Chapter 5 Promise
Lu Fengxian's cold and proud eyes suddenly showed a sense of loneliness - when a person feels lonely, it means that he is longing for friendship.However, sincere friendship is not available to everyone.

Lu Fengxian said coldly: "You mean that if you can die for him, he will die for you, right?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes."

Lu Fengxian's voice became more ruthless, and said: "But you have made sure that I will not kill you, at least not in this situation, right?"

Li Xunhuan was silent.

Silence usually means only two meanings - acquiescence and protest.

Lu Feng stared at him first, his face gradually became loose, and suddenly sighed again, and said, "I really won't kill you know why?"

Before Li Xunhuan could speak, Lu Fengxian continued: "Because I want you to always owe me, and always feel that I have been kind to you..."

He actually smiled and said: "Because if I want to kill you, I still have a chance in the future, but I'm afraid I will never have such a chance in the future."

What did he mean in his heart, did he want to exchange for Li Xun Huan's friendship?

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "You still have a chance."

Lu Fengxian said: "Oh?"

Li Xun Huan said, "I want you to do one more thing."

Lu Feng stared at him first, as if he had never seen this person before. After a long time, he sneered and said:

"You want me to do the second thing before you pay the price for the first transaction? What kind of transaction is this?"

Li Xun Huan said: "This is not a deal, I am begging you."

Although Lu Fengxian's face was very gloomy, his eyes were shining, and he said, "Since it's not a deal, why should I agree?"

Li Xun Huan smiled, his eyes were peaceful, bright and sincere.

He stared at Lu Fengxian, smiled and said, "Because I begged you for this."

The answer to this sentence is not only wonderful, but even a little arrogant.

This was not like what Li Xun Huan usually said.

But Lu Fengxian was not angry, instead he suddenly felt a strange warmth in his heart, because he had already seen a glimmer of friendship in Li Xun Huan's eyes.

This may be the only light that can drive away the loneliness and darkness in the world.

This is eternal glory, as long as humanity is immortal, there will always be friendship.

Lu Fengxian muttered: "Others say that Li Xun Huan never begs, but today he is willing to beg me, it seems that I am not small."

Li Xun Huan said with a smile: "I already owe you, so why not owe more?"

Lu Fengxian laughed again, this time he smiled sincerely.

He smiled and said, "Some people say that the most important thing to learn about running a business is knowing how to owe money. It seems that you should be in business."

Li Xun Huan said: "Are you willing to agree?"

Lu Fengxian sighed, and said: "At least I haven't figured out a way to refuse it yet, so take this opportunity and say it quickly."

Li Xun Huan coughed a few times, his expression became very heavy again, and he said slowly: "If you met A Fei two years ago, even if I didn't ask you, I'm afraid you would be defeated by him."

Lu Feng was silent first, not knowing whether it was acquiescence or protest.

It is not easy for him to protest in silence.

Li Xun Huan said: "If you had met him two years ago, you would have found that he was not the same person then as he is now."

Lu Fengxian said: "How could he have changed so much in just two short years?"

Li Xun Huan let out a long sigh, "It's just because he met someone unfortunately."

Lu Feng first said: "A woman?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Of course it's a woman, perhaps only a woman can change a man."

Lu Fengxian sneered and said, "He didn't change, but degenerated. A man degenerates for a woman. This kind of person is not only unworthy of sympathy, but also ridiculously stupid."

Li Xun Huan sighed and said, "You may be right, because you have never met such a woman."

Lu Fengxian said: "So what if I meet you?"

Li Xun Huan said: "If you meet her, maybe you might become the same as Ah Fei."

Lu Fengxian laughed and said, "You think I'm also a young man who has never seen a woman before."

Li Xun Huan said: "You may have seen all kinds of women, but she...she is absolutely different from other women."

Lu Fengxian said: "Oh?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Someone once described her very well... She looks like a fairy, but she specially takes men to hell."

Lu Fengxian's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said: "I already know who you are talking about."

Li Xun Huan sighed: "You should have guessed it, because there is only one woman like her in this world, and fortunately there is only one, otherwise most men would not be able to survive."

Lu Fengxian said: "I have indeed heard many legends about this most beautiful woman in the world."

