Chapter 31 Who Is Wrong

Although it was raining outside, the house was still very dry, because there was only one window in such a big house, and the window was small and high above the ground.

The windows are always closed, the sun never shines in, and the rain never shines in.

The wall was painted with white paint, very thick, and no one could tell whether the wall was made of earth and stone, or copper and iron; but everyone could tell that the wall was thick enough to isolate everything.

Except for two beds and a large table, there was nothing else in the room—no chairs, no stools, not even a cup.

The house was even cruder than the place where an ascetic lived.

The leader of the "Money Gang", the most famous, powerful, and financially powerful in the world, would live in such a place.

Li Xun Huan also couldn't help being stunned.

Shangguan Jin Hong stood beside him, looked at him, and said leisurely: "Are you satisfied with this place?"

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time, finally smiled and said, "At least this place is dry."

Shangguan Jinhong said: "It is indeed very dry, I can guarantee that there is not even a drop of water."

He continued calmly: "This place has always had no tea, no water, no wine, and no one has ever shed a tear here."

Li Xun Huan said, "Where's the blood? Did you shed blood here?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said coldly: "Not at all - even if someone wants to die here, the blood will be drained before they come here."

He continued coldly: "If I don't want him to come in, no matter whether he is dead or alive, he will never even think about entering this room."

Li Xun Huan smiled again and said, "To be honest, although it's uncomfortable to live here alive, it's not bad to die here."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Oh?"

Li Xun Huan said, "Because this place is like a tomb."

Shangguan Jinhong said: "Since you like it, I might as well bury you here." A cruel smile appeared in his eyes again, pointing to a piece of land under his feet, and continued: "Bury it here, then I will bury you here in the future." When I stand here every day, I will think that Xiao Li Tanhua is at my feet, and I will be more sober in doing things."

Li Xun Huan frowned, "Sober?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Because if I can't stay awake, I will also be stepped on by others. When I think of your example, of course I can be vigilant against myself."

Li Xun Huan said lightly: "But if a person wakes up too much, wouldn't it be very painful."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I don't feel pain, never have."

Li Xun Huan said: "That's because you have never been happy...Sometimes I really want to ask you, what are you living for?"

The corners of Shangguan Jinhong's eyes were twitching, and after a long while, he slowly said: "Some people may really not know what they are living for, but some are even more pitiful, they don't even know what they are dying for."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh?"

Shangguan Jin Hong stared at him and said, "Maybe you don't know what you died for."

Li Xun Huan said, "Maybe I don't want to know at all."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You don't want to?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Because I already know that death is not a big deal."

He didn't wait for Shangguan Jin Hong to speak, and then said: "In your eyes, it seems that I am a dead person now, isn't it?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "You are very self-aware."

Li Xun Huan said: "Since I'm already dead, I don't have to worry about anything, and I don't need to worry about anything, how about you?"

He suddenly sat down, sat on the ground, stretched long, and said with a smile: "Now I want to sit, so I sit down, and if I want to close my eyes, I just close my eyes, can you?"

Shangguan Jin Hong clenched his fists tightly.

Li Xun Huan said: "Of course you can't, because you still have to worry about many things and beware of me."

He sat more comfortably, and said leisurely: "So, at least now I am much more comfortable than you."

Shangguan Jin Hong also smiled suddenly, and said: "Since I promised not to let you die wet, I originally wanted to wait for your clothes to dry before shooting, but now I have changed my mind."

Li Xun Huan said: "Oh?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Now I will not only put clean clothes on you, but also give you a jug of wine, because what you said is really interesting, and it is really not easy to hear such interesting things from a dead person."

Long Xiaoyun curled up under the blanket, seemingly asleep, but there were a few wet footprints on the ground that were not completely dry.

The lamp was burning, and the wick was almost exhausted. The dim light made the half-old inn look even more gloomy, as if it was lifeless.

Lin Shiyin quietly pushed open the door and walked in quietly.

A loving mother's footsteps are always so light, they would rather stay up all night than wake up their children's dreams.

Long Xiaoyun may not be a child anymore, and may be more sophisticated than most people, but when he is asleep, he still looks like a child.

His face is still so small, so pale, so thin, no matter what he has done, he is still a lonely and helpless child, still full of confusion about life.

Lin Shiyin quietly walked to the bed and stared at him, feeling only a pang of sadness in her heart.

