Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 21 Aaron's Cheeky Smile

Chapter 21 Aaron's Cheeky Smile

"Aaron, where is he?!"

More than ten minutes later, Uncle Qiqi arrived at Huanyu Building, just in time to run into No. [-] who came to deliver meals to Aaron

No. [-] directly brought Uncle Qi to Aaron's office
As soon as Uncle Qi came in, he saw Aaron who was welcoming him, and immediately asked
While asking, he was still scanning the situation in the office left and right.

But seeing that the surroundings did not seem to be under attack, and there was no suspicious person, I was a little puzzled.
"Meet the office in another room"

Aaron smiled at No. [-], and No. [-] went to the desk to put down his lunch, and then helped Aaron clean up the office

And Aaron said something to Uncle Qi, and then took Uncle Qi to a special office on the other side

"Uncle Qi, this person is from the military, on your side..."

While walking towards the office with Uncle Qi, Aaron asked Uncle Qi worriedly

"Nothing, no one, and no identity, can attack law-abiding citizens at will with impunity..."

Uncle Qi said seriously, he was a little speechless about Aaron's doubts

What age is this, how can there be so many dark things.

In this society, there are situations like this, but he will never appear in Juxia City, he is the bottom line of Juxia City
Otherwise, since he is in his 40s, why does he often run on the front line, doing criminal investigation work?

And now Qilin has also been trained by him to become a veritable policewoman of the Juxia City Public Security Bureau.

Not only beautiful and charming, but also a good policeman who really serves the people, with strong working ability, and a well-known sharpshooter in coastal areas

He is often called by the Interpol to help, and has repeatedly solved strange cases, and is deeply loved by everyone.

After all, she looks like a goddess, and she is very narcissistic from time to time, so the colleagues in the Public Security Bureau can get along well with her

It can be said that he is really shy towards the people, strict towards the villains, and very loving towards his colleagues.
And the men chasing her lined up even more, but she, who had sung about A-Long's cooking skills, vowed to snatch A-Long from No. [-] and cook for her for the rest of her life...

However, later on, she came to Aaron's place to eat a lot, but she snatched Aaron away, but there was no movement at all.
Therefore, Aaron once suspected that she might just find a reason to come to Cengfan, so she often looked suspiciously at Qilin who came to Cengfan from time to time
Because, I don’t know when it will start, the relationship between Qilin and No. [-] is so good
Therefore, as long as she comes, Aaron can only guard the empty bed alone at night
Aaron took Uncle Qi and two accompanying police officers to an office that looked no different from other offices

Pushing open the door and walking in, there are several sofas inside, red-haired Du Qiangwei is sitting on the couch, she is lowering her head, wondering what she is thinking

It's just that her lips turned white from being bitten, and her fists were clenched even tighter. It can be seen that her heart is not so peaceful
However, the super gene is indeed powerful, it has not been long, the injury just received is almost healed
At least now it looks normal and can move, unlike just now, the beach became a pool of mud
And this special office, like Aaron's smart watch, can block all the flow of dark energy

Therefore, Qiangwei who is sitting here now has all the dark energy in her body sealed, and she has recovered to the current level only by relying on her body's resilience...

It is enough to see how powerful these super genes are, even for the crispy super soldier Qiangwei

Moreover, the level of genes that have just been turned on is far beyond that of ordinary people.
On both sides of the sofa, there are two burly men, retired special forces, quietly sitting and guarding their work.
After Aaron walked in with the period, he nodded to the two security guards, indicating that they can go to work first
After the two security guards saw it, they nodded to Aaron, and walked outside, doing things cleanly
Qiangwei felt that the two security guards had left, and looked up at Aaron who walked in.

Although the knuckles of the fingers were pinched and turned white, he still looked at Aaron in a calm manner, his eyes were frighteningly cold
But this does not mean that Aaron will soften his heart. For a "stranger" he has never met

People who push their noses on their faces again and again, even disregarding the safety of others to attack themselves, are not worthy of softening their hearts
Even if she is the protagonist of the plot, even if she is a beautiful woman

"Uncle Qi, it's her, I'll give you the monitoring I just had later."

Aaron also ignored Du Qiangwei's concealed plainness, but turned his head and said to Uncle Qi next to him


Uncle Qi glanced at Qiangwei in front of him, then gave Aaron a weird look, and then showed a satisfied expression

And when Aaron saw Uncle Qi's expression, he couldn't help turning black.

