Li Sheng hard in the face who just said that Ye Ying and the others would drag others down.Li Sheng recalled what he said earlier, and when he heard two or three women laughing unceremoniously, his pale face suddenly turned red and white, which was wonderful.

Most of the pain in the head disappeared in a short while, and Li Sheng's complexion improved a little. He could only say bitterly, "It's okay, it's really okay and it won't drag others down." The officer let him go and let him go Everyone gathered, went to have breakfast together and then set off.

Including the army's supernatural beings, a total of [-] people participated in the mission this time, so it seems that there should be a lot of things to be moved, because it is said that after investigation, it is determined that the danger is not great.

Fifty people were divided into two vehicles, both military and civilian superhumans were equally divided, and each military vehicle had 25 superhumans.

Only soldiers have guns and guns. When going to neighboring cities, there are tanks opening the way ahead. If there are no zombies that are not crushed or dead, the soldiers can shoot them out. There is no need to use abilities.

Zombies themselves do not have the ability to reproduce. Apart from biting humans to mutate humans, zombies have no other way to increase. Therefore, being able to kill one more zombie is tantamount to representing one less zombie in the world.Therefore, even though it was only to move things, the army did not let go of the zombies that had the opportunity to kill.

The distance from the base was getting farther and farther, and the scattered zombies on the road gradually increased, and the people in the car became more and more serious.The sound of gunfire was endless, and every breath of air that was drawn into the lungs was mixed with the smell of gunpowder and the disgusting smell from the zombies.

Ye Ying and the other five girls were in one car, while Li Sheng got into another car.After thinking about it, he still felt that someone had tampered with him, and that's why his head suddenly hurt like that.However, he couldn't figure out who and how it was that touched him, and he had a sudden headache when he didn't feel anything.

(End of this chapter)

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