Chapter 29 The Great Love

After a while, Lin Xian'er gritted her teeth and said, "There are a lot of things to do today? What did you do?"

Sun Xiaohong said slowly: "If a woman wants to help her man, it's not to die with him, to work hard for him. It's to encourage him, comfort him, let him do his things with peace of mind, and let him feel is important and has not been overlooked."

Lin Xian'er sneered, "Is this enough?"

Sun Xiaohong sighed and said, "Besides that, what else can I do for him?"

She doesn't have to do anything more.

This is enough.

No matter which man meets a woman like her, he should be very grateful.

Sun Xiaohong suddenly said again: "I know you are trying to hit me, but I don't blame you, because I suddenly feel that you are very pitiful."

Lin Xian'er sneered, "Poor? What's so pitiful about me?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "You think you are young, beautiful, and smart, and that all men in the world will bow down to you, so when others treat you sincerely, you look down on him and think he is an idiot, but you will one day I discovered that there are not as many people who are sincere to you in the world as you imagined, and true love cannot be bought with youth and beauty."

She continued quietly: "At that time, you will find that you have obtained nothing, and everything is empty - a woman is the most pitiful time when she reaches this point."

Lin Xian'er said: " you think I have reached this point now?"

Her voice was trembling, because her whole body was shaking, and she didn't know if it was anger, cold, or fear?

Sun Xiaohong didn't speak, just looked coldly at the bruises on her face and the mud all over her body, which made her more uncomfortable than saying anything.

Lin Xian'er laughed suddenly, and said with a big laugh, "Yes, I do look down on him, I always treat him as an idiot, but if I go to him now, he will still crawl to me to beg me."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Why don't you try it?"

Lin Xian'er said: "I don't need to try to know, without me, he can't live at all."

Although she said no need, she turned around and ran out.

She walked so fast and used all her strength, because she knew that this was her last chance, and if she missed this chance again, she would really not be able to live.

Sun Xiaohong was stunned for a while, then slowly turned her head.

The land was completely dark, and in the misty rain, another figure appeared... This person did not know when he came, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

Sun Xiaohong saw her eyes at first glance.

These eyes were not bright, perhaps because they had shed too many tears, so their eyes looked a little dull, but the kind of sadness and resentment contained in them made even Iron Stone Man feel tempted when he saw it.

Then, Sun Xiaohong saw her face.

Her face isn't flawless either.

Her face was too pale, as if she hadn't seen the sun for a long, long time.

For some reason, from the first time Sun Xiaohong saw her, she thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

Her hair was messed up, her clothes were soaked through, so it certainly seemed that she should be in a mess, but the strange thing was that no matter what, she didn't think she was in a mess.

She still looked so beautiful and noble.

No matter in any situation, she can make people feel her unique temperament and unique charm.

Sun Xiaohong had never seen this person before, but after just one glance, she already guessed who she was.

Lin Shiyin!
Only a woman like her can turn a man like Li Xunhuan upside down for life.

Sun Xiaohong sighed in her heart.

"Why do people say that Lin Xian'er is the number one beauty in Jianghu? She should be the number one beauty. Don't say that when she was young, even now, she is still much better than Lin Xian'er."

She thought so, maybe because it was a rainy night, maybe because she was a woman.

Women look at women differently from men.

Lin Shiyin was also looking at her, walking over slowly, and said softly, " are Miss Sun?"

Sun Xiaohong nodded, and suddenly said: "I know you too, I often hear him talk about you."

Lin Shiyin smiled sadly.

Of course she knew who "he" Sun Xiaohong was talking about.

Sun Xiaohong said: "You have already come."

Lin Shiyin lowered her head and said: "I heard that he was going to fight here, so I wanted to come and talk to him, but I haven't been out for many years, and I don't even know the way."

She suddenly smiled sadly again, and continued: "But it doesn't matter, what I want to say to him is the same as what I say to you."

Her voice was very soft and miserable, as if she had to think for a long time before saying a word.

No matter what she said, she was clear and indifferent. If others listened to her, they would definitely think that she was a very cold and heartless woman.

But Sun Xiaohong knew very well that she was able to say such indifferent words only because she had suffered too much and suffered too much torture.

