Chapter 30

It would be another man who confessed to Ye Shuyu in public and ignored it, but this Su Enjun is the grandson of his grandmother's best friend, and his father and uncle are business partners, so it's really hard for her to say unfeeling words.

A week ago, that is, the second day after she returned to China, grandma arranged a blind date for her and Su Enjun in a high-end western restaurant. At that time, grandma told her that she would have a simple meal with her, and she also agreed I didn't think much about it, and when I got there, I found my grandma wasn't there. There was a handsome young man sitting on the seat. Ye Shuyu figured it out after thinking about it a little.

As can be imagined later, the atmosphere was awkward for a while, the two hadn't had much communication, and he was blushing all the time, stammering, and it took about ten minutes for Ye Shu and Ye Shu to feel that this person was familiar. She was in the United States. She saw him on the business news, the prince of the Su Technology Group, a very powerful person, she remembered seeing him on the news, his English was so smooth and easy to deal with others, how could he become a blushing person in front of her? Little stuttered.

She just thought about it, and didn't have any feelings for him. To be precise, if it wasn't for grandma's face, she would have left the table at the beginning. Half an hour later, Ye Shu and he said something was up, and left.

Afraid that grandma would nag her, she didn't go to see grandma, so she said on the phone that she didn't like it. Who knew that Su Enjun had found the entrance of the hospital now, and listening to his voice, grandma cheated on her, and she didn't say anything satisfactory at all. .

Ye Shuyu is not a sloppy person, especially in relationships, if she likes it, she likes it or doesn't like it, or she doesn't like it. She sees too many women around her who are holding each other in their arms and holding each other in their hands. That is irresponsible and makes her price drop.

She said, "Su Enjun, my grandma is very concerned about my life-long affairs, so I didn't know about the blind date at the beginning. I didn't tell the truth and didn't leave because of politeness. Afterwards, I also made it clear to my grandma. Feeling, but my grandma didn't tell you the truth, which caused you to misunderstand, now I tell you, I don't like you, I already have someone I like, I'm chasing, I hope you will respect yourself." Ye Shuhe turned around after finishing speaking After leaving, she didn't even look at the rose he handed over.

Ye Shu took an online car-hailing service, reported the address to the driver, and the car left the hospital.

In the car, Ye Shuhe opened the bag and took out the makeup box to make up.

She has fair skin and good facial features, so makeup is relatively simple. With a few strokes of the eyebrow pencil, two delicate eyebrows come out. After applying lipstick and blush, it is done in less than 3 minutes. Checked it out, [-]% satisfied.

The driver was an uncle in his 40s. He saw her putting on makeup from the rearview mirror, and asked with a smile, "Little girl, is she going to meet her boyfriend?"

Ye Shu and Xiaoxiao said, "I'm chasing you."

The driver uncle was very surprised, "The little girl is so beautiful and she still has to chase someone else, that person should be very good."

Ye Shu and her smile deepened and they didn't speak.

Is car mechanic a good job?Maybe others will feel that the price has dropped, but she thinks it is very good.

Ye Shuhe asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road, paid online, and got out of the car.

Because she is going to meet Qin Jun today, Ye Shuhe specially wore a dress that she likes very much. She is very fond of translucent tulle materials, black, red and purple. She has fair skin and a good figure, so she can wear any color , and the effect of wearing them is also different. For example, the black tulle mid-sleeve style she wore last time, she looks mature and charming. The red sleeveless one she wore today, without underwear, the whole white The back is looming under the red tulle, and the front is still low-cut. It can be said to be extremely sexy, but the red color makes people feel a little sweet, sexy but not greasy. The seven-point tight denim outlines her straight and slender legs. White Seven centimeter high heels, stepping off the car, has a sense of sight of a car model.

Ye Shu and the chestnut big waves have been loose all year round, the hair is soft and shiny, and they have a restrained and glamorous face. No matter where they go or what they do, they feel extraordinary and refined, as if they have a fairy spirit on them, which is inexplicable Give people a sense of alienation that cannot be matched.

There are a total of five clerks in the car repair shop. They are all in the shop today. They have nothing to do at this time, so they just sit in front of the shop and talk nonsense. Each of them has a cigarette in their mouth. They all stared out, and the cigarette butts fell to the ground one by one, not including Qin Juan.

Qin Juan only glanced lightly, smiled lowly, and took a drag on his cigarette.

The little girl's clothes are really... very bold, this top looks like she's not wearing it, when she walks, it looks like it's not wrapped in material, it's very attractive.

Ma Xiaokan almost had a nosebleed, and saw Qin Jun next to him calmly, as if he hadn't noticed, smoking a cigarette one mouthful after another.

He said, "Brother Jun, why didn't you respond? She's not the girl she used to be, so there's no reason why you didn't respond."

Qin Juan thought to himself, how do you know if Lao Tzu's little brother grows up on him or not?

But he said, "Think about her three brothers, what can happen if there is a reaction."

Ma Xiao immediately stopped talking.

He knew the virtue of Ye Huaizhi's sister-in-law, and it reminded him of an incident a long time ago.

That happened when several people went to Qin Shu's chestnut garden with Ye Huaizhi and his two roommates from Lincheng to pick chestnuts.

At that time, several people bought stewed vegetables and wine in Uncle Qin Jun's hut at the foot of the mountain to eat and drink. What happened to the tree?"

As soon as Ma Xiao heard it, he knew that Qin Shu liked Ye Shuyu and couldn't keep it a secret, so he told the truth. Ye Huaizhi's expression was extremely ugly at that time, and asked, "Does Shuyu know?"

In Ye Huaizhi's heart, her fourth sister is still a child, such a pure child should not know these nonsense things, which will affect her mental health and development.

Ma Xiaoxiao, "I don't know, Qin Shu is unrequited love, don't worry, Shu Yu doesn't know."

Qin Jun didn't want to hide it from him, so he told about Qin Shu blocking Ye Shu and the school gate to confess his love. Don't piss and act according to your own virtues, don't think that after playing with me for a few days, I really don't treat you as outsiders, dare to hit my sister's idea, and even cheat me together, believe it or not, I really tricked you."

Ye Huaizhi was really angry at the time. How could his younger sister, who was pampered by everyone in the Ye family since she was a child, eats, drinks, and dresses pampered, experience being blocked by men at the school gate to confess her love when she was a teenager? She must have been terrified at the time, and he still regarded that person as his brother.

(End of this chapter)

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