Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 100 Golden Words, Nothing Than This!

Chapter 100 Golden Words, Nothing Than This!
"It's not that the rules of Traveling World deduced a wrong method for you, but Traveling World tried its best to deduce a method with the highest success rate for you. You know, Traveling Ability is your own ability, Traveling World is your world, a 100 The world that you can control is just that your ability is not up to it now, and now the space you travel through is as big as the entire solar system, what a huge space it is!"

No. [-] groped Aaron's cheek, smiled and explained
"So it's like this! Then I understand! What should the correct way to advance be?!"

Aaron's face was stunned, and then he asked suspiciously

"The universal promotion method should be, the first step is to observe the orifices, which is to visualize the gods of the orifices, so as to gradually improve your body and sublimate your physical body, first find the smallest orifices, and start to visualize. It is to condense the spirit on this acupoint, and when the acupoint changes, it is the sign of officially entering the next stage after seeing God, but this is just the beginning."

No. [-] spoke slowly, Aaron listened very seriously, after all, this is cultivation, if there is a slight mistake, it will end in pieces

"There are a total of 720 acupuncture points in the human body, 402 of which are used for medical purposes, of which 108 are critical points, divided into active points and dead points, 72 points that are not lethal, and 36 points that are fatal. Each point has its own unique use. , and also correspond to some world rules in your domain, but the number of world rules is far more than the body's acupuncture points. It is the world, which is far more complicated than a human body! If you can visualize a god in a big hole and visualize perfection, then you will break the shackles of your body and transform into a god body, just like the one you broke through in the space. Same rules!"

No. [-] explained that the human body is just a product of a planet in a world after all, and even out of the ball, it may not necessarily be related to the laws of the universe, let alone the rules of the world that govern the entire universe. Aaron dare not imagine all the aspects involved, including human beings and non-human species. After all, the universe is too big. Who knows if there are any strange biological groups with civilizations that are very different from human beings? The form is also uncertain
Therefore, the human body is the human body, a simple human body, the universe is the universe, the uncle is still your uncle, that kind of universe is like your uncle, just ask if you are afraid

"So, no matter which acupoint you start from, it also involves different abilities. For example, if your first acupoint is the Shousanli acupoint, then you will become infinitely powerful. If it is Chongyang point, then it is possible that the running speed is extremely fast, so the transformation from human to god in the next stage of the realm of seeing gods is also gradual!"

"Using acupoints to communicate the rule modules of the world in one's domain, visualizing the gods, is to connect the rules in the domain, and it is nothing more than the difference between strong and weak physical strength! But you are doing the opposite, By directly acting on the rules to improve one's own state of martial arts, this method is actually faster, more efficient, and more solid than the step-by-step method!"

"If ordinary people want to strengthen their bodies to your current level by visualizing acupoints, even a genius like you may take at least a few hundred years. However, although you are directly acting You have learned the rules to strengthen your body, but you have not linked the rules with your own acupoints. The rules are the gods of the acupoints. This also leads to your incomplete understanding of the rule system and what each rule does. Yes, the next step, what you have to do is to incorporate these rules into the corresponding acupuncture points of your body! There are no gods in the acupuncture points, and the rules are uneasy, how can you exert your full strength?!"

No. [-] talked a lot, and explained Aaron's situation thoroughly. Aaron was thinking, his eyes were thoughtful, and Aaron's sixth sense told him that what No. [-] said was right. The next step is really to be like this Come
"Then according to this statement, isn't my current body just a preliminary strengthening?!"

Aaron asked again, he was actually very puzzled about this, you know, when he was promoted, he could be said to be very powerful, and he was struck by lightning countless times before he reached his current physical strength, which is just start? !How terrifying that limit must be!
"Yes, it's just the beginning. Now you only use two rules to strengthen your body, even relying on the body strengthened by the sky thunder when breaking the shackles of the body, and finally realized the unity of soul and body, and now you can only carry the rules. It’s just a simple application, it’s still far behind! Without the domain rules of Anjia, it’s like a rootless weed, not very easy to control!”

No. [-] explained the next state of seeing God thoroughly. Since then, Aaron has no doubts anymore, and his mood is clear and transparent.

"Then what should this realm be called?!"

Suddenly, Aaron asked again with some doubts. After all, you can't always call it the front road of Chinese martial arts. Now that you have found the direction, this realm should have a name anyway.

"This, of course, is up to you to name it, but I suggest you go through the space! Name this realm!"

"Oh?! Why?! World upgrades and merit feedback!"

No. [-] said lightly, although there was no explanation, Aaron understood it. After all, this time Aaron found the way forward for the national art in the space, and the level of the world rules has also been raised by one level. Aaron Originally, he could obtain the power of merit, but now because he has not completed all the work on the road ahead of the national art, he lacks a name for the state of the state after seeing the gods in the national art!

The two returned to the traveling space again, stood in the middle of the traveling space, looked up at the sky of the fence, Aaron thought lightly, and said
"Human immortals refine their apertures, and all spirits return to their nests!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the entire traveling world vibrated with Aaron's voice, and Aaron's voice spread throughout the traveling space the size of the solar system, whether it was dinosaurs, insects and beasts on the ground, or fish, shrimp, whale sharks in the sea, whether it was flowers, plants and trees. , or water, fire, earth and stone, all faintly convey an atmosphere of joy
At the same time, Aaron's tongue is like a lotus flower. This voice is majestic and solemn, great and infiltrating all things. There is nothing better than golden words

And in the empty sky, boundless purple air also emerged, which kind of means that the purple air has traveled [-] miles from the east. However, Aaron is just a purple cloud, which is not as good as the one that Lao Tzu went west from Hangu Pass. In battle, this purple cloud can only be seen faintly in the sky

(End of this chapter)

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