Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 102: Hearing about Chinese Martial Arts for the First Time!

Chapter 102: Hearing about Chinese Martial Arts for the First Time!

"Our principal likes this student very much?!"

Ge Xiaolun nodded affirmatively. As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yaowen continued. As soon as Hua just came out, he saw that the faces of Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao were all black.
"It's because the teacher-student relationship between lovers is too strong! Teachers and students! How exciting!"

Ge Xiaolun changed his words to Cheng Yaowen speechlessly, with a look on his face looking at his stupid son, and told Cheng Yaowen the story he had never heard before, uh, no!ACCIDENT!

In fact, Cheng Yaowen respects the dean very much in his heart. After all, when the Deno galaxy was still there, the dean opened a college in the Deno galaxy. It can be said that the super god era of the Deno galaxy started from the super seminary It was opened when they moved into the Deno galaxy. Principal Kieran can be said to be their civilization mentor. Cheng Yaowen's respect for Principal Kieran is self-evident

But Naihe had two cheating teammates, which completely refreshed his three views, made him a little creepy, and at the same time felt extremely exciting
"Comrade Cheng Yaowen, you don't quite understand the organization's intentions!"

Xin Zhao said with a serious face, he was very disappointed that Cheng Yaowen could not clarify the intention of the organization, as if a seedling cultivated by the organization died halfway before it got up

Cheng Yaowen looked at the two scammers in front of him speechlessly, and deeply felt that meeting them should be the most regrettable thing in his life, that's right!However, a wretched new star is slowly rising!
Time passed quickly, and the noon time passed quickly. The afternoon class was still Aaron's class, and it was the first time that Ge Xiaolun and others started learning Chinese martial arts

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Ge Xiaolun and the others were still standing at the meeting place during the morning run, whispering to each other, discussing what Ruiz said in the morning, and they all seemed very excited, only Lena still had an expressionless expression. It looks like waking up, it seems that taking a nap does not make me very energetic

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start the first class. The content of this class is called Guoshu! In your understanding, it can also be understood as Chinese Kung Fu!"

Aaron was still dressed in Taoist robes, looked at Ge Xiaolun and the others with a smile, and said lightly
"Huaxia Kung Fu?!"

"what is that?!"

"Huaxia Kungfu can fight aliens?! Shouldn't it be a spaceship operation or something?!"

As soon as Aaron finished speaking, everyone showed puzzled looks, Qilin was a little puzzled, Leina didn't know anything, and Zhao Xin was also very speechless, the three couldn't help asking

Qilin is very convinced of A-Long's scientific mind, but she heard that A-Long taught everyone Kung Fu. It's not that she disagrees with A-Long's Kung Fu. The fact that he was able to help the police crack down on the human traffickers at the age of six can't be faked, which is enough to show how good Aaron's kung fu is.
However, kung fu is just kung fu after all. No matter how good your skills are, you may not be able to withstand a bullet. What's more, in interstellar wars, all kinds of super science weapons emerge in endlessly, relying on kung fu? !Isn't this a bit too childish? !
On the other hand, Lena was confused and didn't know what Aaron and his friends were talking about!Stupid question!
And Xin Zhao has seen Aaron's dead man's aircraft, so he thought that Aaron would teach them the use of various super-technical equipment, as well as various aircraft, space battleship piloting, etc., but he didn't expect it to be kung fu? !This makes him unable to understand!
Others were also puzzled, or in other words, when Aaron was talking about the martial arts class in the morning, everyone kept muttering in their hearts. They didn't know what use Chinese Kung Fu could be in interstellar wars. Could it be that they evolved by relying on this gene? Physical body, fighting with aliens? !Or go to fight with alien weapons? !No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be!

"Do you think Huaxia Kung Fu is like in the movies, where it looks extremely handsome, and all kinds of just-right moves can kill the enemy on the opposite side? Or is it that it has been practiced for ten years and lost to a young man who is chaotic? ! Thinking that no matter how good kung fu is on the battlefield of Star Wars, it’s a bit too child’s play?!”

Aaron didn't answer the questions raised by the three of them, and directly said the answer in everyone's mind, without any unhappy look on his face
Everyone was silent and did not speak, their attitudes were clearly expressed, obviously this was the doubt in their hearts
Aaron looked at them and didn't say anything else. He just raised his right foot and stomped it lightly on the ground, in a nonchalant manner. Everyone thought it was just a rest.

However, when Aaron's feet landed on the ground, he saw Aaron as the center of the circle, with a radius of more than 20 meters, full of lawns and land, and suddenly it seemed as if he had been shot by a machine gun, and the grass was shattered If you observe carefully, there is a piece of grass that escapes the fate of being broken. At the same time, on the entire circular flat ground with a radius of more than 20 meters, pieces of wet soil exploded with the broken grass, about 30 centimeters high
But there was no sound coming from the ground, it was as if the dirt and grass flew up out of thin air, this startled everyone in Ge Xiaolun, and even Ge Xiaolun jumped on Zhao Xin, with his legs crossed. Xin's waist, both hands are still showing Xin Zhao's neck, no matter how you look at it, he is full of love!

Although Ge Xiaolun's behavior at this time is very funny, obviously, everyone didn't notice Ge Xiaolun's embarrassment. When the explosion started from the ground, everyone couldn't help but backed up, because they were also fighting with this circular area. Guilty, they don't know what happened

But in their feeling, something terrible happened. Just when Aaron put his feet down, everyone had a feeling that the sky suddenly turned dark, followed by a feeling that the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. it scares people a little

Moreover, since everyone's genes are turned on, both the senses and the sixth sense, as well as the perception of crisis, have improved a lot. Just for a moment, everyone's hairs exploded, as if they were in a state of life and death. At this time, Na couldn't help summoning all her armor and weapons, and took a posture of fighting defense

Looking at the frightened flock of people in front of him, Aaron didn't say anything, but looked at the crowd with a smile on the spot
After a while, everyone realized that the movement in front of them should be caused by their instructors. Ge Xiaolun also climbed down from Xin Zhao's body. After waiting for a long time, Lena had her own small brain to think. Feeling that there is no danger, he immediately put away his weapon and armor, and looked at Aaron in front of him suspiciously.

"Ah, instructor, what is this?!"

(End of this chapter)

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