Chapter 28 Wordless Consolation

If you pay attention, you will find that when a woman dies, the last place on her body that becomes rigid is her tongue.This is only because the muscles on a woman's tongue are always much more sensitive than anywhere else.

Lin Xian'er said: "That's right, of course it's you. He brought me here just to watch you kill me with your own hands. Only in this way will he feel better."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "What about you? Do you feel better if you die at my hands?"

Lin Xian'er said: "That depends on what method you use to kill me. I don't want to die quickly, because only by dying slowly can I truly appreciate the taste of death."

She suddenly smiled again, and said: "A person only has such a chance once in a lifetime, even if I have to endure more pain, it is worth it."

Shangguan Jinhong said indifferently: "And if you die slowly, you can also say a few more words, because speaking can not only relieve your pain, but also reduce your fear."

Lin Xian'er said: "Of course you won't kill me soon, will you? You like to watch people die slowly, besides, I treat you well, at least I have saved a little You have taken away all your private money, and when you asked someone to kill me, you had already wiped me clean."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "That's right, you are indeed worthless now, so I don't bother to kill you at all."

He suddenly kicked Lin Xian'er out, and kicked her in front of Li Xun Huan.

This time she couldn't even speak, the wet clothes were clinging to her body.

Her body is still beautiful.

This is the number one beauty in the martial arts world, not only beautiful, but also intelligent.

She could have had a good life.

But now, she couldn't even die well.

She was a fairy in the clouds, but now she looks like a wild dog in the mud.

What is this for?
Is it because she never knew how to cherish what she should cherish?

The rain is getting heavier.

Li Xun Huan looked at Lin Xian'er who was lying in the mud, and suddenly felt sad and sympathetic.

He didn't sympathize with her, but with A Fei.

She did it on her own, but what about Ah Fei?

Affi was not wrong.

Although he loved the wrong person, the love itself was not wrong.Maybe this is the saddest thing.

Shangguan Jin Hong was looking at Li Xun Huan, and slowly said: "I won't kill her, just because I think you have more reason to kill her than me, I will let you."

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time, then suddenly heaved a long sigh and said, "It seems that you underestimated me again."

Shangguan Jin Hong was also silent for a long time, then nodded slowly, and said: "That's right, I underestimated you again, and you won't kill her."

He continued slowly: "Killing people requires murderous aura, and you have to save all your murderous aura to deal with me. How could it be wasted on someone like her?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Of course you can't kill the wrong person, but you can't do it if the place is wrong."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Is this place wrong?"

Li Xun Huan said: "It was right at first, but now it's not right."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "What's wrong?"

Li Xun Huan said: "This place is too crowded now."

Shangguan Jin Hong laughed again, and said: "Is he making you uneasy?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes."

He didn't want to hide it, even if Jing Wuming didn't make a move, it would still be a threat to him.

What's more, Jing Wuming may make a move at any time.There is absolutely no one in the world who can resist the combined blows of him and Shangguan Jinhong.

Shangguan Jin Hong's face sank again, and said: "I understand what you mean, but since he has come back, no one can ask him to leave, right?"

The last sentence was naturally asked Jing Wuming.

Jing Wuming said: "Yes."

He still stood far away, but everyone could feel that he and Shangguan Jinhong had become one body again, forming an invincible force that no one could destroy or resist.

Li Xun Huan sighed and suddenly thought of A Fei.If A Fei is here... Shangguan Jinhong seems to have seen through his intentions, and said leisurely: "If A Fei is here, you may still have a chance, but it's a pity...he is very disappointing."

Li Xun Huan said: "I'm not disappointed in him, some people can still stand up no matter how many times they fall."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Do you think he is this kind of person?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Of course he is."

Shangguan Jinhong said indifferently: "Even if you are not mistaken, when he stands up, you must have fallen down. I can guarantee that once you fall down this time, you will never be able to stand up again!"

Li Xun Huan said: "Now..."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Now you have absolutely no chance, not even a single chance."

Li Xun Huan suddenly smiled and said, "So you should at least let me choose a place. If a person must die, he at least has the right to choose where to die!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You are wrong again, only the murderer has the right, and the murdered person has nothing, it's just..."

He stared at Li Xun Huan, and slowly said: "For you, I might make an exception, you are not only a very good friend, but also a very good opponent."

Li Xun Huan said: "Thank you."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Where do you want to die?"

Li Xun Huan said slowly: "If a person lives too hard, he can't help but want to die comfortably."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "No matter how you die, it will not be too comfortable."

Li Xun Huan said: "I just want to find a place where there is no rain and change into clean clothes. I don't like dying wet, I don't like lying in a wet place."

He smiled again, and continued: "To be honest, except when I'm taking a shower, I'd rather my body be dry."

Shangguan Jin Hong suddenly sighed, and said: "I often hear people say that you are not afraid of death, but I have never believed it, because I don't believe that there are people who are not afraid of death at all, until now——now I believe it a little bit."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "If a person can still say such things before he is about to die, it can be seen that he has taken life and death very lightly, so I find it even more strange."

Li Xun Huan said: "Strange?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Through the ages, the only thing to die is death. There is nothing important other than death. If a person doesn't even care about death, how can he care whether his body is wet or dry when he dies?"

He stared at Li Xun Huan, and continued slowly: "So I think, you must have another purpose for doing this."

Li Xun Huan asked, "What do you think is the purpose?"

