Chapter 26 Horrible Mistakes
Sun Xiaohong pursed her lips and said coldly: "It turns out that you are not very loyal, at least you are not as loyal to the dead as you are to the living."

Li Xun Huan suddenly asked: "When did we leave yesterday?"

Sun Xiaohong murmured, and said, "At night, it's about the same time as now."

Li Xun Huan asked, "When did we arrive here today?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Before and after Xu time, the sky is not yet dark."

Li Xun Huan asked, "How did we get here?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Let's go for a while by car first, then use lightness kung fu, and change to fast horses this morning."

Li Xun Huan said: "So even if we use the same method to rush back, we will get there at the earliest around Xu time, right?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Yes."

Li Xun Huan said: "But now we haven't rested for a long time, our physical strength is definitely not as good as last night, even if we can still perform lightness kung fu, it will definitely not be faster than last night."

Sun Xiaohong said sweetly: "I couldn't keep up with you last night, no wonder Grandpa said that your lightness kung fu is not much slower than your saber."

Li Xun Huan said: "So, even if we leave now, we may not be able to make it to Shangguan Jin Hong's appointment in time."

Sun Xiaohong suddenly stopped talking.

Li Xun Huan suddenly raised his head, focused on her, and said in a deep voice: "So you should have urged me to leave quickly, you should know that I never want to miss appointments."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head and bit her lip, as if deliberately avoiding Li Xunhuan's gaze.

After a long time, she sighed softly and said, "I just ask you one thing."

Li Xun Huan asked, "What's the matter?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "This time we will go back by car, without changing horses, and without light work."

Li Xun Huan said, "You want me to rest in the car?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "That's right, otherwise you won't be able to arrive in time, you may have to lie down when you get there, you can't sleep on the ground and fight Shangguan Jinhong."

Li Xun Huan pondered, finally smiled and said, "Okay, I'll follow your orders, we'll take the car."

Sun Xiaohong immediately became happy, and said with a smile: "We can also bring the wine to the car. If you can't sleep, I will drink with you."

Li Xun Huan said: "Once you drink too much wine, you will naturally fall asleep."

Sun Xiaohong smiled and said: "It's not bad at all, as long as you can sleep well in the car, I guarantee that Shangguan Jinhong will never be your opponent."

Li Xun Huan said with a smile, "You have confidence in me."

Sun Xiaohong blinked and said, "Of course, if I don't have confidence in you, how could I..."

Her face suddenly turned red, and she rushed out suddenly, giggling and said: "I'll hire a car, you prepare wine, if you have enough time, you might as well go and see her, I won't be jealous."

Her braids flew, and she ran out of sight in an instant.

Li Xun Huan watched her off, and was dazed for a while, then slowly stood up and walked out the door.

Looking up suddenly, a corner of the small building was exposed inside the high wall.

The lone light in the small building came on again.

What about the people upstairs?

Was she mending clothes for her beloved son again?

The thread in the hands of a loving mother seems to be endless.

But it is still not as good as loneliness, the longest thing in the world is loneliness.

Year after year, day after day, endless seams, endless loneliness—she has buried her own life, and this small building is her grave.

If a person, a woman, has no youth, no love, no joy, what is she going to do with her life?
"Shiyin, are really suffering, you have really suffered a lot."

Li Xunhuan bent down again, coughed continuously, and coughed up blood again.

Why didn't he want to see her?

Although his people are standing here, their hearts have already flown to the small building.

Although his heart had already flown to the small building, his people still had to stay here.

He didn't dare to go to see her, and he couldn't go to see her, even if it was the last time, he couldn't—seeing each other as if not seeing her, so what if he saw her?

She no longer belongs to him, she has her own husband, son, and her own world.

He has been completely excluded from this world.

She was his, but now he couldn't even look at her.

Li Xun Huan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and swallowed the blood in his mouth again.

Even the blood seemed to be bitter, so bitter that it felt astringent.

"Shiyin, Shiyin, no matter what, as long as you are safe and sound, I will be satisfied. We will meet each other in heaven and earth."

But can Lin Shiyin really be safe?

The wind is miserable, and people are thinner than yellow flowers.

Li Xun Huan stood alone in the west wind, did he hope that the wind would blow him away?
At some point, Sun Xiaohong came back, looked at him bewilderedly, and said, " didn't go to see her?"

