Chapter 11 Conversation Between Women
The title No. [-] belongs to Aaron alone, and no one can call her like that except Aaron

After hearing this, Angel Yan curled his lips slightly, mother, you can continue to show


"I know what you want to ask!"

Angel Yan was about to ask a question, the number one who poured the drink put the cup in front of Angel Yan, and then interrupted Angel Yan

"Actually, both Aaron and I have studied the records of you in the Super Seminary"

No. [-] sat down while talking, and also raised his legs to look at the mighty Angel Yan in front of him.

An angel who has been strong and proud for 7000 years will never let go of his dignity

A No. [-] who only showed gentleness in front of Aaron, is now looking at each other with Yan Yan incomparably strong
But the scene was not tense, after all, Angel Yan already knew that neither Aaron nor No. [-] had any hostility towards her

Therefore, the two of them just naturally exuded their own aura and did not confront each other, but each had their own power.

"Actually, we don't have any hostility towards you angels, but that doesn't mean we can tolerate your rudeness."

No. [-] looked at Angel Yan in front of him, and was not angry or prejudiced, just said lightly
"Excuse me, it was you who showed your wariness and hostility towards me at the beginning"

At this time, Angel Yan suddenly interrupted, and his expression was very flat

"If Aaron enters your room at will without your consent, I think you will be more hostile."

As soon as Yan finished speaking, No. [-] retorted, his voice was mature and charming, but flat without any emotion

Yan pouted slightly, with a noncommittal look. Obviously, from her worldview, the truth is not so
It can be said that in the known universe, angels can set foot on any place they can reach at will, which is the privilege of the first civilization in the universe

However, now, she has fallen into Aaron's hands. Although she feels a little shame in her heart, it does not affect her treating Aaron as an equal.

So, on an equal footing, she is indeed rude, that's undeniable

At this time, No. [-] also chuckled lightly, and then said:
"Of course, I'm sure he wouldn't do that either."

After finishing speaking, No. [-] glanced in the direction of the kitchen with tenderness on his face.
Aaron, on the other hand, was humming a song while frying vegetables in the kitchen. All kinds of cool techniques can be said to be dazzling
But there was no one next to him as an audience, Aaron felt very bored, smacked his lips and sighed
But Yan felt a little interesting when she heard it. She felt that her charm value was definitely not inferior to the little spirit in front of her.

Therefore, it is absolutely equal to Aaron's attractiveness, so she does not agree with No. [-]'s trust
"I don't think so. Based on your style of play, I don't think he can hold on to it if given the chance."

Yan also chuckled lightly, with a slightly teasing taste towards Xiao Ling in front of him.

"Did you know?! There are some people, no matter how much temptation they face, they will never lose their bottom line, because that self-cultivation has been engraved in their bones."

No. [-] didn't care about Yan's doubts, after all, what kind of person Aaron is, just believe it in your heart
Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. After finishing speaking, he turned his head again, looked in the direction of the kitchen and said
"As for the temptation?! I have endured the temptation, am I still here?! He will turn the temptation he has endured into a motivation to love me! What's more, in Aaron's eyes, your charm is really not that great!"

At the end of No. [-], he turned his head and looked at Angel Yan with a slight smile.

".Actually, I'm quite curious about what kind of environment can make you so outstanding. In my opinion, the environment of the earth is far from enough."

Yan was silent for a while before speaking, she didn't know if Xiaoling's words were credible

But after carefully reviewing what happened just now, Yan finally came up with an answer, that is, what Xiao Ling said was true

This made her, who has been in the concept of feminism for a long time, a little bit shocked, or she couldn't believe it
She changed the subject in advance, and didn't want to focus on Aaron, after all Aaron wasn't hers.
"No, the environment of the earth is enough, or the environment of China is enough, but you have never really felt the splendor of a civilization."

Hearing Yan's words, No. [-] smiled slightly, and said to her
"We have studied your angelic civilization, or in other words, you who are recorded in Deno-[-], and found that you should be able to easily read the electromagnetic wave information on the earth, and this should be a simple and common method."

"And the way you understand a civilization is the same way, so you only understand the state of civilization in the Internet, and you lack the real heart to feel the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of a civilization."

No. [-] explained lightly that she also found Yan's doubts very interesting.

"How brilliant the civilization of the universe is. I have fought hard for 7000 years, and I worry about the lives of my companions every day. Now, I still have not set foot in all the known universes."

"It does not matter!"

Yan was talking with a faint pretentious breath, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by No. [-]
"You just lack the heart to understand everything around you. It doesn't matter whether it is in a civilization. For example, the blazing stars, the miracle of life birth in the planet, and even the ethereal sound of water droplets dripping on stalactites. There are too many. "

After finishing speaking, No. [-] looked at Yan's exquisite face, and continued

"Where Aaron and I were born, we don't know. When we became conscious, we were in a Taoist temple. There is only one old Taoist priest left in the Taoist temple. He is our master."

With a look of nostalgia, No. [-] said

"He died when we were five years old. He was bitten to death by a poisonous snake in the forest because he wanted to make meat for Aaron and me."

No. [-] said lightly, without any emotion, and there was a little miss in his eyes

The old Taoist who doesn't eat meat himself, but because of Aaron and No. [-], had to catch some wild game to make meat

The one who has never eaten meat, because of Aaron and No. [-], tasted the first bite of meat and said that he should only be an old Taoist in the sky

The old Taoist who doesn't know how to needlework, but has to drag his 80-year-old body to learn needlework to change clothes for Aaron and No. [-]

No resentment, no sadness, no pain, only endless miss
At that time, she and Aaron were just looking for a source of identity
The two of them never imagined that there would be such a lovely and respectable old Taoist priest who had stayed in the mountains for decades while keeping his original aspirations.

(End of this chapter)

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