Shangguan Jinhong said: "Some people may think that you are just procrastinating on purpose, because even if a person knows that he is going to die, he still tries to procrastinate as long as he can, hoping for a miracle to happen, at least he can live a little longer. OK."

Li Xun Huan said, "You think so too?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Of course I don't think so, I have never underestimated you."

He continued: "Of course you know that there will never be a miracle. There is no one in this world who can save you. Besides, you are not afraid of death at all."

Li Xun Huan said: "Then, what do you think?"

Shangguan Jinhong said: "I think, what you are doing is just looking for an opportunity to let them escape, because you know that I will never kill other people before I kill you. If you want to eat, you will never fill your stomach with steamed buns and pancakes first, so as not to spoil your appetite."

Li Xun Huan said with a faint smile, "This analogy is not good."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "It's not good, but it's true."

Li Xun Huan smiled reluctantly, and said: "Even if it's true, but don't you care about their lives?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I don't need to."

He really doesn't have to.

They were alive and no longer a threat to him.

If he wanted them to die, it would be very convenient anytime, anywhere.

Li Xunhuan could hardly bear to look at Sun Xiaohong again.

But in any case, she was still alive and breathing now.

This is enough.

Besides, what else could he do for her?

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I have already said, I will make an exception for you, because you have nothing to do with anyone else."

He continued word by word: "You live very cleanly, at least I can't let you die too dirty—at least I can't let you die in the mud like a wild dog."

To die, how to die, where to die?
None of this matters.

The important thing is to die peacefully and cleanly.

Where is Sun Xiaohong?

Li Xunhuan couldn't bear to see her, and couldn't.

His attention must not be distracted.

He didn't even hear Sun Xiaohong's voice.

But now he is leaving, and of course she also knows that when he leaves, he may never see each other in the future, and this departure may not be life, but death.

How could she just watch him go like this?

He was afraid that she would rush over, want to go with him, and die with him.

If she did this, he could only make up his mind to knock her out, or touch her acupuncture points, and then tell her to live a good life.

That scene must have been sad and touching.

But Li Xunhuan didn't want her to do this. Now, the burden in his heart was heavy enough. If she did this, his emotions might collapse.

Although his character is strong, his emotions are very fragile.

Sun Xiaohong didn't do that, she didn't even come to say goodbye to Li Xunhuan.

What is this for?
Finally, Li Xun Huan couldn't help turning his head and glanced at her.

She didn't faint, and she didn't go away.

She was also looking at Li Xunhuan.

Although her expression was sad, her eyes were so gentle and firm. Although her mouth did not speak, her eyes were telling Li Xun Huan: "Since this is something you must do, just go ahead and do it with confidence. I will never hold you back, nor will I disturb you, and whatever you do, I know you will do it well and do it right."

Even though he only glanced at it, Li Xun Huan's heart was no longer so heavy.

Because he already understood that she was a strong woman, and she would never want him to worry about it, and she would live a good life without him telling her.

She had nothing but comfort and encouragement for him.

He was really indescribably grateful, because only he knew how much she had helped him by doing this.

He suddenly felt that he was really lucky to meet such a woman.

Li Xun Huan finally left, and when he left, his steps were much firmer than when he came.

Sun Xiaohong watched him go quietly, and after a long time, she turned her gaze to Lin Xian'er.

Lin Xian'er was struggling to stand up from the mud.

She tried her best to look proud and noble, but she knew that no matter what she did, it would be useless, because she herself felt embarrassed.

Sun Xiaohong was still looking at her, expressionless.

No expression is an expression of contempt.

Lin Xian'er suddenly sneered and said, "I know you look down on me, but do you know that I look down on you even more?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "I don't know."

Lin Xian'er said: "You have harmed your grandfather and Li Xun Huan, but you are just standing here like a wooden man."

Sun Xiaohong said: "What do you think I should do?"

Lin Xian'er said: "You should know... don't you know that you did something wrong?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "I know."

Lin Xian'er said: "Then you should repent and feel uncomfortable."

Sun Xiaohong said: "How do you know that I'm not uncomfortable? If a person really feels remorse and feels uncomfortable, he should not say it with his mouth, but express it with his actions."

Lin Xian'er said: "What did you express? What did you do?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "What can I do now?"

Lin Xian'er said: "You know that Li Xun Huan will surely die, you should at least hold him..."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Can I hold him?"

She sighed and said: "If I go to pull him, I will only make his heart more confused and die faster."

Lin Xian'er said: "But didn't even shed a single tear."

Sun Xiaohong was silent for a while, then slowly said: "I really want to cry, I want to cry, but it's not now."

Lin Xian'er sneered, "When are you going to wait?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Tomorrow..."

Lin Xian'er said: "But there is still tomorrow."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Because there is always tomorrow, there is always hope."

She continued slowly: "Although I did something wrong, it's over. Even if I want to cry, I might as well wait until tomorrow, because I have other things to do today!"

Only cowards and fools shed eternal tears over "yesterday."

Those who really have the courage to admit their mistakes will also have the courage to face reality, and will never bury themselves in tears.

Tears cannot wash away shame, let alone make up for mistakes. If you really repent, you have to show courage and start from scratch today.

Lin Xian'er was stunned.

She said these words in order to hit Sun Xiaohong.Because she knew that Sun Xiaohong looked down on her, and she also wanted Sun Xiaohong to look down on herself.

But she failed.

Sun Xiaohong is far stronger than she imagined, far more courageous than she imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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