This is her only flesh and blood, the blood of her blood, the flesh of her flesh, her only comfort and sustenance in this world.

She would rather die than leave him.

But now... Lin Shiyin suddenly turned around and picked up the wick.

"No matter what, I have to look at him a few more times, look at him a few more times, in the future..."

She didn't dare to think about the future, she couldn't bear to think about it.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Although Long Xiaoyun's eyes were closed tightly, there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

His body shivered suddenly, was it too cold, or was he having a nightmare?

Lin Shiyin bent down, thinking that he would be tightened.

She suddenly realized that the quilt was wet, and Long Xiaoyun's clothes were also wet and drenched.

Lin Shiyin was stunned for a long time before she sighed and said softly, "So you have gone out too."

Long Xiaoyun still closed his eyes and mouth, even tighter.

Lin Shiyin said: "Have you been following me all this time?"

Long Xiaoyun finally nodded.

Lin Shiyin said: "You heard everything I said just now."

Long Xiaoyun suddenly took out a small bag wrapped in oil paper from under the quilt, held it up high, and said, "Take it."

Lin Shiyin frowned and said, "What is this?"

Long Xiaoyun still closed his eyes and said: "You don't know what this is? Didn't you come back just to get this thing?"

Pain appeared in Lin Shiyin's eyes, and he said, "I...I came back to see you."

Long Xiaoyun said: "If it wasn't for this thing, would you still come back to see me?"

Suddenly he opened his eyes and stared at his mother.

His eyes were also full of pain, and he said: "You were planning to leave me, if it wasn't for something like this, you would have left long ago."

Lin Shiyin said sadly: "I am indeed planning to go to a place far, far away, but I..."

Long Xiaoyun interrupted her and said: "You don't need to tell me, I also know where you are going."

Lin Shiyin said: "You know?"

Long Xiaoyun said: "You are going to rescue Li Xunhuan, aren't you?"

Lin Shiyin was stunned again.

Long Xiaoyun whispered: "You are going to use this "Treasure of Lianhua" to save Li Xunhuan, aren't you?"

He threw the greased paper bag in front of Lin Shiyin and hissed, "Then why don't you take it? Why don't you go?"

Lin Shiyin shook her body, as if she couldn't hold on anymore.

Long Xiaoyun said: "With this "Treasure of Lianhua", Shangguan Jinhong will definitely meet you, because he is also a martial artist, and he will be moved when he sees this kind of thing."

He gritted his teeth, and then said: "You want to use this opportunity to fight him desperately, but of course you also know that it is not easy for him to die, so you do this just to hug him first, how much you can hold him If you hug him for a moment, Li Xunhuan will live a moment longer, and Ah Fei may be able to rush to save him in time!"

Lin Shiyin was speechless.

Long Xiaoyun is indeed a very smart child, and every word she speaks goes to her heart.

She has nothing to say.

Long Xiaoyun said: "Li Xun Huan is indeed very kind to you, even if you don't want your own son and your own life for him, no one can say you are wrong."

He trembled even more, and then said: "But have you thought about others, have you thought about me, after all, I am your son...I...I..."

Lin Shiyin's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, she couldn't help but hold her son's hand tightly, and said, "Of course I thought about it for you, I..."

Long Xiaoyun shook off her hand forcefully, and said: "You have thought about it for me, I know, you want me to wait for them there tomorrow morning, since you have died for him, when they see me, they will definitely Take good care of me."

He continued in a low voice: "But how do you know that you will be able to save him? If he sees you dead, wouldn't he feel even more confused and uncomfortable. Even if A Fei can get away, he may not be able to live."

Lin Shiyin's body also began to tremble.

Long Xiaoyun said: "What's more, even if he can survive, even if he is willing to take care of me, I won't follow him, I don't even want to look at him."

Lin Shiyin said sadly: "Why?"

Long Xiaoyun gritted his teeth and said, "Because I hate him!"

Lin Shiyin said: "But you already..."

Long Xiaoyun interrupted her again, saying: "I hate him not because he abolished my martial arts."

Lin Shiyin said: "Then what are you doing for?"

Long Xiaoyun hissed: "I hate him for not being my father, and I also hate myself for not being his son. If I were his son, wouldn't you leave me? Wouldn't everything be fine? much?"

He suddenly fell on the pillow and burst into tears.

Lin Shiyin's heart was broken, and her whole body collapsed.