Li Xun Huan focused on his fingertips, and slowly said: "A Fei has finally cheered up now, I can't just watch him sink, so..."

Lu Fengxian said: "So you want me to kill her?"

Li Xun Huan said sadly: "I just hope that A Fei will never see her again, because as soon as he sees her, A Fei will be unable to extricate himself."

Lu Fengxian remained silent for a long time, and said slowly, "You could have done it yourself."

Li Xun Huan said, "It's just that I can't."

Lu Fengxian said: "Why?"

Li Xun Huan laughed sadly, and said: "Because if Ah Fei finds out, he will hate me for the rest of his life."

Lu Fengxian said: "He should understand that you are doing it for his own good."

Li Xun Huan said with a wry smile: "No matter how smart a person is, if he falls into emotion and cannot extricate himself, he will become an idiot."

Lu Feng first tapped his chin with his fingers, and said, "Why didn't you find someone else to do this? Why did you find me?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Because even if others have the power to kill her, they might not be able to bear to do so after seeing her, because..."

He raised his head, stared at Lu Fengxian, and continued slowly: "It was hard for me to find someone I could ask him for."

The eyes of the two met, and Lu Fengxian's heart was suddenly filled with a warm feeling.

He seemed to have seen Li Xun Huan's loneliness and grief in his eyes.

That is the only loneliness and grief for a hero.

Only a hero can understand how miserable this loneliness is, how deep this grief is.

Lu Fengxian suddenly asked, "Where is she?"

Li Xunhuan said: "Lingling knows where she is, but..."

Lingling has passed out for a long time, and she still hasn't woken up.

Li Xun Huan glanced at her, then slowly continued: "If you want her to take you there, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Lu Feng smiled first, and said leisurely: "You don't need to worry about this, I have a solution."

When Ah Fei woke up, Li Xun Huan was already asleep.

In his sleep, he was still coughing non-stop. Whenever the cough was severe, his whole body would twist and convulse in pain... The sun slanted in from the window.

Only then did Ah Fei realize that there were more white hairs on his head and more wrinkles on his face.

He has only one pair of eyes and is still young.

Whenever he closed his eyes, he looked haggard, old, even weak.

His clothes are very old and worn out and haven't been washed for many days.

And who would have thought that such a strong will, such a noble personality, and such a great soul are hidden in such a weak and stiff body!
Ah Fei looked at him with tears in his eyes.

In his life, he was enduring torment—all kinds of torment, torment, and shock.

But he still didn't fall down, and he didn't feel that life was cold and dark.

Because as long as he is there, there will be warmth and light.

What he brings to others is always happiness, but he keeps the pain to himself.

Tears welled up in Ah Fei's eyes, and flowed down his cheeks... Li Xun Huan was still in a deep sleep.

Sleep, too, had become almost a luxury for him.

Although A Fei was anxious to go back and see the smiling face like a spring flower, he still couldn't bear to disturb him, closed the door quietly, and walked out quietly.

It was still very early, the sun had just hit the roof, and the people on the road had already left, so the yard was very quiet, except for a tenacious phoenix tree, in late autumn.

Isn't Li Xun Huan just like this parasol tree, even though they know that autumn is coming to an end and winter is coming, they will never give in until the last moment.

Ah Fei sighed for a long time, and walked slowly across the yard.

The leaves of the sycamore tree have begun to wither, and they float past his eyes one by one, and fall on him... The fire is still on, and the soybean milk is slowly sipping.

He has always been unhappy in eating, and slowly let the lukewarm soybean milk flow from his tongue into his throat and into his stomach - if a person's stomach is full, the whole person seems to be full.

He has always liked this feeling.

The clerk who has been up and busy since midnight is only now free. He is sitting beside the smoldering fire, drinking wine slowly.

Even though the drinker was just "fried juniper" whose roots had become cold, and the drinker was just a crude burnt knife, but judging by his expression, it seemed that he was enjoying the most delicious food and drink in the world.

He was obviously happy because he was content.

In the world, only those who can be satisfied can experience true happiness.

Ah Fei has always been very envious of this kind of person, and really wants to go there for a drink or two.

But he controlled himself.

"Maybe, I can see her today..."

He didn't want her to smell the alcohol in his mouth.

Most people in this world live for someone else—some for someone they love, some for someone they hate—and both suffer equally.

