Chapter 2 Heroes
Jing Wuming's sword had pierced Ah Fei's shoulder blade, but it only pierced two points.

A Fei's sword was still four inches away from Jing Wuming's throat.

The blood on his shoulder had begun to ooze, seeping into his clothes, staining them red.

Why didn't Jing Wuming's sword go through?

In Jing Wuming's shoulder blade, there is a knife inserted obliquely!

Romantic Swordsman!

What strange magical power made Li Xunhuan able to issue this knife?

Long Xiaoyun and his son's face was pale, their hands were trembling, and they stepped back step by step, to the corner of the wall.Both his father and son were wondering, where did Li Xun Huan get the power to strike?
Li Xunhuan has stood up.

Jing Wuming turned his head slowly, staring at Li Xunhuan, his dead gray eyes were still expressionless, it didn't know how long it had passed, and suddenly said: "Good knife!"

Li Xun Huan smiled and said: "It's not very good, it's just that you have contempt for me first, but you didn't take me seriously at all, otherwise I might not be able to hurt you!"

Jing Wuming sneered: "It's your ability to fool me, you are better than me."

Li Xun Huan said calmly: "I didn't lie to you, nor did I say that I can't use the knife, it's just that you think so, it's your own eyes that deceived you."

Jing Wuming was silent for a while, and said word by word: "Yes, it was me who was wrong, not you."

Li Xun Huan sighed, "Very well, although you are a murderer, you are not a villain."

Jing Wuming glanced at Long Xiaoyun and his son out of the corner of his eye, and said coldly: "A villain is not worthy of being a murderer."

Li Xun Huan said: "Alright, let's go."

Jing Wuming said sharply, "Why didn't you kill me?"

Li Xun Huan said, "Because you don't have any friends who want to kill me."

Jing Wuming lowered his head, looked at the knife on his shoulder, and said slowly: "But this sword of mine intended to destroy his arm."

Li Xun Huan said: "I know."

Jing Wuming said: "Your knife is very light."

Li Xun Huan said: "People give me one point, I will repay him three points."

Jing Wuming suddenly raised his head and stared at him, although he didn't say a word, there was a strange change in his eyes, just like when he was looking at Shangguan Jinhong.

Li Xun Huan said slowly, "I have to tell you two things."

Jing Wuming said: "You say."

Li Xun Huan said: "Although I injured 76 people, 28 of them didn't die. Those who died deserved to die."

Jing Wuming remained silent.

Li Xun Huan coughed a few times, and then said: "In my life, I have never killed a single person!

So... I just hope that you will think more about it before killing someone in the future. "

Jing Wuming remained silent for a long time before slowly saying: "I also want to tell you something."

Li Xun Huan said, "I'm listening too."

Jing Wuming said: "I never want to accept favors from others, let alone listen to lessons from others!"

Having said that, he suddenly slapped hard on the handle of the knife on his shoulder.

The exposed edge of the knife goes straight into the meat and reaches the handle.

Blood poured out.

With a sound of "dang", the sword also fell to the ground.

Jing Wuming's body shook, but his face was still as cold as a rock, as hard as a rock, without any sign of pain, not even a single muscle trembled.

He strode out without another word or glance at anyone.

hero? ... What is a hero?Is this the hero?

The meaning of a hero is often cruelty!cruel!lonely!ruthless!
Some people once gave a definition for a hero, that is: killing like grass, gambling like crazy, drinking like thirst, lust like life.

Of course, this is not absolute, and there is another kind of hero.

But how many heroes like Li Xunhuan are there in this world?

Heroes may have only one thing in common - no matter what kind of hero you want to be, it's not a good thing.

Ah Fei's expression was also very sad, he sighed a long time, and said: "In his life, I'm afraid he will never be able to use a sword again."

Li Xun Huan said: "He still has a right hand."

Ah Fei said: "But he is used to his left hand, and he will be much slower if he uses his right hand."

He sighed again, and said, "For a sword wielder, 'slow' means 'death'!"

He never sighed.

Now, it is not only Jing Wuming who is sighing, but also himself.

Li Xun Huan stared at him, his eyes sparkled, and he said slowly: "As long as a person is determined, even if both hands are broken at the same time, and he bites the sword with his mouth, he will be able to do so quickly. If he is discouraged, Even if you have both hands, it's useless."

He smiled, and continued: "There are many people in the world who have both hands, but how many people are quick?"

Ah Fei listened quietly, finally showing a menacing look in his dim eyes.

