Chapter 4 Friendship
Ah Fei was still pondering, and finally couldn't help but said: "That little girl just now... who is she?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Her name is Lingling, she is also very pitiful."

Ah Fei said: "I only know that she is very good at lying."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh?"

Ah Fei said: "She's not really waiting for you—she's waiting for you, maybe there are other reasons."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh?"

Ah Fei said: "If she is really waiting for you, she must be very concerned about you."

Li Xun Huan said: "Maybe..."

A Fei hurriedly said: "Your appearance now, everyone can see that you must have suffered a lot, but she never asked how you became like this at all."

Li Xun Huan said calmly, "Maybe she hasn't had a chance to ask yet."

Ah Fei said: "If a girl really cares about someone, she will never wait for a chance."

Li Xun Huan was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled again, "Are you afraid that I will be fooled by her?"

Ah Fei said: "I only know that she is not telling the truth."

Li Xun Huan smiled and said, "If you want to live a happy life, you must never expect women to tell you the truth."

Ah Fei said: "Do you think every woman can lie?"

Of course Li Xunhuan didn't want to answer his question directly, and said: "If you are a smart person, you must never expose a woman's lies in the future, because even if you expose her, she will give a good explanation, and even if you don't Trust her explanation, she will never admit she lied."

He smiled, and continued: "So, if you meet a woman who can tell lies, the best way is to deliberately pretend to trust her completely, otherwise you will be asking for trouble."

A Fei stared at Li Xun Huan for a long time.

Li Xun Huan said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Ah Fei also smiled and said: "Even if there is, there is no need to say it, because you already know what I want to say."

Looking at A Fei's back, Li Xun Huan suddenly felt indescribably happy.

The stubborn boy did not fall down after all.

Moreover, this time, he said a lot, but he didn't mention Lin Xian'er at all.

Love, after all, cannot occupy the entire life of a man.

Ah Fei is a man after all.

When a man feels that it is a shame to live, he would rather never see the woman he loves again, and would rather wander to the end of the world and die.

Because he felt ashamed to see her.

But can Ah Fei really beat Lu Fengxian?

If he loses again this time, even if Lu Feng doesn't kill him first, will he still be able to live?
Li Xun Huan bent down and coughed violently.

He coughed up blood again.

Lu Fengxian was still waiting there without saying a word.

The man was indeed very calm.

Only an enemy who can hold his breath is a formidable opponent.

Ah Fei suddenly tore off his shirt, and rubbed his body with his blood-stained hand.

The shards of the wine glass pierced his flesh again.

The blood, even in such a misty night, still looks bright red.

Only blood can arouse people's primitive animal nature - lust and hatred, and other things may also be able to, but it is definitely not as direct as blood.

A Fei seemed to have returned to the wilderness again.

"If you want to live, you must kill your enemies!"

Lu Fengxian watched him gradually approaching, and suddenly felt an indescribable pressure.

He suddenly felt that it was not a person walking over, but a beast.

Wounded beast!

"The difference between an enemy and a friend is like the difference between life and death."

"If someone wants you dead, you have to want him dead, there is no choice between them!"

This is the law of the field and the law of survival.

The word "forgiveness" is completely impractical in some places.

The blood was flowing, and it kept flowing.

Every muscle in Ah Fei's body was trembling with pain, but his hands became more and more firm.

His eyes became more and more cruel.

Lu Fengxian would never understand how this young man changed suddenly.

But he knew A Fei's swordsmanship very well.

The scary thing about Ah Fei's swordsmanship is not "fast" and "ruthless", but "stable" and "accurate".

As soon as he makes a move, he will kill someone, at least he has to be [-]% sure before he will make a move.

So he has to "wait".

Waiting for the other person to show his flaws, to show his weakness, to wait for the other person to give him a chance-he can wait longer than most people in the world.

But now, Lu Fengxian seems determined not to give him this chance.

It seems that although Lu Fengxian just stood there casually, every part of his body seemed to be empty, and A Fei's sword seemed to be able to pierce any part of his body at will.

But there are too many empty doors, and instead there are no empty doors.

His whole person seemed to have become a void.

The word "empty spirit" is also the highest state in martial arts.

Li Xun Huan watched from afar, his eyes full of worry.

Lu Fengxian is indeed something to be proud of.

Li Xun Huan really did not expect his martial arts to be so high, and he did not see that A Fei had any hope of defeating him - because A Fei didn't even have a chance to make a move.

The night is deeper.

Suddenly there is a blue light flickering among the deserted graves, it is a will-o'-the-wisp.

The west wind was blowing, and Lu Fengxian's face was facing west.

There was a wind blowing, and a bit of will-o'-the-wisp floated in front of Lu Fengxian with the wind.

Lu Fengxian's calm eyes suddenly blinked, and his left hand also moved, as if to wipe away the will-o'-the-wisp, but he held back immediately.

