Chapter 20 Aaron's Research

Formation does not mean that these formed objects are arranged according to the form of the formation, and it is considered to be a formation
Instead, it is necessary to use divine sense or keen formation intuition talent to monitor

After placing the object according to the pattern of the formation, it is necessary to move back and forth slightly to determine the position. Every time Bai moves the formation in the same way, the position will be slightly different, and the moment the formation is formed

Divine consciousness, able to perceive that this formation is connected with the surrounding space
Or the intuition talent for the formation, when you feel that the formation has a natural feeling, that means the formation is formed
And this keen intuition is what people often called talent in ancient times, understanding!Obviously, Aaron doesn't have this talent, but he has divine sense
Of course, if this point was not discovered by traveling through the space, maybe it will take a long time until now

Aaron is going to miss this major research direction, so now that Aaron has discovered the mystery of Qimen Dunjia, he is a little excited

And the current Wolf King is the result of the first-generation Qimen Dunjia version of the computer
The size of this computer is not big, even far smaller than the size of the current computer, only the size of a palm

And all the functions inside are indeed very complete, and can even achieve synchronous intrusion into the current computer system.
However, the electronic computer system cannot reversely connect or invade the Wolf King system. This metaphysical computer language is tantamount to a computer language system exclusive to Aaron. It doesn't have to be artificial intelligence!This is where metaphysics gets interesting
"Hey! Aaron, what's the matter?!"

The phone was connected, and Uncle Qi's voice came to mind in the office, that is, the director of Juxia City Public Security Bureau, Qilin's father
"Hey, Uncle Qi, answering the phone so quickly?! It looks like drinking tea in the office!"

Hearing Uncle Qi's voice, Aaron couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and said
"What do you drink for tea? I've just brewed it, and before I can take a breath, your kid called."

Director Qi on the opposite side said angrily, then seemed to sit on a chair, and moaned comfortably

"Then I think, you may not be able to drink this tea."

Hearing what Director Qi said, Aaron couldn't help laughing and said

"I knew it would be good for your kid to find me."

Uncle Qi laughed and cursed, but there was also a trace of solemnity and seriousness in his tone
Because he knows that for so many years, Aaron has never called him to tell him about trivial matters, and he usually solves them by himself.

But now Aaron suddenly called him, there are only two possibilities

One is that Aaron encountered a difficult problem and couldn't solve it himself, but he was able to solve it, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no such thing
That's the second type. Aaron needs his help when he has something to do, and all he can help is security and investigation and arrest.
"Haha, Uncle Qi, I'll make you a big meal later"

Aaron just heard Uncle Qi's words, as if coaxing a child, he promised a big meal
"Okay, tell me what's going on, boy."

Uncle Qi thought of Aaron's big meal, couldn't help but smacked his lips, and then said impatiently to Aaron
This guy, knowing how attractive the big meal he made is, he still came to hook his gluttons
"Hey, Uncle Qi, calm down, no, there is someone here who wants to attack me today, but it's from the military. I caught him, what's the matter?!"

"What?! Aaron, are you okay?! The military can attack people casually?! Wait for me to take people there!"

Uncle Qi hung up the phone in a hurry
On the second ring road to the east of Juxia City, the Public Security Bureau building is built here, in a well-decorated office

A slightly chubby police officer stood up. It was obvious that he had not been back for a long time, and he hadn't had time to take off his police uniform yet.

Then I was about to go out, when I was about to go out, I looked back at the teacup with mist rising on the table, and sighed slightly
And in Huanyu Building, in Aaron's office, Aaron who ended the call couldn't help but smile when he thought of Uncle Qi's appearance
This Uncle Qi, who is now a five-year-old man, is still busy with his work

Just asked a bunch of questions, Aaron was about to answer, when he heard the sound of hanging up on the phone, he was a little stunned

While thinking about it, Aaron thought of Du Qiangwei who had just subdued, and couldn't help frowning again

In the original plot, Du Qiangwei just looked down on Ge Xiaolun and others, and even Leina looked down on them a little bit.
Aaron has never known where her pride came from, which gave her such confidence that she could be so conceited to that extent
But as far as today's experience is concerned, Aaron doesn't want to explore anymore, no matter what kind of past caused her to be so conceited
It's not the reason that Aaron can forgive her, she can be conceited

But it doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants, maybe she has a devil's nature in her bones
Generally speaking, Aaron's sense of the current Qiangwei is very bad, it can even be said to be very bad
He never thought that Qiangwei's temperament would be so bad

Now, Aaron can only hope that Ge Xiaolun and others are really like in the original book, and their personalities will not be too bad
Otherwise, if Aaron discovers that these people do not have enough virtue to control these super genes

He will directly destroy these super genes and create a group of real military super fighters. For Aaron, this is not difficult
In the past few months, is Aaron learning the super gene technology recorded in De Nuo No. [-]?

This includes the genetic information of Ge Xiaolun and others, and now Aaron has almost learned it
But as he learned, Aaron gradually discovered that these super genetic technologies are very rough, or that there are many loopholes
Of course, these loopholes were discovered under Aaron's consciousness
If you look at the current technology, even the technological level of the angel civilization, you will still feel that these genetic technologies are perfect, and you can't find a few loopholes

And now Aaron can also develop some super genes by himself
Maybe it can't compare with Ge Xiaolun, Leina, and Liu Chuang's three major god-making projects for the time being, but it can still reach the same level as Wujiyi
After all, the three major god-making projects are not carrying the so-called super genes, but the crystallization of a civilization technology

Lena is the highest technology of Lieyang Star, the star-driven technology, at its peak, will be the shadow of civilization in the entire universe

Ge Xiaolun is the highest technology of the Shenhe civilization, the anti-void engine, and the invincible body of Dexing, which is the third-generation divine body technology

Liu Chuang is the highest technology of Nuoxing, carrying the most constant god-killing power, the single-body lethality will be the nightmare of the gods in the universe
Therefore, Aaron is now able to develop a super soldier with a generation of gods, but he has no outstanding abilities. He is just a regular generation of gods.
For example, Xin Zhao’s is as fast as lightning, Wujiyi’s is as fast as a sword, Rui Mengmeng’s is infinitely powerful, etc.
And if Aaron develops a super fighter of a generation of gods now, at most, it is nothing more than a super fighter with the combat power of a generation of gods and gods.
In fact, compared to the current situation, if there are such a hundred generations of gods
There is no civilization in the universe that dares to provoke the earth easily. This is no different from courting death, but
(End of this chapter)

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