Chapter 30 Suddenly Figured Out
Lin Shiyin remained silent for a long time before raising her head.

The expression on her face suddenly became very calm, and said: "We may not have the chance to meet in the future."

Sun Xiaohong frowned and said, "Why?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because... because I'm going to a place far, far away."

Sun Xiaohong said: " must go?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Definitely!"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Why?"

Lin Shiyin said: "Because I have made up my mind."

Sun Xiaohong was speechless.

Lin Shiyin suddenly smiled again, and said sadly: "The biggest weakness in my life is that I have never made up my mind to do things. This may be the first time I have made up my mind. I don't want anyone to want me to change again."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But... But we just met for the first time, and now we don't have much time to talk, you should let me see you again, I also have a lot to say to you."

Lin Shiyin thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you here tomorrow, tomorrow morning."

Lin Shiyin also left.

Now, it seems that Sun Xiaohong is the only one left in the world.

She has not shed tears, but now, her tears suddenly flowed out like a spring.

She also made up her mind.

As long as Li Xun Huan survives, she must bring him here.

Ever since she saw Li Xun Huan for the first time, she was determined to give her life to him.

This determination she never changed.

But now, she felt that she was too selfish, and she was determined to sacrifice herself!

Because she suddenly felt that Lin Shiyin needed Li Xunhuan more than she did!

"They have all suffered too much, and they all have more rights to enjoy life than me. No matter what method I use, I will bring them together."

She belonged to him, no one should separate them.

"Long Xiaoyun can't either, he doesn't deserve it at all!"

"As for me……"

Determined not to miss herself, she bit her lip and wiped away her tears. "Even if I want to cry, I have to save it until tomorrow. I still have a lot of things to do today..."

She looked up.

Yes, it is dark indeed now, for the night has grown deeper.

But since the night has come, can the light be far behind?
Some people think that there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is good and the other is bad.

As with men, so with women.

Of course Lin Xian'er belongs to the category of bad guys, but what about Lin Shiyin and Sun Xiaohong?
They are all good people, of course, but they are also different.

No matter what it is, Lin Shiyin always endures and endures... She believes that the greatest virtue of a woman is "to endure".

Sun Xiaohong is different, she wants to resist!
As long as she thinks it is wrong, she will resist!
She is firm, clear, courageous, and confident. She dares to love, but also dares to hate. You will never see the dark side in her!
Just because there are women like her in the world, human beings can continue to progress and survive.

"The Eternal Feminine, Leading Man to Ascension."

This sentence is also said for a woman like her.

"As long as I go to him, no matter what time, he will still crawl to beg me."

"He can't live without me."

Is Lin Xian'er really so sure?

She was sure because she knew that Ah Fei loved her to death.

But where is Ah Fei now?

"He must still be in that house because it's 'our home' and there are things I left, smells."

"He must still be waiting for me to go back."

Thinking of this, Lin Xian'er suddenly felt much more comfortable.

"He must not want to do anything these two days, he must still be drinking all day long, the place must have been messed up by him, and even the corpses haven't been moved yet."

Thinking of this, Lin Xian'er couldn't help frowning again.

"But it doesn't matter, as soon as I see him, no matter what, he will rush to do it, and I don't need to do it at all."

Lin Xian'er sighed contentedly. At this time alone, it was a pleasant feeling to think that there was still a place to go back to and that there were still people waiting for her.

"Maybe I was too hard on him before and pushed him too hard. I will change my approach in the future."

"A man is like a child. If you want him to be obedient, you have to give him something to eat."

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little hot in her heart.

"In any case, he is not a very annoying person after all, and he is even much better than all the men I have met."

She suddenly realized that she still loved him a little bit.

In her life, if there was anyone who could really move her a little, that person would be A Fei. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that A Fei had more benefits than others.

"I should really treat him well. There are not many men like him in the world, and I may never find them again in the future."

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't give up on him.

Maybe she has always been in love with him, but because he loves too deeply, it makes her feel indifferent.

If he didn't love her so deeply, she might love him more instead.

This is the weakness of human nature, the contradiction of human nature.

So even if a smart man loves a woman very much, he just hides it in his heart and will never show all his love in front of her.

"A Fei, don't worry, I will never make you sad again in the future. I will definitely be with you every day. The past is over, and now we will start again."

"As long as you treat me as before, I can rely on you for anything."

But will Ah Fei still treat her like before?
Lin Xian'er suddenly felt that she was not very sure, her confidence in herself had been shaken.

She has never felt this way before, that's because she has never felt that A Fei is so important to her before, no matter whether A Fei treats her well or badly, she doesn't care at all.

A person is afraid of "losing" only when he really wants to "get".

This feeling of worrying about gains and losses is also one of the many weaknesses of human beings.

Sadly, the more eager you are to "get", the more likely you are to "lose".

Lin Xian'er raised her head and saw the house beside the path.

There were lights in the house.

