Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 31 She Has Someone She Likes

Chapter 31 She Has Someone She Likes

Qin Jun, Ma Xiao and Wang Congming, who were hurt by Qin Shu, didn't speak. They also knew in their hearts how different they were from Second Young Master Ye. Although they played together, they still respected him from the bottom of their hearts. Shu Fei quickly persuaded Ye Huaizhi that he was a bit too much. Yes, Ye Huaizhi drank too much wine, and it took a while to wake up. Seeing Qin Jun and the others bowed their heads and remained silent, he felt that he had gone too far, so he hurriedly apologized to them, "I'm sorry, I was just in a hurry, my sister is still young. , I don't want her to get in touch with feelings too early, I hope you can understand me, but I'm not wrong, my sister will not look for you even if she closes her eyes, it's not that I look down on you, you are my brothers, but my sister She is my only sister, and I don't want her to live the life of a countryman in the future." His sister is so beautiful and outstanding, she will definitely be like her mother, marry a successful person when she grows up, be a wealthy wife, and not worry about living.

Ma Xiao and Wang Congming nodded and said, "Ye Huaizhi, I know, we are not angry, you are right, the tree is beyond its control."

Qin Jun also said, "I've taught him a lesson, he won't disturb your sister's healthy growth anymore."

Ye Huaizhi was laughed at by his words of healthy growth, patted him on the shoulder, and stopped mentioning it, and they continued drinking and punching.

The matter seemed to pass like that, however, until one day, Ma Xiao received a call from Qin Shu, saying that he wanted to borrow money, saying that he had broken a leg in the hospital, Ma Xiao only found out after asking that it was Ye Huaizhi who called him.

So they all knew that Ye Huaizhi was not easy to mess with, especially his sister.

Qin Jun was also thinking about this, and took another puff of cigarette. Seeing Ye Shuhe walking towards this side, he got up and heard Song Qian whispering to a shopmate, "This chick is not bad, if it can be done overnight , death is worth it." He laughed wretchedly.

Qin Juan kicked his chair violently, Song Qian talked vigorously, but couldn't sit still, and fell to the ground, staring at Qin Juan, Qin Juan said, "Keep your mouth clean, and I will kill you next time. "After finishing speaking, I left.

Although the two of them were usually at odds, Qin Jun ignored Song Qian's provocation. It felt like his son was provoking his father, and Song Qian was that son. Money, all looked silly.

Wu Jie asked Ma Xiao, "Ma Xiao, is that Leng Yan young lady familiar with Brother Jun? Why do you protect her so much? You can't even make a joke?"

Ma Xiaoxiao, "The girl's brother is a good brother to us." He added in his heart that once, now Ye Huaizhi will forget them all, things are different.

When Song Qian heard it, he felt that he could not get off the stage. He really went too far by insulting his good brother's sister with his words, so he entered the shop angrily.

Ye Shuyu looked at Qin Jun and asked, "Aren't you busy today?"

The five clerks were smoking to pass the time, and grass grew in the idle ones.

Qin Juan hummed lightly, took out the list and gave it to her, "This is the maintenance list, please take a look."

Ye Shuhe took it, looked directly at the consumption total below, took out the card from the bag, and said, "Let me swipe the card." Qin Juan said, "There is no card machine in the store." His eyes were fixed on her back.

"Ah?" Ye Shuyu was in trouble, and said again, "Then I'll go get the money." As he was about to turn around, he bumped into someone's arms, and when he looked up, it was actually Su Enjun.

Ye Shuyu frowned, and saw his Audi stopped not far away, obviously following her all the way.

In fact, Su Enjun was always behind her. She just walked towards Qin Jun and didn't pay attention to him, so she bumped into Su Enjun when she turned her head. Su Enjun didn't expect her to turn back suddenly. She was about to jump out, and her speech was even more stammering, "Shu... Shuyu, I... I have cash in the car, I... go get it." Then before Ye Shuyu could speak, he ran away up.

Qin Jun had seen Su Enjun a long time ago, and didn't know they knew each other. Seeing Su Enjun blushing and stammering when he was talking to her, he thought it was funny, so he lit another cigarette and looked playfully.

Ye Shuyu was a little annoyed, and when she saw Qin Jun holding a cigarette and the faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she was even more annoyed and a little unhappy.

Does he really only think of her as a little girl and little sister?Shouldn't she be a woman?

Su Enjun quickly ran back and gave Qin Jun a few thick wads of money, saying, "Have you counted enough? I still have it in the car."

Qin Jun took it, took three stacks and drew five hundred from the new stack, handed the rest to Su Enjun, and said, "Wait, I'll go find some change."

Su Enjun said, "You don't need to look for it, just buy cigarettes for you brothers."

Qin Jun really stopped in his tracks, raised his money and said with a smile, "Thank you then." The little stutterer was pretty good at it.

Ye Shuyu asked, "What are you doing with so much cash when you go out?"

Su Enjun stopped stuttering, "My sister said that dating a girl costs money, so it's best to carry cash with you, as some small shops don't accept credit cards." Facts have proved that what my sister said is right, otherwise she wouldn't show it in front of the girl she likes Opportunity.

Ye Shu was shocked.

So you brought tens of thousands of cash?

Ye Shuyu said thank you, he said no thanks, Jun blushed even more, Qin Jun asked, "Your boyfriend?"

Ye Shu and her heart skipped a beat, Su Enjun hurriedly answered, "I'm chasing her."

Qin Juan snorted, handed Ye Shu and the car keys to her, turned around and left.

Ye Shuyu looked at his tall back and clenched his knuckles.

He doesn't care at all...

Ye Shuhe pushed Su Enjun away, and drove away at a very fast speed, leaving Su Enjun secretly sad to smell the car exhaust.

Qin Jun felt that this little stutter was pitiful, the little girl didn't give her any face, and she even spent tens of thousands of dollars.

He walked over and handed Su Enjun a cigarette, Su Enjun said thank you, no need, Qin Jun asked, "Do you like her that much?"

Su Enjun was still looking at the direction where her car left, and nodded, "Well, but she has someone she likes."

Qin Jun was a little surprised, "Oh?" I'm 21 this year, it's normal to have a man I like, but my heart feels a little... empty.

Su Enjun's tone suddenly became resentful, "She said she was chasing that man, it's really annoying, Shu is so nice to people, that man is so ignorant."

Qin Jun laughed again.

So this kid is complaining about his rival for letting his beloved girl chase him.

However, he was still very curious about the man that the little girl could chase after.

After Su Enjun left, Ma Xiao asked Qin Jun, "Shu and Yu really have someone they like, who is so lucky, I am so jealous." .

Qin Juan touched his lower lip with the tip of his tongue, but did not speak.

Ye Shu and Zai were struggling with how to return the money to Su Enjun without seeing each other. After thinking about it for a few days, they finally thought of Lin Cake.

(End of this chapter)

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