Chapter 27

Sun Xiaohong quickly went on to say: "But that's just because he has no chance to use martial arts at all, and there is no need."

Li Xun Huan said, "It's not necessary?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Because he has no opponent at all."

Li Xun Huan said, "Where is Shangguan Jin Hong?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "He also..."

Her voice suddenly stopped, as if she suddenly remembered something?
Li Xun Huan said: "Does your grandfather find it unbearable for Shangguan Jin Hong's actions?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "He...he is indeed very angry with Shangguan Jinhong."

Li Xun Huan said: "But he didn't attack Shangguan Jin Hong."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head and said, "He didn't..."

Li Xun Huan said: "Why has he been enduring it all this time? Why did he wait until you asked him to take action?"

Sun Xiaohong suddenly raised her head again, the fear in her eyes became more serious, and she said, " you think he is an old man..."

She suddenly felt that her mouth was dry and she couldn't even speak.

Li Xun Huan said slowly: "If a person's martial arts has reached the peak, there will be a kind of fear in his heart, fearing that others will catch up with him, fearing that he will regress. When this happens, he will often try to escape and do nothing. Dare to do it."

He sighed sadly, and continued: "If you don't do it, you will gradually become really unable to do it. Some people will suddenly retreat, and some people will even become self-defeating, and even die...Since ancient times, such There are many examples, unless he can really detach himself from things, to the point of 'too forgetful', and no longer care about everything in the world."

Sun Xiaohong only felt that her body was gradually becoming stiff, and her clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

Because she knew that her grandfather could not "forget about feelings".

He still cares about many things, many people.

Li Xun Huan sighed again, "I hope my thoughts are wrong, it's just..."

Sun Xiaohong suddenly rushed over and hugged him tightly.

Her body trembled like cotton under a bowstring.

She was afraid, very afraid.

Li Xun Huan caressed her hair, he didn't know if it was sympathy, pity, or sadness?

A person who has no emotions at all would never do such a thing.

Such a person almost never does anything wrong.

But why does God always want passionate people to make irreversible mistakes?
If a person is passionate, is he already wrong?
Sun Xiaohong twitched and said with tears: "Please, take me back, as long as I can get there in time, I will do whatever you want me to do."

There are horses neighing outside the window, it is a horse market.

Although Li Xunhuan is not a bole, he can meet horses—many people know that Li Xunhuan is an expert on horses and women, and it is not easy to be such an expert.

Because both horses and women are difficult to understand.

He chose the two fastest horses.

The most beautiful woman is not necessarily the cutest, and the fastest horse is not necessarily the strongest—beauties often lack tenderness, and fast horses often lack endurance.

Come down fast.

People run wild.

Twilight is getting closer and deeper.

People are still running wildly, they don't care about the surprise of passers-by or their own physical strength.

They are desperate.

The night is getting closer and deeper.

There is no one on the road.

It was another starless and moonless night, and there were no lights in sight.

There is a dark forest beside the road, and the shadow of a pavilion outside the forest.

Isn't that the place where Shangguan Jinhong made an appointment?

In the dark night, it seems to see a little fire in the long pavilion.

The fire flickered on and off, and when it was on, a figure could be vaguely seen.

Sun Xiaohong suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, and her whole body softened.

She has been able to support until now, maybe it is a miracle, maybe it is because of her fear.

Fear can often inspire people's potential.

But now, she finally saw what she most wanted to see, and she suddenly failed in one breath.

She fell down.

Li Xun Huan couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief.

He has seen that there seems to be a strange rhythm between the light and fire, sometimes it is bright for a long time, and sometimes it is long for it to go out.

Suddenly, the ignition was as bright as a lamp.

That day, Li Xunhuan also saw the same flame in another pavilion outside another city.

That day, Mr. Sun was smoking dry tobacco in the long pavilion.

Except for Old Mr. Sun, Li Xunhuan had never seen another person smoke a pipe with such a bright flame.

Li Xun Huan felt tears suddenly welling up in his eyes.

Sun Xiaohong already fell on the ground, weeping softly.

These are tears of joy, but also tears of gratitude.

After all, God didn't ask her to make a big mistake.

Li Xun Huan helped her up, and went forward, towards the pavilion.

It seems that there is a heavy smoke in the long pavilion, and people are sitting in the smoke.

The aroma of this smoke is exactly what Sun Xiaohong is familiar with.

She felt a surge of hot blood in her heart, she broke free from Li Xun Huan's hand that was holding her, and rushed over.

All she wanted was to rush into her grandfather's arms and express her gratitude to him.

She couldn't help shouting loudly: "Grandpa, we're back...we're back!"

The fire in the long pavilion suddenly went out.

Then, a calm voice sounded, saying word by word: "Very well, I am waiting for you!"

The voice is cold, calm, and determined, without rhythm or emotion at all.

Sun Xiaohong was stunned suddenly, and the hot blood in her chest immediately turned cold, so cold that it almost froze her whole body.

The sound was like a stick, and it knocked her from heaven to hell in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, four lanterns light up.

Four golden lanterns are carried high on thin bamboo poles.