Sun Xiaohong only felt unspeakable sympathy and pity in her heart, and couldn't help but said: "I know he also wants to see you, since you're here, why don't you want to meet him?"

Lin Shiyin said: "I...I can't."

She originally wanted to meet Li Xun Huan, but when she came, there were already other people around, so she didn't dare to show up, because she was afraid that others would see through the relationship between her and Li Xun Huan.

Because she knew that if she met Li Xun Huan, she would no longer be able to control herself.

Even if she didn't say these words, Sun Xiaohong understood them very well.

Sun Xiaohong sighed: "I used to never understand why some people always listen to others and let others change their destiny? Now I understand that you listen to others not because you are afraid of them, but because you love them." He, you know that whatever he does is for your own good."

Lin Shiyin had always been controlling herself, but now, she couldn't control it anymore.

Tears flowed out of her like a fountain.

Because of these words of Sun Xiaohong, every word went to her heart, and every word was like a needle, which made her feel distressed.

She once asked herself: "Now I get nothing, everything is empty, just like Lin Xianer, but who caused this situation? Is it my fault?"

She once complained about Li Xunhuan and hated Li Xunhuan.

Could it be that this tragic ending was caused by Li Xun Huan?
But now she knew that it was not Li Xunhuan who was wrong, but herself.

"Why did I listen to him at that time? Why didn't I tell him clearly that I loved him and that I would not marry anyone but him."

Sun Xiaohong said softly: "Although I don't know much about the matter between you, I do know..."

Lin Shiyin suddenly interrupted her, and said: "Now I also know, I only know that I was wrong when I saw you."

Sun Xiaohong asked in amazement, "Why?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because...if I had the courage and strength like you, I wouldn't have ended like this today."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But you..."

Lin Shiyin said: "I now know that I am not worthy to be his wife, only you are worthy of him."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head and said, "I..."

Lin Shiyin didn't let her talk at all, and said again: "Because only you can comfort him and encourage him. No matter what he does, your confidence in him will not change, and I..."

She sighed sadly, tears streaming down again.

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head. After a long time, she suddenly smiled and said, "But you will still have a chance to see him in the future. The past is over, and you can still..."

Lin Shiyin interrupted her again, and said, "Do you think he still has a chance? Is there still hope?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Of course he has!"

She smiled again, and said: "Others will think that he has no confidence in himself when he looks like that. If a person loses confidence in himself, what hope is there?"

Lin Shiyin said sadly, "Exactly."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But I know that he did that just because he deliberately wanted Shangguan Jinhong to despise him, if Shangguan Jinhong has the heart to underestimate the enemy, he will inevitably be negligent."

There was light in her eyes, and she said slowly: "As long as Shangguan Jinhong is negligent, he can kill him!"

Lin Shiyin sighed, and said: "He has confidence in himself, maybe because he knows that you have confidence in him, and how much you have helped him, maybe even you don't know."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head, pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I know."

Not only did she have confidence in Li Xun Huan, but she also had confidence in herself.

Lin Shiyin looked at her, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, and she didn't know if it was envy, sadness, pain for herself, or happiness for Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan was down and out for half his life, physically and mentally exhausted, and only a woman like Sun Xiaohong could comfort him, otherwise even if he could win this time, he would still fall down in the future.

Even if no one else can knock him down, he will knock himself down.

Lin Shiyin sighed a long time, and said: "He can meet you, perhaps it is the compensation from the heavens for him, this is what he deserves, but..."

She suddenly asked: "Where is Jing Wuming? Even if he can defeat Shangguan Jinhong, he can't resist the two of them no matter what."

Sun Xiaohong pondered, and said: "Jing Wuming may not make a move, because since Shangguan Jinhong feels that he is sure of victory, he doesn't need to make a move at all, then by the time he wants to make a move, it will be too late."

She was right, this was Li Xun Huan's only chance.

They have only one chance to knock down Li Xunhuan - Xiao Li Feidao will never give anyone a second chance.

The question is, who can seize this opportunity?
Lin Shiyin said: "You mean, if Jing Wuming doesn't make a move, he will have a chance?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Not bad."

Lin Shiyin said: "How can you be sure that Jing Wuming won't make a move?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "I can't."

She quickly continued: "But I can be sure that within an hour, none of them will make a move."