In a life-and-death duel, any unnecessary action may bring fatal danger.

It's just that although his hand didn't move, the muscles of his left arm and shoulder were already tense because of the "thought of moving", and he could no longer maintain that "empty" state.

Of course, this cannot be regarded as a good opportunity, but no matter how bad the opportunity is, it is better than no opportunity.

As long as there is an opportunity, A Fei will never miss it.

His sword is out.

The relationship between this sword is too great.

The fate of A Fei's future life will be changed by the gain or loss of this sword.

If this sword is successful, Ah Fei will cheer up from now on and wash away the humiliation of the previous failure.

If he misses this sword, he will definitely be depressed and even degenerate from now on. Even if he can still live, he will become like what Lu Fengxian said - life is better than death.

This sword is really only allowed to succeed, not to fail.

But can this sword really succeed?

Sword light flashed, pause!

"Choke", the sword has been broken!
Ah Fei stepped back, only half of the broken sword was left in his hand.

The other half of the sword was caught in Lu Fengxian's finger, but the tip of the sword had pierced his shoulder.

Although he clamped A Fei's sword, he was obviously slower to strike.

Blood was dripping from his shoulder.

This sword finally succeeded!

A strange brilliance suddenly appeared on A Fei's face—the brilliance of victory!

Lu Fengxian didn't even have a trace of expression on his face, he just looked at A Fei coldly, the broken sword was still on his shoulder, and he didn't pull it out.

Ah Fei just stood quietly, and didn't intend to make another move.

His depression and depression have been vented by this sword.

What he wants is "victory", not the "life" of others.

Lu Fengxian seemed to be still waiting for him to make a move. After waiting for a long time, he suddenly said, "Okay, very good!"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. To hear this sentence from someone like him is already exciting and proud.

But before he left, he suddenly added another sentence.

"Sure enough, Li Xunhuan is not wrong, nor is he wrong about you."

What does it mean?What did Li Xunhuan say to him?
Lu Fengxian's figure finally disappeared in the night.

Li Xunhuan's smiling face appeared before his eyes.

He patted Ah Fei on the shoulder hard, and said with a smile: "You are still you, I knew that that little blow would never discourage you. There is no general who wins all the time in the world. Even gods are defeated, let alone human beings." ?”

He smiled more cheerfully, and then said:

"But from now on, I have more confidence in you..."

Ah Fei suddenly interrupted him, saying: "Do you think I will never lose again?"

Li Xun Huan said with a smile: "Lu Fengxian's martial arts are no longer inferior to anyone, if even he can't dodge your sword, I'm afraid no one else in the world can dodge it?"

Ah Fei said: "But... I think it's a bit reluctant to win this time."

Li Xun Huan said: "Reluctantly?"

Ah Fei said: "I'm not as fast as before."

Li Xun Huan said: "Who said that?"

Ah Fei said: "I don't need others to tell, I can feel it myself..."

His eyes still stayed on the place where Lu Fengxian's figure disappeared, and he continued slowly: "I think he could beat me, and he should never be slower than me."

Li Xun Huan said: "His martial arts are indeed very high, maybe even higher than yours, but you seized the best opportunity. This is where others are absolutely inferior to you, so you can win!"

He smiled and continued: "So even though Lu Fengxian was defeated, he didn't refuse to accept it. Even people like him are convinced by you. Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Ah Fei finally laughed.

For a person who has been hit, what is more precious in the world than the encouragement of a friend?

Li Xun Huan said with a smile: "No matter what, this matter should be celebrated... What do you like to celebrate with?"

Ah Fei smiled and said: "Wine, of course it is wine, what else can there be besides wine?"

Li Xun Huan laughed and said, "Yes, of course it's wine, if there is no wine during the celebration, wouldn't it be like cooking without salt..."

Ah Fei laughed and said, "That's even more bland than cooking without salt."

Ah Fei fell asleep.

Alcohol is indeed a wonderful thing, sometimes it can be exciting, and sometimes it can make people sleep.

In the past few days, Ah Fei has hardly slept at all, and even if he fell asleep, he would wake up very quickly. He couldn't figure out how he would fall asleep like a dead pig when he lay down when he was at "home".

After Ah Fei fell asleep, Li Xunhuan walked out of the inn.

Turn across the street, and there is an inn.Li Xunhuan suddenly flew into the backyard of this inn.

In the middle of the night, what did he come to this inn for?
It was almost dawn, but there was a room in the backyard that was still lit.

Li Xun Huan knocked on the door lightly, there was an immediate response from the room, and one person asked, "It's Li Tan Hua?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes!"

The door opened, and the person who opened it was Lu Fengxian.

How can he be here?How did Li Xunhuan know that he was here?Why did you come to him?

Is there any secret agreement between the two of them?