He rushed over suddenly, held Li Xun Huan's arm tightly, and said in a loud voice, "I understand what you mean."

Li Xun Huan said, "I know you will understand."

After saying this, both of them had tears in their eyes.If a third person saw it by the side, they would be moved to tears.

It's a pity that Long Xiaoyun and his son are not this kind of people, they are sneaking out.

Li Xun Huan turned his back to them, as if he didn't notice it at all.

Ah Fei seemed to glance at it, but didn't say anything.

It wasn't until their father and son had slipped out of the door that Ah Fei sighed and said, "I also know that you still want to let them go."

Li Xun Huan smiled and said, "He saved me."

Ah Fei said: "He only saved you once, but he has hurt you many times."

Li Xun Huan smiled sadly, and said: "Some things are hard to remember, and some things are hard to forget."

Ah Fei sighed, and said: "It's just because there are some things that you refuse to think about at all."

He may still be an unsophisticated teenager, but his views on certain things in life are deeper and sharper than most people.

Li Xunhuan couldn't help sighing, and said slowly: "But there are still some things that even if you refuse to think about it, you still have to think about it all the time. People can never control their thoughts. This is one of the many pains in life. one."

Ah Fei said: "What about you? Do you really only remember that he saved you, have you really forgotten everything else?"

Li Xun Huan smiled, and said lightly: "Maybe it's not that he forgot, but that he never held grudges, because he also has his troubles."

Ah Fei was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled, and said, "I just realized now that there are indeed many things in life that are totally unfair."

Li Xun Huan said: "Unfair?"

Ah Fei said: "It's not fair, for example, some people have been kind all their lives, but unfortunately they do one thing wrong, and this thing will often make him hate him for the rest of his life. Not only can others not forgive him, but he can't forgive himself either. "

Li Xunhuan was silent.

He understands the meaning of the phrase "one misstep will cause eternal hatred".

Ah Fei continued: "But a person like Long Xiaoyun may only have done one good thing in his life - he only saved you, so you will never think that he is a very bad person."

There was obviously a lot of emotion in his voice.

Li Xun Huan suddenly understood what he meant.

He was aggrieved for Lin Xian'er.

He always thought that Lin Xian'er only missed one thing in her life, but Li Xun Huan could never forgive her.

"Love" is indeed wonderful, sometimes sweet, sometimes painful, and sometimes terrible-it can not only make people stupid, but also make people blind.

When Long Xiaoyun and his son slipped out, they were not only very happy, but also very proud.

Long Xiaoyun couldn't help laughing and said: "Remember, the weakness of others is our opportunity. Those who can grasp the opportunity will never fail."

Long Xiaoyun said: "Li Xun Huan's weakness, my child already knows all about it."

Long Xiaoyun said: "So he will die in our hands sooner or later."

Suddenly he heard someone laughing.

The laughter came from the opposite eaves.

A person was crouching on the eaves, gnawing on a chicken leg, but it was a lunatic.

He fixed his eyes on the drumstick, and didn't glance at the father and son, as if even the drumstick was much prettier than their father and son.

He sneered and said, "You don't need to sneak so fast, Li Xun Huan will never chase you out, otherwise he won't let you walk out of this door at all."

Long Xiaoyun's face turned blue.

He already understood where Li Xun Huan's strength came from.

But lunatics cannot be offended.

Long Xiaoyun suddenly laughed, clasped his fists and said, "I'm really sorry for asking you to spend money to take care of my brother these days."

Crazy Hu said leisurely: "Actually, that's nothing. Li Xun Huan doesn't eat much. He only needs two chicken legs and a few steamed buns a day. The gatekeeper for you is an idiot. Every time I touch his sleeping hole, he I thought I was really asleep."

Long Xiaoyun gritted his teeth in secret, wishing he could put the man in a long sleep immediately.

Crazy Hu continued: "You have been good to me, and I have helped you. We have no credit to each other. To a person like you, I didn't even bother to say anything."

Long Xiaoyun could only smile and listen.

Crazy Hu said: "But there is one sentence I must say, the last sentence."

Long Xiaoyun said: "I am listening attentively."

Crazy Hu said: "Although you are a bastard, Shangguan Jinhong is even more so. If you really want to become brothers with him, you might as well find a rope and hang yourself."

This was indeed his last sentence. After finishing this sentence, he didn't say a word anymore. He turned over in the air and landed behind the house, and he was out of sight in a blink of an eye.

Long Xiaoyun watched him off, a smug smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said leisurely: "I didn't expect that so many people in the Jianghu knew about my sworn marriage with Shangguan Jinhong."

