Chapter 3 Courage
She turned her head following his gaze, only to find Li Xun Huan, and immediately rushed over excitedly, holding Li Xun Huan's hand tightly and smiling coquettishly: "I know you will definitely come, I know you will never forget me .”

Sure enough, Lingling was still waiting here.

Li Xun Huan was also a little excited, he held her hand instead and said, " have been waiting here all this time?"

Lingling nodded, her eyes were already red, she bit her lip and said, "Why did you come so late, people are waiting so anxiously..."

Ah Fei suddenly said: "Are you really waiting for him?"

Only now did Lingling see A Fei, and her expression immediately became a little strange—of course she recognized A Fei, but A Fei didn't recognize her.

Not only had he never been to that small building, he had never even thought of it in his dreams.

Lingling blinked, and finally said: "If I hadn't waited for him, what would I be doing here?"

Ah Fei said coldly: "There are many things you can do without waiting for someone. If you wait for someone, you always keep your eyes on the door. No matter who is waiting for someone, they will never turn their backs to the door."

Li Xun Huan never thought that he would say this.

He was usually reluctant to stab people, but now he suddenly became very sharp, terrifyingly sharp.

Because he can't stand others cheating on his friends.

Li Xunhuan sighed inwardly.

Ah Fei's views are not only sharp, but also different from anyone else's. He sees most things more thoroughly and clearly than others.

Why would he become blind in front of Lin Xian'er?

The circles of Lingling's eyes were red again, tears were about to flow down, and she said sadly: "If you have been waiting for someone in the same place for more than ten days, you will know why my back is turned to the door."

She quietly wiped away the tears, and continued quietly: "At the beginning, when everyone walked in, my heart would beat, and I always thought it was him who came. Then I found out that if the person you are waiting for doesn't come, it will be counted as the future." It's useless to stare at the door, it will only make you wait more anxiously, if you don't turn around, I will go crazy."

A Fei didn't say anything more.

He found himself talking too much.

Lingling hung her head even lower, and said: "If it wasn't for that Lu...Brother Lu kindly accompanied me, I'm afraid I would go crazy too."

As soon as Li Xun Huan turned his gaze, he immediately met the gaze of the man in white.

Li Xunhuan walked over with a smile and said, "Thank you..."

The man in white suddenly interrupted his words, and said flatly: "You don't need to thank me for her, because I stay here not to accompany her, but to wait for you."

Li Xun Huan said: "Wait for me?"

The man in white said, "That's right, I'm waiting for you."

He smiled, with a compelling arrogance in his smile, and slowly continued: "There are only a few people in the world who are worth waiting for, and Xiao Li Tanhua is one of them."

Before Li Xun Huan expressed surprise, Ling Ling rushed to say: "I didn't tell you who I was waiting for, how did you recognize him?"

The man in white said lightly: "If you want to move around in the rivers and lakes, if you want to live longer, there are a few people you must know, and Xiao Li Tanhua is one of them."

Ah Fei suddenly said: "Who are the others?"

The man in white stared at him and said, "Don't tell anyone else, at least there are me and you!"

Ah Fei looked at his hands, suddenly an indescribable sense of desolation appeared in his eyes, he turned around slowly, sat down on the table next to him, and said, "Wine is for nothing."

The clerk smiled apologetically and said, "What kind of food do you want to go with the wine?"

Ah Fei said: "Wine, rice wine."

Anyone who knows how to drink knows that if a person wants to get drunk quickly, the best way is to drink with wine, and drink with rice wine.

It's just that although everyone knows this method, few people use it, because if a person doesn't have deep pain in his heart, he always hopes to get drunk as slowly as possible.

The man in white has been watching carefully.

His sharp eyes gradually relaxed, and even showed a look of disappointment, but when he turned his gaze to Li Xun Huan, his pupils immediately shrank again.

Li Xun Huan was also looking at him, and said, "Your Excellency's name is..."

The man in white said: "Mr. Lu Feng."

This is indeed a prominent name, which is enough to make people feel shocked.

But Li Xun Huan was not surprised, he just smiled lightly and said, "As expected, he is the Lord Lu, Wenhou of Yinji."

Lu Fengxian said coldly: "Yinji Wenhou died ten years ago!"

This time, Li Xunhuan felt a little surprised.

But he didn't ask further, because he knew that Lu Fengxian's words must have something to say.

Sure enough, Lu Fengxian continued: "Yinji Wenhou is dead, but Lu Fengxian is not dead!"

Li Xun Huan was silent, as if he was searching for the true meaning of this sentence.

Lu Fengxian is a very proud person.