There are not many people who are truly happy in this world.

The wind was strong, the sand was flying in the wind, and there were very few pedestrians on the road.

Ah Fei raised his head, and when his eyes shifted to the door, there were two people walking by the door.

These two people didn't walk fast, but they seemed to be in a hurry, they just kept their heads down and walked forward, even the aroma of hot soybean milk failed to induce them to turn their heads to take a look.

Walking in front was a stooped, white-haired old man, holding a pipe in his hand, and his blue shirt had been washed white.

Behind him was a little girl with big eyes and long braids.

Ah Fei recognized these two people as the "storyteller" and his granddaughter whom he had met two years ago, and he still remembered that their surname was Sun.

But they didn't see A Fei at all, and quickly walked past the door.

——If they met Ah Fei, everything might be completely different.

Ah Fei finished drinking the soy milk, then raised his head, and saw another person walking by the door.

This man was tall, wearing a yellow robe, a bamboo hat, and the eaves of the hat were pressed down very low. He walked in a strange posture, and he didn't turn his head to look at him. He seemed to be walking in a hurry.

A Fei's heart beat suddenly.

Jing is dead!
Jing Wuming kept his eyes fixed on the front, as if he was following the "storyteller" who just passed by, but he didn't notice that A Fei was sitting in the small shop by the road.

Ah Fei saw him, saw the sword stuck in his belt, but didn't see his broken arm—the broken arm hanging by a cloth belt.

As long as he sees this sword, A Fei's eyes can't hold anything else.

It was this sword that gave him his first taste of failure and humiliation.

It was this sword that caused him to sink almost forever.

Ah Fei's fist was already clenched tightly, the wound on his palm ruptured again, blood flowed out, but the pain spread from his palm to the bottom of his heart, and all the muscles in his whole body tensed up immediately.

He had already forgotten Jing Wuming's severed arm.

He only hoped to fight Jing Wuming again, other than that, he couldn't think of anything else.

Jing Wuming also quickly walked past the door.

Ah Fei stood up slowly, holding his hands more violently.

The more intense the pain, the sharper his senses became.

The guy sitting at the door suddenly felt an indescribable chill, turned his head, and saw Ah Fei's eyes—a pair of fiery eyes, but it made one's heart go cold.

With a sound of "dang", the wine glass in the clerk's hand fell down.

But before the wine glass fell to the ground, Ah Fei suddenly stretched out his hand, and it was already in his hand.

No one could see clearly how he caught the wine glass.

The shop assistant was petrified.

Ah Fei slowly put the wine glass on the table in front of him, poured a glass of wine, and drank it all by himself.

He was suddenly full of confidence.

At this moment, another person walked past the door.

This person is also in a yellow shirt, and the eaves of the bamboo hat are also pressed down very low, and his walking posture is also very strange. Under the shadow of the bamboo hat, his pale face seems to be carved out of limestone.

Shangguan fly!
A Fei didn't recognize Shangguan Fei, but he could tell at a glance that this person must have a close relationship with Jing Wuming, and he was obviously following Jing Wuming.

Although Shangguan Fei was shorter and younger than Jing Wuming, his cold expression and walking posture seemed to be Jing Wuming's brother.

Why is he also secretly following Jing Wuming?
This place is already very remote, and if you turn around this street, you won't be able to see anyone around.

Ah Fei walked quickly, keeping a distance from Shangguan Fei all the time.

The "storyteller" walking in front had long since disappeared, and Jing Wuming was left with only a pale yellow figure, but Shangguan Fei still walked very slowly, not in a hurry.

A Fei discovered that this boy also knew the knack of "tracking".

If you want to track a person without being detected, you must not be impatient, you must be calm.

There is an earthen mountain in front of him, and Jing Wuming has already turned around the mountain depression.

Shangguan Fei's pace suddenly quickened, as if he wanted to catch up with Jing Wuming behind the mountain.

After his people also disappeared behind the mountain, Ah Fei rushed up the dirt mountain as fast as he could.

He knew there must be something interesting to see on the mountain.

He was not disappointed.

Jing Wuming has never felt fear—if a person is not even afraid of death, what is there to be afraid of?

But now, for some unknown reason, there was a kind of fear in his eyes.

What is he afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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