She felt that she couldn't hold on any longer, and finally fell down on the chair behind her.

"If this child is his son, if he is my husband..."

She didn't even dare to think about this idea, but deep in her heart, why didn't she secretly think about it?
Unlucky parents give birth to children who are even more unfortunate and miserable.

But it is only the parents who are wrong, and the children are not wrong, so why should they be punished and suffer?

Lin Shiyin struggled to get up, and threw herself on her son, crying like rain, "My child, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you... Parents like us, it's really not easy to be our child..."

Suddenly, a desolate and heavy sigh came from outside the window.

One person choked with sobs and said, "You didn't feel sorry for him, but I am sorry for you."

Long Xiaoyun.

Those who had seen him before would never have imagined that he would become so embarrassed and haggard.

He was standing at the door, as if he didn't have the courage to enter the room.

Long Xiaoyun raised his head and moved his lips, as if he wanted to call him: "Father."

But he didn't make a sound.

Long Xiaoyun sighed and said, "I know, you don't want to be my son."

Lin Shiyin suddenly looked back.

Long Xiaoyun turned his eyes to her, and said sadly: "I also know that you don't want to be my wife, I'm just a superfluous person alive."

Lin Shiyin said: "You..."

Long Xiaoyun didn't let her speak, and said again: "But I want to be your good father and your good husband, but... it seems that I didn't do it well, and I did everything wrong."

Lin Shiyin looked at him.

He had been a most well-dressed and groomed man, and he had been a handsome man, always fresh.

But now?

Lin Shiyin suddenly felt a sense of pity, and said sadly: "I'm sorry for you too, and I didn't make you a good wife."

Long Xiaoyun smiled sadly, and said: "It's not your fault, it's just me. If I hadn't met you, and Li Xunhuan, none of you would have become like this, and you would all have been very happy."

But didn't his own destiny also change because of this?

If he hadn't met Li Xun Huan, wouldn't he have become like this?

Lin Shiyin burst into tears again, and said: "No matter what you have done, at least you did it to protect your home and your wife, are not wrong, I can never blame you."

Long Xiaoyun smiled sadly: "Maybe none of us are wrong, so who is wrong?"

Lin Shiyin stared blankly at the wind and rain outside the window, and murmured: "Who is at fault?...Who is at fault..."

He couldn't answer.

No one can answer.

There are many things in the world that people cannot explain or answer.

Long Xiaoyun said slowly: "I didn't want to come to see you again, but this time when you came out, I knew you had made up your mind to leave me, so I neither persuaded you to stay nor begged you to go back, because... ..."

He sighed and said with tears: "I also know that the things I did not only make you sad, but also disappoint you, but I still can't help but want to come out with you secretly, as long as I can look at you from a distance , I am satisfied."

Lin Shiyin cried bitterly, and said, "Please don't say any more, please..."

Long Xiaoyun nodded slowly, and said: "I really shouldn't say any more, because it's too late to say anything now."

Lin Shiyin wept and said: "You know, I owe him too much, I can't just watch him die."

Long Xiaoyun said: "I also owe him more, so you should let me do some things."

He seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly strode over.

Lin Shiyin murmured: "What do you want to do? Don't you..."

Long Xiaoyun made a sudden move, tapped her acupuncture points, gritted his teeth and said, "You can't die, and you shouldn't die. It's me who deserves to die. I live, and everyone suffers. If I die, you can live a good life instead. .”

He grabbed the "Treasure of Lianhua" wrapped in oiled paper, and rushed out.

He could only hear his voice coming from afar in the wind, saying: "Son, take good care of your mother, as for my doesn't matter if you admit it or not."

Long Xiaoyun's eyes widened, looking at the wind and rain outside the door.

He no longer weeps.

But his eyes were more heartbreaking than tears.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly yelled and said, "I admit that only you are my father, and I only want to be your son. I don't want anyone but you, no matter who..."

This is the son's confession to his father, and it is also the unique feeling between father and son. There is absolutely nothing in the world that can replace it.

It's a pity that the father can't hear it anymore.

As long as it is a person, there is a time for enlightenment.

Even if his awakening is only because he has been cornered, he is still worthy of respect.

Blood is thicker than water.

Only blood can wash away all humiliation and all hatred.

The destination of life is blood.

But new life is also born in the blood.

(End of this chapter)

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