Chapter 32

She immediately called Lin Cake, explained what happened, and transferred 500 yuan to her Alipay, telling her to find a way to return the money to Su Enjun.

Lin Cake complained over there, "Shu Yu, aren't you embarrassing me? You don't even have his phone number and WeChat account. Just tell me his company address and name. How can I find it?"

Ye Shu said, "I don't care. You haven't paid me back the favor I gave you when I went to the century wedding last time. After finishing this matter, it will be treated as your repayment. If you don't talk about it, I'll hang up."

She doesn't doubt Lin Cake's ability at all. That woman is a know-it-all, and there is nothing she can't handle in the expensive circle of Lincheng.

Ye Shuyu suddenly thought of one thing, Lin Cake doesn't have a boyfriend, Su Enjun doesn't have a girlfriend, maybe the two of them can... have fun.

Su Enjun said that Qin Jun's reaction to chasing her made Ye Shuyu very uncomfortable, and he didn't have the confidence to ask him to eat. In addition, there were many patients in the hospital and there was an operation row, so he gradually put aside the matter of eating and put Qin Jun Also set aside.

This has been busy for two months, and seeing Qin Jun again is also an accident.

This day, Ye Shu and her evening shift were walking towards the outside of the hospital and greeted the little nurse who came to work on the night shift. Ye Shu was kind and kind. Although she looked cold, whenever people talked to her, she always smiled at each other. , so she was given the title of Hospital Flower within a few days after she first came to work in the hospital. Doctors, nurses and patients all like her very much.

On the steps in front of the hospital, a girl was sitting there covering her face and crying. Ye Shu and subconsciously slowed down, listening to who the girl was calling.

"I don't have enough money, you can transfer one thousand to me... how can two hundred be enough for surgery... I'm afraid of pain, I want to do painless... You bastard, you are not afraid of me telling my brother... woo woo woo..." Over there Seemingly hung up, the girl hugged her phone and started crying as if there was no one there.

Ye Shuhe walked past her, took a few steps and looked back, feeling a little familiar, thought about it carefully, and finally stopped and walked towards the girl again.

The girl felt someone, raised her head, and saw a beautiful woman looking at herself, she quickly wiped away her tears and stood up from the steps, put her phone in her pocket, turned around as if to walk, Ye Shu asked, "Are you Xiao Ma's younger sister?"

I remember when I was in the first grade of junior high school in Qingli Town, the girl asked her for a headband made by her mother. Although she wanted to give it to her in the end, it still didn’t work out. She seemed to have seen it a few times after that, but she didn’t know her well and never spoke to her. .

Ma Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded her head, shaking her head as if thinking of something, Ye Shuhe thought of what she said on the phone just now, probably because she was afraid that her brother would find out and scold her.

Just say, "My name is Ye Shuyu. I'm your brother's friend. I work here. Can I help you?"

"I know you, that beautiful girl in Qingli Town." Ma Lin thought of her, and thought about how bad she was, tears fell down again,
Ye Shuyu said, "Don't cry, I won't tell your brother, you tell me what happened, maybe I can help you."

Ma Lin cried again, "I talked about a boyfriend, my brother didn't agree, but I lived with him behind his back, and now I'm pregnant, I don't have money for surgery, that bastard doesn't care about me, I... I Don’t dare to tell my brother, he will kill me... woo woo woo..."

Ye Shuyu thought for a while, "I can help you with the operation, but the operation requires the signature of your family members, so you can't hide it from your brother, you should tell your brother well, your brother will not scold you." Seeing that she was still crying , kept shaking his head violently, apparently terrified of his brother, and said, "With me here, I won't let your brother scold you, now I'll take you to your brother, and you tell him in person, and , it’s not good for your health if this kind of thing drags on for a long time.”

Obviously that man doesn't want to be responsible, the child can't stay, the sooner the surgery, the better.

Ma Lin didn't speak, her eyes were already crying into walnuts. Ye Shu and waited for her to make a decision. Finally, she nodded slightly and said timidly, "You promise that my brother won't hit me?"

"Well, I will pull him." Ye Shuyu said the truth.

In other words, brother will still beat her.

Ma Lin cried again, Ye Shuyu didn't know what to say, took her to the parking lot, let her get in the car, and drove to the car repair shop.

On the way, Ye Shu asked, "I remember your brother went to a vocational high school? Why did you go to repair cars?"

Ma Lin said, "It's not because of Qin Jun. If it weren't for him, my brother wouldn't have been dropped out of school and driven out of the house by my parents, and he would have lost so much money."

The speed of the car suddenly decreased, and Ye Shu clenched the hands holding the steering wheel tightly, and asked, "Brother Qin Jun... did something happen?"

Ma Lin recalled and said, "I don't know the specifics. Five years ago, he accidentally injured a person, and he lost a lot of money. I lent the money to Qin Jun, but in the end he was compensated and sued for intentional wounding and sentenced to two and a half years." The car slammed to the brakes, and Ye Shu nearly hit the windshield with her body leaning forward. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and the car behind her was honking, obviously angry at her sudden stop on the road. This behavior was quite dangerous, so Ye Shuhe hurriedly started the car and continued walking.

Ma Lin was also taken aback by the sudden braking, and heard the car behind chasing up and yelling at their car, she asked, "Sister and sister, are you okay?"

Ye Shu and her face turned pale, she quickly shook her head, "No, it's just a surprise."

Five years ago, that is, one year after she left Qingli town, why did he beat someone?What happened?Although he was incomprehensible and confused, he had never heard of him seriously injuring anyone during those years in Qingli, and he himself was not impulsive. Two and a half years in prison?

The car moved forward steadily, and her mood fluctuated all the way. When she saw the repaired billboard, she said, "Don't tell your brother that I know about it."

Although Ma Lin didn't know what was going on, she nodded and said yes.

Ye Shuyu said again, "Don't tell Qin Jun, don't tell anyone."

"Okay, I won't tell." Seeing her expression, Ma Lin felt that she seemed to be holding back tears. If she hadn't been there, she might have cried. She knew Ye Shu and her. When they were in Qingli Town, her brother She and her brother are good friends, and she often sees their teenagers going to an Internet cafe to eat barbecue.

Then she should have a good relationship with Qin Jun. Reminiscent of her reaction to what happened just now, Ma Lin suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Ye Shuhe likes Qin Jun?
She was about to ask a question when the car stopped. Ma Lin saw her brother who was sitting at the door of the store joking with his colleagues, her face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't remember what she was thinking just a second ago.

(End of this chapter)

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