Under the golden light, there is a person sitting, as cold as gold, as hard as gold, even his heart seems to be made of gold.

He is smoking a pipe.

What he smoked was Mr. Sun's dry tobacco.

Shangguan Jinhong!

The person sitting in the long pavilion smoking was unexpectedly Shangguan Jinhong!

The wind is miserable and the rain is falling.

No one knows when the rain started.

Sun Xiaohongmu stood in the rain, completely stiff and numb.

She wanted to shout, but she had no strength, she wanted to rush in, but she couldn't move.

Her stomach was cramping, contracting, trying to throw up.

But she couldn't even shed tears.

Li Xun Huan was already walking slower than her, and now he was still walking slowly without stopping.

But his breathing seemed to have stopped.

He walked slowly outside the long pavilion, facing Shangguan Jinhong.

Shangguan Jinhong didn't even look at him, just stared at the dry smoke in his hand, and said calmly: "You are late."

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "I'm late."

He only felt that his mouth was very dry and bitter, and his tongue seemed to be licking a rusted copper plate, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

Is this what fear feels like?

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Better late than never."

Li Xun Huan said: "You should have known that I would come sooner or later."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "It's a pity that those who should come are late, and those who shouldn't have come first instead."

After saying this, the two of them suddenly closed their mouths, and stood facing each other like this, without moving.

They obviously waited until they were sure of it.

This move is out of control.

In the wind and rain, in the dark forest, there are still two people with two pairs of eyes.

Both pairs of eyes were staring at Li Xun Huan and Shangguan Jin Hong without blinking, one pair of eyes was as gentle as water and as bright as a star.

You go all over the world, it is very difficult to find a pair of such beautiful eyes.

The other pair of eyes were dead gray, almost blending into the gloomy night. Even in hell, it would be difficult to find such terrifying eyes.

Even if there were ghosts hiding in the darkness, they should have already slipped away by now.

Eyes that would make ghosts tremble at the sight of them.

Lin Xian'er and Jing Wuming came here first, and it seems that they have been here for a long time.

Lin Xian'er leaned against Jing Wuming's side, tightly clutching Jing Wuming's arm.

Jing Wuming didn't make any sound or move.

Lin Xian'er suddenly said: "If you want to kill him, now is the best chance, nothing could be better."

Jing Wuming said coldly: "Someone has killed him now, so there is no need for me to take action."

Lin Xianer said: "I don't want you to kill Li Xunhuan."

Jing Wuming asked, "Who will kill?"

Lin Xian'er said: "Shangguan Jinhong, kill Shangguan Jinhong!"

She was so excited that her whole body was trembling, and her nails were embedded in Jing Wuming's flesh.

Jing Wuming didn't move, and didn't seem to be in pain.

But there was a strange light in his eyes, like the fire in hell.

Lin Xian'er said: "He is now wholeheartedly trying to deal with Li Xun Huan, and he has absolutely no energy left to deal with others, not to mention, he doesn't know the secret of your right hand, you can definitely kill him!"

Jing Wuming still didn't move.

Lin Xian'er said: "Only you know the secrets of the Money Gang. If you kill him, you will be the leader of the Money Gang."

She panted low.

Her panting was not very pleasant, like a bitch in love.

She gasped and said again: "Even if you don't want to be the leader of the money gang, you should let him see how good you are, and let him regret after going to hell, why did he treat you like that before."

If Jing Wuming's eyes were hiding the fire of hell, the fire would already be burning now.

Lin Xian'er said: "Go, go, if you miss this opportunity, you will regret it, not him."

Jing Wuming finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go!"

Lin Xian'er exhaled, and said sweetly: "Go, I'll be waiting for you here, as long as you succeed, I'll be yours forever from now on."

Jing Wuming said: "You don't need to wait for me."

Lin Xian'er was startled and said, "Why?"

Jing Wuming said: "Because you also want to go with me!"

Lin Xian'er suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Just as frightened eyes appeared in her beautiful eyes, Jing Wuming had already squeezed her hand.

Lin Xian'er doesn't cry often, she thinks that if a woman can only touch a man's heart with tears, then that woman is either very stupid or very ugly.

She has many, many better ways.

But now, she was in so much pain that she immediately shed tears.

She could almost hear the sound of her own bones breaking, trembling: "What did I do wrong? You want to do this to me?"

Jing Wuming said slowly: "In your life, maybe you only did one thing wrong."

Lin Xian'er said, "What's the matter?"

Jing Wuming said: "You shouldn't think that everyone loves you as much as Ah Fei!"

Li Xunhuan turned his back to the forest.

He didn't see Lin Xian'er and Jing Wuming coming out of the forest, he only saw a strange change on Shangguan Jin Hong's face.

Shangguan Jin Hong's attention was suddenly distracted.

He has never given such an opportunity to others, and he will never give it again in the future.

But Li Xunhuan didn't seize this opportunity, he didn't make a move with the throwing knife.

Because he also felt a terrible murderous intent behind him.