Lin Shiyin said: "Even if you are right, within an hour, there will be no miracle."

Sun Xiaohong said: "There will be."

Lin Shiyin said, "What miracle?"

Sun Xiaohong said, "Ah Fei."

Although Lin Shiyin didn't say anything, her expression was very disappointed.

No matter who has been disappointed in Ah Fei.

Sun Xiaohong said: "Everyone thinks that Ah Fei is dead, it's only because of the shackles on his back."

Lin Shiyin said: "Shackles?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Well, the shackles, maybe only one person can untie his shackles."

Lin Shiyin said: "Who?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "To untie the bell, one needs to tie it."

Lin Shiyin said: "You mean...Lin Xian'er?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Yes, when he really finds out that Lin Xian'er is not worthy of his love, his shackles will be released."

Lin Shiyin was silent for a while, then said: "You may be right, but he has fallen for a long time, how can he recover in just an hour?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "For other reasons, of course he can't, but for Li Xunhuan, he might be able to."

She continued slowly: "For the one he loves, he can often do many things that he can't do normally."

Lin Shiyin heaved a long sigh and said, "I hope so..."

Sun Xiaohong said: "So I'm going to find Ah Fei now and tell him about the situation."

Lin Shiyin said: "Wait a minute, I...I still have something to tell you."

Sun Xiaohong said, "I'm listening."

Lin Shiyin said: "I haven't been outside for a long time, but I know all about these people outside, don't you find it strange?"

Sun Xiaohong smiled and said, "I'm not surprised, because I know you have a very smart son."

Lin Shiyin lowered her head again, and said: "No matter what, he is always my son. I have nothing but him, so... I hope you will tell him and ask him to forgive..."

Sun Xiaohong sighed: "He never hated anyone, you should know."

Lin Shiyin pondered, as if she didn't know how to say something.

Sun Xiaohong said: "Do you want me to tell him about the "Treasure of Lianhua"?"

Lin Shiyin was a little surprised, and said, "You also know about this?"

Sun Xiaohong smiled and said: "I told him about this, my second uncle..."

Lin Shiyin suddenly said: "That's right, when Senior Wang came, Mr. Sun Er was also there."

Sun Xiaohong said: "So, the "Treasure of Lianhua" is indeed in your hands?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Yes, but I never told him about it."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Why?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because at that time I felt that martial arts not only did not help him, but harmed him. The higher his martial arts, the more troubles he would have, so..."

Sun Xiaohong said: "That's why you kept him a secret, because you only want him to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life."

Lin Shiyin said sadly: "This is the biggest reason, others may not believe it..."

Sun Xiaohong said: "I believe it."

She sighed, and said quietly: "If I were you, I'm afraid I would do the same thing as you."

Only a woman understands what a woman thinks.

Only women know that a girl will do anything for the man she loves. In the eyes of others, what she does may be ridiculous, but in their own eyes, there is no reason in the world This is important.

Lin Shiyin said: "But now I regret it very much, and feel that I shouldn't have kept it from him."

Sun Xiaohong said: "It's for his own good that you hide it from him, what's wrong?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because... if he has practiced the martial arts in "The Treasure of Lianhua", even if Shangguan Jinhong and Jing Wuming join forces to deal with him today, it won't matter."

Sun Xiaohong said: "So you feel very guilty, I hope he can forgive you."

Lin Shiyin nodded, and said sadly: "I also know that he won't blame me no matter what, but I... If I don't tell this matter, I will feel even more uncomfortable."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But you are wrong."

Lin Shiyin said: "Am I wrong?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "If he has practiced the martial arts in the "Treasure of Lianhua", maybe he will not be the opponent of Shangguan Jinhong."

Lin Shiyin said: "Why?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Do you know why Ah Fei's sword is terrible?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because he is fast, faster than anyone else."

Sun Xiaohong said: "How can he be faster than others?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because he..."

Sun Xiaohong said: "He is fast, just because he is more attentive than others, and Li Fei Dao is the same, if they have practiced other martial arts, they will be distracted instead, maybe they can't be so fast."

Lin Shiyin lowered her head, thought for a long time, and said slowly: "No matter what, I still hope to tell him what I mean."

Sun Xiaohong bit her lip and said, "You guys still have a chance to meet in the future, why don't you tell him yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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