Chapter 12 Huaxia Chopsticks
"We later came to this city by picking up waste, and with the help of neighbors, we participated in a competition and won the first pot of gold."

"We opened a small shop, and countless customers flocked to it, at first just to take care of me and Aaron, who were only five or six years old at the time."

"We opened the factory and countless customers wanted to help"

"We set up a company, those customers, our current friends, are only happy for us, without the slightest thought of getting anything out of it"

"You said, under such care, how can we not be excellent, not for ourselves, but only for those old friends who look forward to us"

After finishing speaking on the [-]st, he picked up the glass of drink in front of him, took a sip, and stopped talking

Angel Yan quietly listened to No. [-]'s statement and remained silent

What No. [-] said is actually very general, but this does not prevent her understanding of this series of stories

After all, the story of Aaron and No. [-] is not a new topic on the Internet
Perhaps the cause of death of the old Taoist is a relatively new topic.
Although Yan had finished listening, in fact she could not fully understand the feelings involved.

Because the things No. [-] talked about were too small, so small that she felt that listening to them was a waste of her time

But she still couldn't help following No. [-]'s train of thought and watched the journey of No. [-] and Aaron.

small? !Very tiny!Is it great? !Also great!

But what is the most important thing? !Yeshiko felt the feeling of surging heart

It's something that doesn't require thinking, pure emotion, or something of a feeling nature, very simple!Also very fascinating!

Silently, the two fell into silence for a while.

Number one is to take a sip of the drink from time to time

This behavior is actually a small habitual action of Aaron, but I don't know when it was learned by No. [-]
For this reason, Aaron also "severely" cleaned up No. [-], the good ones don't learn from the bad ones!
"Come on, let's have dinner"

After a while, Aaron came out with a dinner plate, followed by several biochemical robots in maid outfits

each holding a plate, lined up to the restaurant

"Wow, you're done?! Give me a piece"

Seeing Aaron's figure on the [-]st, the whole person became active, and the unique power dissipated

Like a child, he jumped to Aaron's side and stretched out his head to eat a piece of meat

And Aaron also lowered his head, put his head against No. [-]'s protruding head, and said at the same time
"No, no, we have guests today"

No. [-] reluctantly withdrew his head, with a resentful expression on his small face
Aaron looked at her expression, smiled and kissed her on the face, and continued walking towards the restaurant
Number one adjusted his emotions, turned around and said to Yan

"Have you slowed down?! Do you want to have a light meal together?!"

While talking, No. [-] asked Angel Yan who was still sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.
And Angel Yan was also surprised by the action of No. [-] just now
In the chat with No. [-] just now, she even felt like she was facing her peers
But then the actions of the little daughter No. [-] really made her a little unresponsive, but she quickly sorted out her emotions
Seeing the hand in front of No. [-] reaching out to help her, he stretched out his hand to stop her, put down his raised legs, and stood up straight

Although the energy in the body is still unable to operate, the strength of the body itself has returned
When No. [-] saw Angel Yan standing up, he took his hand back, and Angel Yan said at this time
"We angels don't need to eat, we can maintain our body's consumption only by absorbing energy"

Angel Yan raised his two big wings, took two steps back and forth, and said lightly
"A life with a mouth is not just for talking. You haven't eaten for 7000 years. You might as well try it now."

No. [-] said lightly, with a smile on his face, he didn't care about Angel Yan's rejection

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the restaurant
Angel Yan, on the other hand, looked at No. [-]'s back, and after looking carefully for a while, the corners of his mouth raised, smiled, and followed

Because Yan suddenly thought of the heartfelt feelings that No. [-] just said, as well as the feeling of surging heart
In the restaurant, Aaron, No. [-] and an angel Yan who is a light bulb are sitting on the table in the restaurant
There are more than 20 plates on the table, and all kinds of dishes are arranged by Aaron and No. [-]. Of course, handling ingredients is not counted.

"Come on, angel beauty, try it, can you use chopsticks?! By the way, what's your name? I can't always call you angel beauty!"

Aaron rubbed his palms at this time, and said to Angel Yan who was sitting on the left.

There was no dissatisfaction or anything in his expression, as if what happened just now had never happened

Hearing Aaron's words, Yan closed his eyes and thought for a while.

In her dark matter computer, most of the information on the earth has been stored. After a while, she opened her eyes and
"Angel Yan! I think I should have learned how to use chopsticks."

Angel Yan announced his name very powerfully, thinking of the information in his mind
Before Aaron could say anything, he grabbed the chopsticks in front of him, but just about to pick up some vegetables

There was only a sound of breaking, and the two white ivory chopsticks broke into two pieces.

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, Yan also blushed a little, and looked at Aaron with a little embarrassment in his eyes
Aaron shook his head and smiled, without saying anything, took out two more white ivory chopsticks from the cabinet next to him and said
"Chinese chopsticks are very interesting! Two chopsticks are round at one end and square at the other. The circle symbolizes the sky, and the square symbolizes the earth, which corresponds to the round sky and the earth; this is the Chinese people's understanding of the basic principles of the world; the same is true for human beings. To deal with everything, use Fangzheng to establish the bottom line!"

"Secondly, when holding chopsticks, the thumb and index finger are on the top, the ring finger and the little finger are on the bottom, and the middle finger is in the middle. This is the image of the three talents of heaven, earth and man. This is the Chinese people's understanding of the relationship between people and the world."

Aaron gave Angel Yanke the cultural connotation of two small chopsticks, and at the same time stretched out his hand to demonstrate

"The standard length of chopsticks is seven inches and six cents, which represents human beings have seven emotions and six desires, to show that they are fundamentally different from animals. When using chopsticks, one is active and the other is passive; active is yang, passive is yin, This is the image of two appearances. When grabbing the chopsticks, you must not use too much force, everything is just letting nature take its course.”

Listening to Aaron's explanation, Angel Yan felt quite energized, but she didn't know how she felt

But Aaron felt that the way Angel Yan looked at the chopsticks had changed. I don't know if it was a hallucination.
Just when Aaron wanted to explore, the voice of No. [-] came over
(End of this chapter)

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