His throwing knives were not just thrown with his hands, but with all his energy and all his energy. If he shot his throwing knives, he would have no energy left to defend against the attacks behind him.

His footsteps slipped, he slipped seven feet, and immediately saw Jing Wuming.

Jing Wuming has come behind him.

Then, he saw Lin Xian'er. He never thought that she would become so embarrassed.

The rain is getting heavier.

Everyone is drenched.

Although the tall lanterns have been moved to the eaves of the long pavilion, they still cannot shine far.

Jing Wuming stood where the lights couldn't reach, his whole body was like a shadow, as if he didn't exist at all.

But Li Xun Huan's eyes had moved away from Shangguan Jin Hong's body, staring at him.

Shangguan Jin Hong's eyes had also moved away from Li Xun Huan's body, and she was also staring at him.

Because they all felt that the key to victory or defeat was not in themselves, but in Jing Wuming's hands.

Jing Wuming suddenly laughed, laughing loudly.

He had never laughed so loudly in his life, and he was on his knees laughing.

Shangguan Jin Hong suddenly let out a long sigh, and said: "You laugh, because you really should laugh."

Jing Wuming said: "You don't want to laugh?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I can't laugh."

Jing Wuming said: "Why?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You know why."

Jing Wuming said: "Yes, I know, I do know."

He suddenly stopped laughing, stood up slowly, and continued slowly: "Because only I can decide your life and death now, but you dare not attack me."

He was right, indeed no one dared to attack him.

If Shangguan Jin Hong attacked him, even if he could kill him, his back would be in Li Xun Huan's hands.Of course he would not give Li Xun Huan this chance.

Li Xunhuan's situation was the same.

Jing Wuming said slowly, "Maybe I can help you kill Li Xun Huan, or help him kill you."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I believe you can."

Jing Wuming said: "Do you believe it? In your eyes, am I already a cripple?"

Shangguan Jin Hong sighed again and said, "Everyone has mistakes."

Jing Wuming said: "How do you know that you are wrong? Maybe I am indeed a cripple."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Your right hand is stronger than your left hand."

Jing Wuming said: "Can you see that?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Lin Xian'er is not a weak woman, no matter who wants to restrain her with one hand, it will not be easy."

Jing Wuming nodded slowly, and said: "You really saw it, but it's too late."

Shangguan Jin Hong also nodded slowly, and said: "Not only did I read wrong, but I also did wrong."

Jing Wuming said: "You also know that you shouldn't treat me like that?"

Shangguan Jinhong said word by word: "I really shouldn't have treated you that way, I should have killed you!"

Jing Wuming said, "Why didn't you kill him?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I can't bear it."

There was also a strange change on Jing Wuming's face, and he said in a low voice: "There are times when you can't bear it?"

Shangguan Jinhong said indifferently: "I am also human."

Jing Wuming said: "So you think I can't bear to kill you?"

Shangguan Jin Hong glanced at Lin Xian'er, and said, "She must also want you to kill me."

Jing Wuming said: "Not bad."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "If you really wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have brought her here."

Lin Xian'er suddenly laughed too.

Her person had already fallen in the mud, and she suddenly laughed at this moment, which was really surprising.

She laughed and said: "He really didn't dare to kill you, because if you died, he wouldn't be able to live on. I just realized now that he is a person who lives for you. He came here just to kill you." How important it is to prove himself in front of you, but in the eyes of others, he is worth nothing at all."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "But it is very easy for him to kill you."

Lin Xian'er said: "Do you think he dared to kill me?... You wanted to kill me, but he saved me. Do you know why?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Because he wants to kill you in front of me with his own hands."

Lin Xian'er said: "You are wrong, he didn't want to kill me with his own hands, but wanted to see you kill me with his own hands..."

She laughed and said: "When I was with you, he was so jealous that he went crazy. At that time, I thought he was for me, but now I know that he is for you. As long as it is someone you like, he will hate it. Not even your son... do you know who killed your son?"

Shangguan Jinhong had no expression on his face, and said indifferently: "If he kills for me, it doesn't matter who he kills."

Lin Xian'er looked at him, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and finally heaved a long sigh, and said: "I always think that I can understand men very well, but I really don't understand you, and I really can't figure out what the two of you are. kind of relationship."

She continued with a sneer: "I just know that no matter what kind of relationship it is, it must be disgusting as hell, so even if you want to tell me, I don't want to hear it."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You don't know much, but you talk too much."

Lin Xian'er said: "But no matter what I say, I can't make you kill him, can I?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You can't do anything!"

Lin Xian'er turned her face away, turned to Jing Wuming, and said, "Of course I can't ask you to kill him, can I?"

Jing Wuming said: "Yes."

Lin Xian'er sighed again, and said: "It seems that I have to ask you two to kill me. The question is who will do it? Is it him or you?"

Jing Wuming stopped talking.

As soon as he raised his hand, he threw Lin Xian'er out and fell at Shangguan Jin Hong's feet.

Lin Xian'er neither struggled nor moved this time, just curled up on the ground.

But she is a woman after all.

You can make her not move or resist, but you can't make her stop talking.

(End of this chapter)

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