Li Xun Huan shook his head and said, "You didn't call for a taxi?"

Sun Xiaohong sighed, and said: "The car is parked at the entrance of the alley. If you really don't want to see her, we will leave."

Li Xun Huan said: "Let's go!"

The car was jolting on the road, and the wine was shaking in the glass.

It is old wine.

The cart is older than the wine, and the horse may be older than the cart.

Li Xun Huan shook his head and smiled, "This horse is probably the red rabbit horse that Guan Gong rode, and the carriage has already become an antique. It's really not easy for you to find it."

Sun Xiaohong couldn't help laughing, and immediately straightened her face again, saying: "You always feel dissatisfied with what I do, don't you?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Satisfied, satisfied, extremely satisfied."

He closed his eyes, and said slowly: "When I got in this car, it reminded me of things from a long, long time ago."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Oh? What reminds you?"

Li Xun Huan said: "It reminds me of the wooden horse I played with when I was a child, now I feel like I am in a cradle on the carriage."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something entered his mouth.

Sun Xiaohong chuckled and said, "Then you should go to sleep after eating these dates."

Li Xun Huan said with a wry smile: "It would be nice if I could not wake up, but it's a pity..."

Sun Xiaohong interrupted him, and said: "I called this car just to let you sleep well. As long as you can really fall asleep, we can change cars tomorrow morning, okay?"

Li Xun Huan raised his glass and drank it down, saying: "Since this is the case, I'll drink a few more glasses so that I can sleep more deeply."

Sun Xiaohong immediately poured wine for him, and said sweetly: "That's right, even a child has to be fed before falling asleep."

The wine in the glass was shaking, and so was her braid.

Her eyes are gentle, like the stars outside the car window.

Starlight is like a dream.

Li Xunhuan seemed to be drunk.

On such a night, facing such a person, who can not be drunk?

Now that you are drunk, how can you not sleep?

Li Xun Huan leaned back, crossed his legs on the seat facing him, and murmured: "The ancient sages are all lonely, only the drinkers keep their names...but the drinkers are not lonely?..."

The voice gradually lowered and became silent.

He finally fell asleep.

Sun Xiaohong stared at him tenderly, for a long time, then gently stretched out her hand, stroking his hair, and said softly: "Go to sleep, sleep well, when you wake up, all the worries and troubles may be gone." It's a thing of the past, and by then, I won't let you drink too much."

Her eyes were dark and bright, full of happy longing.

She is still young.

Young people are always optimistic about the things in the world, and they always think that everything can be as people want.

However, she didn't know that in the world, "unsatisfactory things are always eighty-nine", and the reality is always far from what people want. Now if she knew how far their thinking was from the reality, she would have burst into tears.

The driver was also drinking leisurely.

He is in no hurry.

Because the girl who hired his car had told him to.

"Go slowly, we are in no hurry."

The driver smiled knowingly, if he was in the car with his sweetheart, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

He envied Li Xunhuan very much, and felt that Li Xunhuan was really blessed.

But if he knew what would happen to Li Xunhuan and Sun Xiaohong, he might not be able to drink the wine.

It is already "tomorrow".

When Li Xun Huan woke up, the red sun had covered the windows of the car.

He didn't fall asleep so deeply, maybe it was because he was too tired, maybe it was because of the wine.

Li Xun Huan picked up the wine glass and sniffed it, then put it down slowly.

The carriage was still swaying and walking very slowly, and the driver hummed a little tune every now and then, as if he was dozing off.

Sun Xiaohong had also fallen asleep, and was lying on Li Xunhuan's lap.

Her long hair was scattered, soft as muddy water.

Li Xun Huan poked his head out, but there was no shadow of the carriage on the ground.

It's the middle of the day.

After walking for a while, there is a stone tablet beside the road, engraved with the name of the village in front.

It was almost noon now, and it was less than three hours before Shangguan Jinhong's appointment.

But they were only halfway there.

Li Xun Huan suddenly felt his hands were cold and trembling.

Sometimes he was worried, sometimes sad, sometimes troubled, sometimes painful, and he even had moments of joy, but he was seldom angry.

Now even if he is not angry, it is almost the same.

Sun Xiaohong woke up suddenly, felt his body trembling, raised her head, and saw the angry look on his face, she had never seen his face so frightening.