With an indifferent and strange smile on the corner of Lu Fengxian's mouth, he said coldly: "Li Tanhua is indeed a believer!
Sure enough, it came. "

A girl's voice continued: "I said a long time ago that as long as he promises, he will never break his promise."

Standing behind Lu Fengxian was Ling Ling.

How could Lingling be with Lu Fengxian?
What exactly did Li Xunhuan promise?
The light was dim, but Li Xun Huan's face was terribly pale. He walked into the room silently, and suddenly gave a deep bow to Lu Fengxian, "Thank you."

Lu Fengxian said indifferently: "You don't have to thank me, because this is a transaction at all, and no one needs to thank anyone."

Li Xun Huan also smiled lightly, and said, "Not everyone will agree to this kind of transaction, of course I want to thank you."

Lu Fengxian said: "This is indeed a very special deal. I was really surprised when you asked Lingling to tell me."

Li Xun Huan said: "That's why I asked her to explain clearly."

Lu Fengxian said: "Actually, there is no need to explain, I already understand very well, you want me to deliberately lose to A Fei, you just hope that he can cheer up because of this, and don't get depressed again."

Li Xun Huan said: "I really mean that, because he is indeed worthy of me!"

Lu Fengxian said: "It's just because you are his friend, but I'm not... I simply can't imagine that someone in the world would make such a ridiculous request to me."

Li Xun Huan said: "But you finally agreed."

Lu Fengxian stared at him like a knife, and said, "I will agree if you are sure?"

Li Xun Huan smiled again, and said, "I'm at least somewhat sure, because I've seen that you are not an ordinary person, and only an extraordinary person like you would agree to such an extraordinary thing."

Lu Fengxian was still staring at him, but his eyes gradually softened, and he said slowly: "You have already calculated that he will never take my life."

Li Xun Huan said: "I know that once he wins by one point, he will never make another move."

Lu Fengxian suddenly sighed, and said: "You really didn't misjudge him, and you didn't misjudge me either."

He suddenly sneered and said: "I only promise you to let him win one move, which means that if he makes another move, I will kill him."

Li Xun Huan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Are you sure?"

Lu Fengxian sternly said, "You don't believe me?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, Li Xun Huan suddenly smiled again and said, "Maybe now, but not necessarily in the future."

Lu Fengxian said: "So I shouldn't have agreed to you. Letting him live is also a threat to me."

Li Xun Huan said: "But some people like to be threatened, because threats are also a kind of stimulation, and only with stimulation can progress be made. If a person really reaches the peak where no one looks around, wouldn't it be lonely and boring?"

Lu Fengxian was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "Maybe...but I promised you, but not for this reason."

Li Xun Huan nodded slowly, "Of course you are not."

Lu Fengxian said: "I agree to you, just because your terms of exchange are very generous."

Li Xun Huan smiled and said, "If you don't have favorable conditions, how can you negotiate a deal with someone?"

Lu Fengxian said: "Tell me, as long as I promise you this thing, you will promise me one thing."

Li Xun Huan said: "Not bad."

Lu Fengxian said: "But you didn't specify what it was."

Li Xun Huan said: "Not bad."

Lu Fengxian said: "So I can ask you to do anything."

Li Xun Huan said: "Not bad."

Lu Fengxian's eyes suddenly became cold again, and he said word by word: "What if I want you to die?"

Li Xun Huan's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "It's fair to exchange my life for his life."

He spoke lightly, even with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if his life didn't belong to him, so he didn't care at all.

Lingling's body was already trembling, and suddenly she fell in front of Lu Fengxian, hissing: "I know you will never do this, I know you are also a good person... aren't you? Are you?..."

Lu Fengxian's mouth was tightly closed, and he didn't even glance at her.

He just stared at Li Xun Huan coldly, with the corners of his mouth tightly closed, he looked indescribably cold and arrogant.

This kind of person doesn't care about other people's life or death.

Lingling looked at his mouth, her face became paler and her body trembled more and more violently.

She knew Li Xunhuan very well.

She knew that as long as one word came out of this mouth, Li Xun Huan would die immediately.

Since he can live for others, he can die for others.

Dying is often much easier than living.

She also knew Lu Fengxian very well.

Other people's lives are worthless in his eyes.

She suddenly passed out.

Because she didn't want to, and didn't dare to hear that sentence from his mouth.

Fainting is actually one of the many blessings that God bestows on human beings. When people encounter things they don't want to do, say, or listen to, they often use the method of "fainting" to escape.

Li Xunhuan never escaped.

He was always facing Lu Fengxian, just like facing death.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Fengxian suddenly let out a long sigh, and said, "I never imagined that there would be someone like you in the world. It's really a blessing that Ah Fei can have a friend like you."

Li Xun Huan smiled and said: "If you know him better, you will know that I am lucky to have a friend like him."

What a deep and great friendship this is!

(End of this chapter)

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