She stopped suddenly, tore off a piece of the skirt of her undershirt, washed her face in the rain, used her fingers as a comb, and combed her hair.

She didn't want Ah Fei to see her in such a mess.

Because she must never lose him again.

The lights in the house were still on.

The lamp is on the table.

Next to the lamp, there was a large pot of porridge.

The room was not as dirty as Lin Xian'er imagined, the corpse had been removed, the blood stains had been cleaned up, and it was cleaned very cleanly.

Ah Fei was sitting at the table, drinking the porridge one mouthful at a time.

He has been eating slowly because he knows that food is not easy to come by, so he has to enjoy it slowly, absorb every bite of food completely, and digest it completely.

But now, he doesn't seem to be enjoying it.

He even had a bored look on his face, obviously trying to force himself to eat.

Why did he force himself to eat?Is it because he doesn't want to fall?

The night is deep.

Facing the lonely lamp alone, he drank the porridge slowly.

Those who have not seen this scene will never imagine how lonely and desolate it is.

Then, the door was gently pushed open.

Lin Xian'er suddenly appeared at the door and looked at him.

At the moment when she saw A Fei, she suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm in her heart, as if a wanderer who had been wandering for a long time suddenly saw his relatives.

Even she herself didn't know how she could feel this way.

Her blood is cold.

Ah Fei didn't seem to notice anyone coming in at all, and kept his head down, drinking the porridge mouthful, as if only the porridge in this bowl was real in the world.

But the muscles on his face seemed to be gradually stiffening.

Lin Xian'er couldn't help calling softly: "Xiao Fei..."

The voice of this call is still so gentle, so sweet.

Ah Fei finally raised his head slowly and faced her.

His eyes are still bright, is it because of tears?
Lin Xian'er's eyes seemed to be a little wet, and she said softly, "Xiao Fei, I'm back..."

A Fei didn't move or speak.

He seemed too stiff to move.

Lin Xian'er had already walked towards him slowly, and said softly: "I know you will wait for me, because I didn't know until now that only you in this world are really good to me."

This time she did not use means.

This time she was telling the truth, because she had decided to be true to him.

"I only know now that other people are just using me...I use them, they use me! There is nothing wrong with this, only you, no matter how I treat you, you always treat me sincerely."

She didn't pay attention to the change in the expression on A Fei's face.

Because she was getting closer and closer to A Fei, so close that she couldn't see many things she should see clearly.

"I am determined to never lie to you again, never to make you sad again, no matter what you want, I can rely on you and promise you..."

With a "boom", the chopsticks in Ah Fei's hand suddenly broke.

Lin Xian'er took his hand and placed it on her chest.

Her voice was as sweet as honey.

"If I was sorry for you in the past, I will definitely compensate you twice in the future. I will make you feel that no matter how good you are to me, it is worth it."

Her chest was warm and soft.

No matter if anyone's hand was placed on her chest, they would never want to take it off again.

Ah Fei's hand suddenly moved away from her chest.

A trace of fear suddenly appeared in Lin Xian'er's eyes, and she said, "You...don't you...don't want me?"

Ah Fei looked at her quietly, as if seeing her for the first time.

Lin Xian'er said: "Everything I told you was the truth. Although I had... had sex with other men before, I was all lies to them..."

Her voice stopped suddenly, because she suddenly saw the expression on A Fei's face.

Ah Fei's expression looked like he wanted to vomit.

Lin Xian'er involuntarily took two steps back, and said, "You... don't you want to listen to the truth? Do you like me to lie to you?"

Ah Fei stared at her for a long time, then suddenly said, "I'm just wondering about one thing."

Lin Xian'er said, "What are you wondering about?"

Ah Fei stood up slowly, and said word by word: "I just wonder how I fell in love with a woman like you before!"

Lin Xian'er suddenly felt cold all over her body.

A Fei didn't say anything else.

He didn't need to say anything else, this one was enough.

This sentence is enough to push Lin Xian'er into the abyss of eternal doom.

A Fei walked out slowly.

A person who has been beaten and insulted countless times will never remain the same.

A man can bear a lie, but never the most intolerable insult--a woman as well as a man.

As with wives, so with husbands.

Lin Xian'er felt her heart sinking, sinking... Ah Fei had already opened the door.

Lin Xian'er suddenly turned around and rushed towards him, threw herself at his feet, grabbed his clothes, and hissed, "How could you just leave me like this...I only have you now..."

A Fei didn't look back.

He just took off his clothes slowly.

He went out shirtless and into the rain.

The rain was cold.

But the rain is very clean.

He finally got rid of Lin Xian'er and the shackles on his mind, just like getting rid of the old and tattered clothes.

Lin Xian'er was still holding on to that dress tightly, because she knew that she couldn't hold on to anything else except this dress.

"In the end you will always find that you got nothing, everything is empty..."

Lin Xian'er was in tears.

Only then did she realize that she had indeed been in love with Ah Fei all along.

She tortured him, perhaps because she loved him and knew he loved her.