It is an honor for Bai Xiaosheng to rank his silver halberd fifth in the weapons list, but for a person like him, it will definitely be considered a great shame and humiliation.

He absolutely cannot bear to be inferior to others, but he also knows that Bai Xiaosheng will never be wrong.

He must have destroyed his own silver halberd and practiced another even more terrifying martial art!

Li Xun Huan nodded slowly and said, "That's right, I should have thought that Marquis Wen of Yinji is dead."

Lu Fengxian stared at him, and said coldly: "Lu Fengxian has also been dead for ten years, and he is only resurrected now."

Li Xun Huan's eyes flickered, and he said, "What brought Master Lu back to life?"

Lu Fengxian slowly raised one hand, the right hand.

He put this hand flat on the table, and said word by word: "It is this hand that brought me back to life!"

In the eyes of others, this is not a very peculiar hand.

The fingers are long, the nails are cleanly manicured, and the skin is smooth and fine.

This is very suitable for Lu Fengxian's identity.

If you look closely, you will find the peculiarity of this hand.

The thumb, index finger, and middle finger of this hand have a different skin color than other places.

Although the skins of these three fingers are also very thin and white, they have a very peculiar brilliance. They don't seem to be made of flesh and bones, but rather are made of some strange metal.

But these three fingers were clearly on his hands.

How could three fingers made of metal suddenly grow on a hand with flesh and blood?
Lu Fengxian focused on his hands, then suddenly let out a long sigh, and said, "I only hate that Bai Xiaosheng is dead."

Li Xun Huan said: "So what if he doesn't die?"

Lu Fengxian said: "If he doesn't die, I would like to ask him, can hands be considered as weapons?"

Li Xun Huan smiled and said, "I just heard someone say a very interesting thing today."

Lu Fengxian said: "What are you talking about?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Only those who kill people can be counted as sharp weapons."

He continued: "Hands are not weapons in the first place, but a hand that can kill is not only a weapon, but also a sharp weapon."

Lu Fengxian remained silent, as if she hadn't made any move.

But his thumb, index finger, and middle finger suddenly sank into the table.

There was no sound, not even a full glass of wine spilled, and he inserted his fingers into the table, as easily as cutting tofu with a sharp knife.

Lu Fengxian said leisurely: "If this hand can also be considered a weapon, I don't know where it can be ranked in the weapon list!"

Li Xun Huan said calmly: "It's hard to say now."

Lu Fengxian said: "Why?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Because a weapon is aimed at a person, not a table."

Lu Fengxian suddenly laughed.

He smiled proudly and coldly, and said: "In my eyes, the world is similar to this table."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh?"

Lu Fengxian said slowly: "Of course there are a few exceptions."

Li Xun Huan said, "How many people?"

Lu Fengxian said coldly: "I thought there were six at first, but now I know there are only four."

He deliberately glanced at A Fei, and continued: "Because Guo Songyang is dead, and there is another one, although he is alive, he is almost dead."

A Fei turned his back to Lu Fengxian, and didn't see his face at all.

But at this moment, his face suddenly turned blue again.

He obviously understood what Lu Fengxian meant.

Li Xun Huan suddenly smiled and said, "That person will be resurrected too, and it won't take ten years."

Lu Fengxian said: "I'm afraid not necessarily."

Li Xun Huan said: "Since your Excellency can be resurrected, why can't others be resurrected?"

Lu Fengxian said: "That's different."

Li Xun Huan asked, "What's the difference?"

Lu Fengxian said coldly: "Because my 'death' was not at the hands of a woman, and my heart has never died."

With a sound of "cha", the wine glass in Ah Fei's hand shattered.

But he sat still and didn't move.

Lu Fengxian didn't even look at him, she stared at Li Xun Huan, and said: "I came out this time to find these four people, to prove whether my hands can be regarded as sharp weapons, that's why I'm waiting for you here! "

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time before he said slowly, "You must prove it?"

Lu Fengxian said: "Definitely."

Li Xun Huan said, "Who do you want to prove to?"

Lu Fengxian said: "Give it to me."

Li Xun Huan suddenly smiled again, and said, "That's right, anyone can be fooled, only myself can never be fooled..."

Lu Fengxian suddenly stood up and said word by word: "I'll be waiting for you outside!"

The customers in the dumpling shop have all left without knowing when.

Lingling bit her lip, seemingly petrified.

Li Xunhuan stood up slowly.

Lingling suddenly grabbed the hem of his clothes and whispered, " must go out?"

Li Xun Huan smiled bitterly, and said: "There are some things in life, once you encounter them, you will never be able to escape them."

