Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 33 Watching Him Get Captured

Chapter 33 Watching Him Get Captured

Seeing her look like a mouse seeing a cat, Ye Shu comforted her, "Don't be afraid."

Just got out of the car.

As soon as Ye Shu and the car stopped, several shop assistants looked at her. Qin Jun was cleaning a car. Seeing the familiar Cadillac, he only glanced at her, sprayed the car with foam, and continued to wash the car.

Ma Xiaopao went to Ma Lin and asked, "Xiao Lin, why are you here?" His face was full of joy, obviously he wanted to see his sister very much.

Ma Lin didn't dare to look at her, held back her tears and didn't speak, and hid behind Ye Shuhe.

Ma Xiao turned cold and asked, "What's the matter? Are you with that bastard again? Could it be that he beat you?"

Speaking of the heartless man, Ma Lin burst into tears again, and hugged his arm, "Brother, I...I...he's a bastard, he's not human... woo woo woo..."

Seeing this, Qin Jun signaled Wu Jie to come over, then gave him the car wash hose, walked towards Ye Shu and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Shuyu said, "Let's talk about it in another place." There are so many people around, and the girl has a thin skin, what should I say about that kind of thing.

Qin Jun said, "Let's go to the store and talk about it." Then he headed towards the store.

Ma Xiao also guessed that something serious must have happened, so he entered the shop with a dark face.

There is a small room in the store, with a water dispenser, desk, and chairs. It should be the boss's office. Ye Shu and whispered to Ma Lin, "Talk to your brother, I will wait for you outside."

Then he stood at the door of the small room and didn't go in. Qin Jun also saw that the siblings had something to do, so he didn't go in. After Ma Xiao and Ma Lin went in, he closed the door.

Soon, Ma Xiao roared, "You're pregnant! You're mad at me! Didn't I let you be with him? Why didn't you listen to me..."

Ma Xiao's voice was so loud that even a few clerks standing at the door of the store heard it. Wu Jie rushed over to ask what happened. Ye Shuyu shook his head and said nothing to Qin Jun, "Will he call?" She, go and pull her."

Qin Jun said, "No." Ma Xiao loved this sister very much, and the more she scolded her, the more she loved her.

Marlene whimpered.

After a long time, Ye Shuyu saw the calm inside, pushed open the door and walked in, and saw that the chairs inside were all kicked over, obviously Ma Xiao was very angry, Ye Shuyu said, "She is an adult and has the right to decide her own What to do, I just met an irresponsible bastard, don't blame her, she already knew she was wrong."

Ma Xiao lost his temper, and his anger subsided. He fumbled in his pocket for money, and asked Ma Lin, "How much does it cost for the operation?"

Marlene sobbed, "The painless ones are more expensive...I...I'd better do the normal ones, more than 2000."

Ma Xiao glared at her, "How much is painless?"

Ma Lin dare not say, it is a bit expensive.

Ye Shuyu said, "It's more than 5000. I have a medical card, which will be half the price. Don't worry about medical expenses. You should follow me to the hospital for surgery as soon as possible. You need your family's signature."

Ma Xiao looked at Ma Lin and asked, "If you don't need your family's signature, would you just do it yourself?"

"I... I don't have enough money... That bastard won't give it to me... woo woo woo..."

"You're such a fool, you're lying for nothing." Ma Xiao couldn't help cursing, but took her hand and left the store with tears in her eyes.

Ye Shuyu said, "Take my car." Ma Xiao didn't say a word, and led Ma Lin to her car, Qin Jun also followed, Ye Shuyu said to him, "You drive, I will give the gynecologist Call and ask her to arrange surgery." Putting the car keys into his hand, he got in the driver's seat and took out his mobile phone to make contacts.

Things went smoothly after that, because Ye Shu and the doctor he knew in advance said hello, the medical bills were not paid, the blood test was done, and the family members filled out the form and went directly to the operating room. The painless operation took less than 10 minutes. Just put it out.

In the ward, Ma Lin held Ye Shuyu's hand and cried, "Sister Shuyu, you are so kind."

"Don't cry, take a good rest, observe overnight tonight, you can leave the hospital tomorrow if there is no problem, remember the precautions the doctor gave you?"


Ye Shuhe patted her hand to reassure her. Seeing that Xiao Ma's expression was still not good, she said, "Who didn't make mistakes when they were young, just change it. Don't feel too bad."

Ma Xiao sincerely thanked you, "Shu Yu, thank you this time, I will remember your love."

"Small things, don't worry about them."

In the end, Ma Xiao stayed to take care of Ma Lin, and Ye Shu and Qin Jun left the hospital.

As night fell and the stars rose, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the hospital was still crowded with people.

Qin Jun said, "I didn't expect you to be a doctor." After entering the hospital, the doctors and nurses greeted her all the way. Doctor Ye, Fairy Ye and Sister Ye's, it can be seen that she is very respected in the hospital.

"Well, it hasn't been three months since I returned to China, and I studied medicine abroad."

"Have you graduated from high school?"

"Yeah." In the parking lot, Ye Shuyu opened the driver's door, stopped suddenly, and said, "Come on, let's find a small restaurant to eat." She rubbed her stomach to show that she was hungry.

"Okay." Qin Jun got into the car, she got into the co-pilot, and the car made a beautiful turn and left the hospital.

The night market in Lincheng was very lively. Neon lights flashed blindingly from the windshield in front of the car, and passed by the faces of the two of them. Look for Ye Shu Yushuo's small restaurant at the roadside shop.

His brows are slender and clear, his eyes are as bright as stars, and his clear and handsome face seems to have a strong attraction under the light from the windshield, which easily dazzles people's eyes.

"Ugly or handsome? Huh?" He asked suddenly, without looking at her. The last "hmm" ended in a rising sound, which was extremely provocative, and the car stopped firmly by the roadside parking space.

Ye Shuyu felt her cheeks were a little hot, but fortunately there were lights from the billboards.

Without saying a word, she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

Qin Jun looked at several small restaurants side by side and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Let's cook."

Qin Jun took him into a restaurant with the best environment.

Qin Jun handed her the menu to order, but Ye Shu didn't even look at it, "Order, I'm too lazy to read."

Qin Juan raised his eyebrows, looked at the menu and said, "Okay, I'll order, Miss Ye, do you want me to feed you by hand later?"

Ye Shu and he didn't speak, and poured a glass of boiled water for the two of them.

Three dishes and one soup, two meat and two vegetables, the dishes were good and tasted good, Ye Shu and ate two bowls of rice.

Qin Jun asked, "Which department do you sit in?" Holding the vegetables in the chopsticks, chewing the rice in his mouth, with his head slightly lowered, looking over from her angle, the two rows of dense eyelashes are like fan feathers, very pretty.

Ye Shuyu was drinking fruit juice, she paused and said, "Cardiology."

Qin Jun froze in the action of grilling the rice, and said "Oh" and didn't speak.

He lowered his head, Ye Shuyu didn't see his expression clearly, and took two sips of juice.

(End of this chapter)

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