She lowered her head, her eye circles were already red, and she murmured: "Are you angry with me?"

Li Xun Huan's mouth was closed tightly.

Sun Xiaohong said sadly: "I know you will definitely blame me, but I still want to do this. It doesn't matter if you beat me or scold me, as long as you understand why I did this."

Li Xun Huan suddenly let out a long sigh, his whole body softened and his heart softened.

It is for him that Sun Xiaohong did this.

Did she do something wrong?As long as she is sincere to him, no matter what she does, she can't be wrong.

Li Xun Huan said sadly: "I understand you, I don't blame you, but why don't you understand me?"

Sun Xiaohong said: " really think I don't understand you?"

Li Xun Huan said: "If you understand me, you should know that you can hold me back this time, preventing me from going to Shangguan Jin Hong's appointment, but what about the future? I will inevitably meet him sooner or later, maybe tomorrow. "

Sun Xiaohong said: "Wait until tomorrow, everything will be different."

Li Xun Huan asked, "What will be different tomorrow?"

Sun Xiaohong said leisurely: "Shangguan Jinhong may be dead tomorrow, he may not even survive tonight."

She spoke in a peculiar way, as if full of confidence.

Li Xun Huan couldn't figure out why she was so confident, so he thought about it.

Sun Xiaohong said again: "Even if you missed the appointment today, no one can blame you, because Shangguan Jinhong forced you to do this, otherwise why would you rush to Xingyun Village? If you don't make this trip, How could you miss the appointment?"

Li Xun Huan was still thinking, but his expression gradually changed.

Sun Xiaohong's expression became happy, and she sat beside Li Xun Huan, saying: "When Shangguan Jin Hong dies, no one will say you..."

Li Xun Huan suddenly interrupted her and said, "Did your grandfather ask you to do this?"

Sun Xiaohong blinked and said sweetly, "You can say yes, or you can say no."

Li Xun Huan said: "Is he going to fight Shangguan Jin Hong for me tonight?"

Sun Xiaohong smiled and said: "That's right, you should know that once Shangguan Jinhong met my grandfather, it was like a mouse meeting a cat. Maybe my grandfather is the only person in this world who can control him."

She gently took Li Xun Huan's hand, and wanted to say something more.

She didn't say anything, because she suddenly realized that his hands were as cold as ice.

If a person's heart is not cold, his hands will never be so cold, and if a person's heart is not afraid, his hands will never be so cold.

What is he afraid of?
Seeing Li Xunhuan's expression, Sun Xiaohong didn't even dare to ask.

Li Xun Huan asked, "Did your grandfather go there himself? Or did you beg him to go?"

Sun Xiaohong said: " there any difference?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes, not only is there a difference, but the difference is also very big."

Sun Xiaohong said: "I begged the old man to go, because I think that people like Shangguan Jinhong, everyone should be punished, and you don't have to do it."

Li Xun Huan nodded slowly, as if he had admitted that what she said was right.

But it was a completely different expression on his face.

He is not only afraid, but worried.

Sun Xiaohong couldn't help asking: "Are you worried?"

Li Xun Huan didn't need to answer this sentence, his expression had already answered for him.

Sun Xiaohong said: "I don't understand what you are worried about?...For my grandfather?"

Li Xun Huan suddenly sighed heavily, "It's for you."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Are you worried about me? What are you worried about?"

Li Xun Huan said slowly: "Everyone does wrong things. Although there are some things that you do wrong, you can find ways to recover from them in the future, but there are also some things that once you do wrong, you will never be able to fix them."

He stared at Sun Xiaohong, and then said: "As long as a person makes a big mistake that can never be remedied in his life, no matter what his starting point is, he will have to feel guilty for it for the rest of his life, even if others have forgiven him." , but he himself couldn't forgive himself, and that feeling was really terrible."

Of course he knew the feeling well.

For the only thing he did wrong in his life, the price he paid was terrible.

Sun Xiaohong looked at him, and suddenly felt an inexplicable fear in her heart, tremblingly said: "Are you worried that I will do something wrong?"

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked: "All these years, have you been with your grandfather?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Yes."

Li Xun Huan said: "Have you ever seen him use martial arts?"

Sun Xiaohong pondered, and said: "It seems that there is no..."

(End of this chapter)

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