Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 101 Sherlock Holmes Xiaolun!

Chapter 101 Sherlock Holmes Xiaolun!

"Hello everyone, I am your dean and your instructor, Ryze the Wandering, you can call me Teacher Liu!"

In the class of Ge Xiaolun and others, there is a blue-purple bald head who wears this big earring to teach everyone. There are some weird and obscure runes everywhere on her face. Perhaps the only normal thing is that she is a humanoid creature. Yes, but fortunately, under the influence of Thornton, a humanoid crocodile, everyone is familiar with all kinds of weird things.
So when I saw this strange blue and enchanting wandering Ryze, I just looked at it curiously, and then I started to study seriously. Of course, Ge Xiaolun, the iron-headed kid, had all kinds of fantasies in my mind.
"Children! I have been wandering for a thousand years! From now on, the most trustworthy and reliable people you can rely on are me and your instructor!"

After finishing speaking, he began to tell the story to Ge Xiaolun and others, which was also the cause of the whole thing. It came down to Karl, the god of death, to Taotie, to the status quo of the weak and the strong in the universe, and to the destruction of the Deno galaxy. There is something about the great Kamigawa civilization disappearing in the universe, and finally I solemnly say
"For this reason, the principal and I, as well as Admiral Ducao, implanted super genes into your ancestors thousands of years ago. After thousands of years of running-in, these genes are finally perfectly compatible with your genes. Fusion, I am very fortunate that your genes completed the fusion work before the war is coming, otherwise, I can't imagine what the consequences will be!"

Ruiz looked at the group of energetic children with different personalities in front of him with complicated eyes. He was really worried, because to protect the earth, they don't have to be needed. What is needed is only their genes. If there is no After the fusion is completed, the genetic system cannot be opened, so there are only two ways to solve the current situation
One is to forcibly open it. In this case, part of the gene's ability will be lost, and it cannot be repaired. There is another method, which is to awaken the memory in the gene of the previous generation, and let the gene of the older generation carry the resurrection!This also means that the consciousness of Ge Xiaolun and others will disappear in this world

Therefore, Ge Xiaolun and others are lucky, just in time for their meeting, the gene fusion was completed

Ge Xiaolun and the others didn't understand this situation, so they were fearless, but Ruiz, as a thousand-year-old demon and one of the initiators of the Super Gene Project, knew it clearly, so he felt very lucky, because he loved it very much. These young children, they are the future!
Time passed quickly, and the cosmic history course of Wandering Ryze was over. Regardless of whether they understood it or not, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were all chatting in whispers, and walked towards the cafeteria again and again.
"Hey, Lord Xin, do you think the gods in this universe are just so stupid?! Then, didn't I, the big Galen, startle and shock the audience?!"

Ge Xiaolun, the iron-headed kid, wanted to fly into the whole class. At this time, he asked Xin Zhao next to him. He relied on his own small brain to force his own worldview to understand the stories told by the wandering Ruiz. After reading the story, he found that the god of death in the universe was a bit too stupid, which made him very proud. He didn't expect that there was someone who was even weaker than him. Uh. God!
"Why don't you say that you can go to the sky with just one hang?!"

Xin Zhao couldn't help rolling his eyes. He really didn't want to pay attention to Ge Xiaolun, a swindler. However, the content of the Leverage More course was also very shocking to him. There was a flash of inspiration in my mind, and I thought of something, and said
"Hey, didn't the blue-headed teacher just say that the Grim Reaper stole the principal's clock or something, and opened a big wormhole, and it was still on Pluto. You said, this is a magic weapon, how could it be stolen? Let’s go?! Didn’t it all say in the novel, but the divine weapon can recognize its owner with a drop of blood?! Could it be that this divine weapon can’t work?!”

When Xin Zhao said this, both Ge Xiaolun and Cheng Yaowen fell into contemplation, looking like a wise man thinking about a problem. If someone who doesn’t know, really thinks that the three of them are thinking about some deep knowledge.

After being silent for a while, Ge Xiaolun spoke.
"Tell me, our principal, shouldn't he have a relationship with that god of death?!"

As soon as these words came out, it was earth-shattering. However, Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen both stopped in their tracks, looked at Ge Xiaolun with strange expressions, and quietly moved back two steps, then glanced left and right, and found that there was no one around. Moving back again, Xin Zhao opened his mouth and said,
"Comrade Ge Xiaolun, your thoughts are very dangerous! Your political awareness is not high! On behalf of the organization, I will give you a verbal warning. I hope you can take it as a warning!"

The serious Xin Zhao said stiffly, looking at Ge Xiaolun's head with black lines, if Ge Xiaolun didn't know what kind of dick Zhao Xin was, he would have been fooled by his acting skills, sure enough, Zhao who just finished speaking Xin, his face collapsed, he approached Ge Xiaolun with a wretched expression, and continued to say

"However, as a brother, I agree with your point of view, come and tell me how you came up with it!"

Whispering in a low voice, while speaking, he glanced around to see if there was anyone, with an extremely wretched expression, and Cheng Yaowen felt very desperate. How could his pure, simple, and honest farmer's son, Shi Shi, meet these two? For the guy with yellow water, the school assigned the wrong dormitory, right!face full of contempt

However, despite the contempt on his face, his body still leaned over, wanting to hear Ge Xiaolun's "high opinion". As expected, his heart was bright and his body was simple!
"Hey hey hey! Look, this Grim Reaper is the principal's student, right?!"

"That's right!"

"Then this divine weapon, since it is a divine weapon, is it not difficult to identify its owner?!"

"Well, it's not difficult!"

"Then why did he lose it?! There is only one reason, and that is that the principal turned a blind eye! But why did he turn a blind eye?!"

"Yeah! Why?!"

"Hey! Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to promise each other!"

When Ge Xiaolun said this, he sighed melancholy, as if he was a master who saw through the world of mortals, he slightly raised his head, his face was full of sobs, and Xin Zhao and his brows twitched when he saw it, wanting to punch him one by one and make him a national treasure go
"Did you mean...?!"

At this moment, Cheng Yaowen spoke thoughtfully, his eyes flickering, as if he was a wise man who had fully realized

"Yes! That's right!"

(ps: Since Tianshen was too tired, I really didn't have any inspiration when writing this chapter, so I wrote some daily things. I hope you will like it!)
(End of this chapter)

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