"Why do women always like to torture the man who loves her the most?"

Only now did she know how important Ah Fei was to her.

Because she has lost him.

"Why do women always despise what they get, and why do they always wait until they lose it to know how to cherish it?"

Maybe it's not just women, but men too.

Lin Xian'er suddenly laughed wildly, laughing wildly and tearing up A Fei's clothes piece by piece.

"What am I afraid of? I'm so beautiful and so young—as long as I like, I can have as many men as I want. It doesn't matter if I change ten every day."

She was laughing, but this laugh was more tragic than crying.

Because she also knows that although men are easy to get, "true love" can never be bought by youth and beauty... What will happen to Lin Xian'er?

Nobody knows.

She seemed to have disappeared from this world all of a sudden.

Two or three years later, someone found a very special prostitute in the most luxurious brothel in Chang'an City, because what she wanted was not money, but a man.

It is said that she changes at least ten people every day.

In the beginning, of course, there were a lot of men who were interested in her, but then it gradually decreased.

That's not just because she's aging too fast, but because everyone gradually realizes that she is not a human being at all, but a she-wolf who seems to swallow men up to their flesh.

Not only does she like to torture men, but she also tortures herself even more.

It is said that she is very similar to Lin Xian'er, the "No. [-] beauty in the Jianghu".

But she didn't admit it herself.

A few years later, a very special woman appeared in the most humble prostitution in Chang'an City, and she was very famous.

She is famous not because she is beautiful, but because she is ugly, ridiculously ugly.

The most ridiculous thing is that whenever she gets drunk, she calls herself "the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes".

No one believed what she said.

The rain was cold.

The cold rain sprinkled on Ah Fei's chest, and he felt very comfortable, because the rain made him feel that he was not numb. In two years, this might be the first time he felt this way.

And he felt very light, as if a heavy burden had just been unloaded.

Someone in the distance is calling: "A Fei..."

The call was so soft that he might not have heard it at all if it had been a few days ago.

But now, his eyes are no longer blind and his ears are no longer deaf.

He stopped and asked, "Who?"

A person ran over, with two long braids and a pair of big eyes.

She is a very beautiful girl, but she looks a little anxious and haggard.

Sun Xiaohong finally found him too.

She ran over and almost rushed to A Fei, panting: "Maybe you don't remember me..."

A Fei interrupted her and said: "I remember you, I saw you once two years ago, you were very good at talking, I saw you again two days ago, and you didn't speak."

Sun Xiaohong smiled and said, "I never thought you had such a good memory."

Her mood suddenly brightened, because she found that A Fei had stood up again, and stood very straight.

"Some people get back up no matter how many times they get knocked down."

She felt that Li Xunhuan was indeed A Fei's confidant.

Although A Fei knew that something must be wrong with her, he didn't ask.

He knew she would say it herself.

Sun Xiaohong didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say yet.

Ah Fei finally said: "You can say anything, because you are Li Xunhuan's friend."

Sun Xiaohong blinked and said, "Have you seen her?"

Ah Fei said, "Yes."

Sun Xiaohong said: "What about her?"

Ah Fei said: "She is her, I am me, why do you ask me?"

In the past, whenever someone mentioned Lin Xian'er in front of him, he would feel an indescribable excitement. Even her name seemed to have a strange magic power for him.

But now he is very calm.

Sun Xiaohong stared at him, suddenly heaved a long sigh of relief, and said sweetly: "You really have shaken off your shackles."

Ah Fei said: "Shackles?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Everyone has his own steamer and his own shackles. Only a few people can shake off their own shackles."

Ah Fei said, "I don't understand."

Sun Xiaohong said with a smile: "You don't have to understand, as long as you can do it."

Ah Fei was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: "I understand."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Do you really understand?...Then let me ask you, how did you shake off that shackle?"

Ah Fei thought for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "I just figured it out suddenly."

"Suddenly figured it out", these five words are simple to say, but it is not easy to do it.

My Buddha Tathagata attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree because he suddenly figured it out.

Patriarch Bodhidharma faced the wall for 18 years before finally "suddenly figured it out".

No matter what it is, as long as you can "suddenly figure it out", you will not have troubles, but before you reach this point, you must have no idea how many troubles you have had.

Sun Xiaohong also thought for a long time before sighing, and said: "If a person can figure it out, he must pay a lot..."

Ah Fei seemed unwilling to bring up these matters any more, and suddenly asked: "He asked you to come to me?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "No."

Ah Fei said, "What about him?"

Sun Xiaohong suddenly stopped talking, and her smile disappeared.

A Fei was shocked and said, "How is he?"

Sun Xiaohong muttered sadly: "To be honest, I don't know where he is now, nor whether he is dead or alive."

Ah Fei changed his color and said, "What do you mean?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "I may be able to find him, but his death..."

Ah Fei said, "How is his life?"

Sun Xiaohong stared at him, and slowly said word by word: "Whether he lives or dies, it all depends on you!"

(End of this chapter)

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