Walk slowly along the corner.

Neither Li Xunhuan nor A Fei spoke.

They all know that silence is usually more sincere and valuable than words.


Someone is playing the flute inside the high wall, and the sound of the flute also carries the bleakness of autumn.

This kind of music is often the easiest to recall the past, and the easiest to arouse lovesickness.

Ah Fei suddenly said: "I have to go back."

Li Xun Huan said, "Is she waiting for you?"

Ah Fei said, "Yes."

Li Xun Huan pondered, and finally couldn't help it: "You think she must be waiting for you?"

Ah Fei's face turned pale again, and after a long silence, he slowly said: "This time she asked me to save you."

Li Xun Huan was speechless.

He always knew Lin Xian'er very well, but this time it was difficult for him to guess her intentions.

Ah Fei said: "In my life, there are only two closest people. I can also be friends."

It took him many times to finish these few sentences, and he spoke very difficultly, which showed that he was in great pain.

Li Xun Huan looked at him with painful eyes, and felt indescribable pity and sadness in his heart.

Only those who have truly loved can understand how terrifying the power of love is.

The sound of the flute is far away, but it sounds even more desolate.

Li Xun Huan suddenly said: "I also want to meet her."

Ah Fei's mouth was tightly shut.

Li Xun Huan smiled and said, "If it's inconvenient, you can thank her for me."

Ah Fei finally opened his mouth and said, "I...I just hope you don't want to hurt her."

A Fei would not have said such things, because he knew that Li Xun Huan had never hurt anyone - Li Xun Huan only hurt himself.

Only for Lin Xian'er, A Fei would say such a thing.

He raised his head sharply, seeing a bright light in front of him.

Before they knew it, they walked back to the long street.

The street is more lively at night than during the day. Bright lanterns are hung in front of all kinds of stalls, and everyone is shouting loudly and boasting about their goods.

Strings of shiny candied haws look even brighter like gems under the light.

Li Xun Huan stopped suddenly.

There seems to be a face reflected in each bunch of candied haws.

It was the face of a little girl in red, with big eyes and dimples on one side when she smiled.

Then, he saw the small shop selling buns and dumplings.

"Is Lingling still waiting?"

Li Xun Huan suddenly felt very ashamed, he had completely forgotten about this incident.

Although there are wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, no one can say that he is old.

It was exactly the same as Lingling's eyes when she came here for the first time - Ah Fei had never been to such a place.

Li Xunhuan laughed.

It's always nice to see your friend hasn't lost his heart.

Ah Fei suddenly said: "It's been a long time since we had a drink together."

Li Xun Huan said with a smile: "Do you want to drink?"

Ah Fei smiled and said: "I don't know why, I only want to drink when I am with you."

There was a smile on his face.

Li Xun Huan's mood became brighter, and he said with a smile: "The more you drink the dumplings, the more delicious they become... How about we go to the dumpling shop over there?"

Ah Fei smiled and said, "Very good, no matter how expensive the place is, I can't afford it."

There are many wonderful things in this world.

For example: the uglier a woman is, the more she likes to play tricks, and the poorer she is, the more she likes to treat guests.

Treating guests is indeed much more enjoyable than being invited, but it is a pity that not everyone knows how to enjoy this kind of happiness.

The business in the dumpling shop is not very good, because most of the business has been taken away by the stalls outside, so even though it is time for dinner, there are only four or five tables of customers in the shop.

On a table in the corner sat a man in white.

Li Xun Huan saw him immediately.

It was also him that Ah Fei saw at first sight.

No matter who walks in, the eyes will be attracted by him first.

Although sitting in this kind of smoky and greasy shop, the whole body of this person is still spotless, and the snow-white dress looks like it has just been taken out of the iron.

He was dressed simply, but luxuriously.

But these are not his attractive places - what is attractive is his temperament.

An indescribable arrogance.

The few tables next to him are empty, because no matter who sits with him, they will feel ashamed, and with him here, other people's voices are quieter.

This is the person who broke the shoulder pole of the big man in Tsing Yi with a small piece of silver that day under the eaves, and it is also the person whose fingers are like sharp scissors and cut off the silver stick of the blind fortune teller.

Why is he still here?Are you also waiting for someone?

He was toasting, but as soon as Li Xun Huan walked in, his movements stopped immediately, and his eyes immediately fixed on Li Xun Huan's face without turning away.

There was another person sitting opposite him, a little girl in red with long braids.

(End of this chapter)

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