He turned his gaze to A Fei.

A Fei didn't look back.

Lu Fengxian had already walked out the door.

Ah Fei suddenly said: "Slow down."

Lu Fengxian stopped without turning around, and said with a sneer, "You also have something to say?"

Ah Fei said: "Yes, I also want to prove one thing."

Lu Fengxian said: "What do you want to prove?"

A Fei's hand was tightly clutching the shards of the wine glass.

Blood was dripping drop by drop from his hands.

He said slowly, "I just want to prove whether I am alive or dead!"

Lu Fengxian turned around abruptly.

He seemed to be seeing A Fei for the first time.

Then, his pupils gradually shrank again, but a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Okay, I'll wait for you too!"


There are duels every day in the rivers and lakes, and all kinds of people fight duels in various ways for various reasons.

But there are only a few places to duel.

Wilderness, forests, tombs... If it is really a non-stop duel, nine out of ten times this kind of place must be chosen-as if this kind of place itself has a kind of "death" atmosphere.

The night was getting dark and foggy.

Lu Fengxian, dressed in white like snow, stood quietly in front of the gray tombstone. In the misty night mist, she looked like a messenger from hell, who wanted to bring the message of "death" to the world.

Ling Ling snuggled up beside Li Xun Huan, seemingly trembling.

Is it cold or afraid?
Ah Fei suddenly said: "Go away!"

Lingling shrank back again, and said, "I..."

Ah Fei said: "You."

Lingling bit her lip and looked up at Li Xunhuan.

Li Xun Huan's eyes seemed far away.

Is his heart far away, or is the fog too thick?

Lingling lowered her head and whispered, "Can't I listen to what you have to say?"

Ah Fei said: "You can't listen, and no one can listen."

Li Xun Huan sighed softly, and said softly: "He has been with you for many days, you should at least go to accompany him."

Lingling hung her head and stayed there for a while, then suddenly stomped her feet and said loudly: "I don't want to stay here at all, I don't want to come here at all, you people don't know anything, only know to kill me, I kill you!" You, what are you doing for, you don’t even know yourself... If you want to be a hero like this, it would be best if all the heroes in the world die together!"

Li Xunhuan, A Fei, and Lu Fengxian all just listened quietly.

Then he quietly watched her run away.

A Fei didn't even look at her, and waited until the sound of her footsteps was far away, then he raised his head to face Li Xun Huan, and said, "I never asked you anything, did I?"

Li Xun Huan said: "You never begged anyone."

Ah Fei said: "Now, I have something to ask of you."

Li Xun Huan said, "Say it."

Ah Fei gritted his teeth, and said: "This time, you can't stop me no matter what, you must let me go! If you rush to shoot, I... I will die!"

Li Xun Huan looked very painful, and said sadly: "But, you don't need to do this at all."

Ah Fei said: "I must do this, because..."

His expression was even more painful, and he continued tragically: "Because what Lu Fengxian said is really good, if this continues, I will be alive, and I will almost die. I must not let go of this opportunity."

Li Xun Huan said: "Opportunity?"

Ah Fei said: "If I want to be resurrected, if I want to be born again, this is my last chance."

Li Xun Huan said: "Is there no chance in the future?"

Ah Fei shook his head and said: "Even if there is still a chance in the future, but I... If I lose this courage today, I will never have the courage to cheer up again in the future!"

If a person is hit too hard, he will become depressed. If he is depressed for too long, no matter how strong he is, he will become weak and his courage will definitely disappear.

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time before sighing, "I understand what you mean, but..."

Ah Fei interrupted him, saying: "I know that I am slow to shoot, because in the past two years, I have also felt that my reaction has gradually become sluggish, and even a little numb."

Li Xun Huan said softly: "As long as you have the determination, everything will recover, but now is not the time."

Ah Fei said: "Now is the time!"

Li Xun Huan said, "Now? Why?"

A Fei slowly spread his palms.

His hands were stained red with blood, fragments of the wine glass still lodged in his flesh.

Ah Fei said: "Because now I suddenly discovered that physical pain can not only alleviate the distress in the heart, but also can make people energetic, cheer up, and sharpen people."

He was right.

Pain can stimulate people's nerves, sharpen people's reactions, and stimulate people's potential—even a horse, when you whip it and make it feel painful, it will run faster.

Wounded beasts are also usually scarier than usual.

Li Xun Huan thought deeply, "Are you confident?"

Ah Fei said, "You don't have confidence in me?"

Li Xun Huan suddenly laughed, patted his shoulder vigorously, and said, "Okay, you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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