Uncle Qi is a shameless old guy. When Qi Lin vowed to add it to Aaron, Uncle Qi smiled and said nothing.
Afterwards, I often followed Qilin to Aaron's place for dinner, and brought his beautiful wife and adults together.
Every time I come with Qilin, I keep calling my future son-in-law and so on.
He also said brazenly that Qilin is Aaron's future concubine, and it's not wrong to call her future son-in-law.
Hearing this, Along has black lines on his head, and if he wants to eat a meal, he can just say it, and he still messes up so many moths
Of course, Aaron also complained about Uncle Qi like this, but the old man said

"Then I am very shameless!"

After hearing this, Aaron just wanted to throw him out

And his wife, the wife of the director, was a little embarrassed at first

Later, Aaron's villa was regarded as another home.

And number one was a little jealous at first
But later I also found out that Qilin was just joking when she was Aaron's concubine, so I didn't mind anymore

The two policemen behind Uncle Qi went up to handcuff Du Qiangwei with winking eyes at this time.

Qiangwei didn't resist either, and let the two policemen lead her outside.
When passing by Aaron, Aaron stopped, and then said lightly
"I don't know what gave you the confidence to ignore the law. If it was that ability, I would suggest that Ducao transfer your ability to a real people's soldier. I think I have the ability to transfer it. When I see you again, I hope you will give me an answer, which is not only related to the attribution of your ability, but also related to my attitude towards Ducao and others."

Du Qiangwei turned her head and glanced at Aaron, there was a little struggle in her eyes, and there was also a little disbelief

As for what she was struggling with, maybe it was because of her arrogance and thinking about gains and losses, or maybe she didn't believe Aaron's words
It's just that the pure moral bottom line in her heart is fighting with her current resentment towards Aaron, it's possible
Aaron said lightly, then closed his mouth

Although Qiangwei was in a complicated mood, she didn't open her mouth. This is her temperament.
The two police officers took Du Qiangwei out with great interest.

"Uncle Qi, if people from the military or national security come looking for her, just hand her over to them. After all, the war is coming, and her ability is indispensable."

Aaron turned around and said to Uncle Qi, and the device was also a little serious
Uncle Qi didn't say anything when he heard Aaron's words. Uncle Qi had known for a long time that there was going to be a war.
It's just that he couldn't believe it, it would come so fast, so suddenly
"Okay, I see, I'll let your aunt come to your place then!"

Uncle Qi sighed slightly after hearing this, in fact, he really wanted to take out a cigarette to smoke now

Finally, he told Aaron that this was what Aaron told Uncle Qi a long time ago.
As long as there is a war, as long as you go to Aaron's villa, you will be safe, so Uncle Qi can only say this at this time

In fact, Uncle Qi has his own criteria for judging whether to let Du Qiangwei go or not.
However, his bottom line and judgment are all worthless in the face of family disaster and national disaster

Aaron didn't speak, just nodded

Immediately, after thinking about it, he took out a small square like a white tile from his pocket

Then handed it to Uncle Qi, and said
"Uncle Qi, put a drop of blood on it tonight."

Aaron said a word, but didn't say anything more

Uncle Qi took the small square that Aaron handed over with some doubts, and looked back and forth carefully
A curved cuboid the size of half a palm, the whole body seems to be made of milky white ceramic material

The feel in the hand is also very smooth, which makes Uncle Qi very sure
The rectangular block in my hand is undoubtedly made of ceramic material.
However, what's the use of this, when a brick hits someone? !He raised his head suspiciously and looked at Aaron in front of him.

"Don't ask, Uncle Qi, you'll know in the future"

Aaron smiled mysteriously, interrupting Uncle Qi who wanted to ask a question
However, if Aaron knew that the treasure he made with great effort was used by Uncle Qi as a brick to hit people, would he laugh so cheaply?
Uncle Qi looked at Aaron who was smiling meanly in front of him a little speechlessly. This face was pretty handsome at first, but why did it become more hateful the more he looked at it? !
"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

When Aaron rode his own aircraft and came to the Juxia, Ducao and Ajie, the foolish leaders, looked at Aaron who had been rectified with smiles on their faces, and greeted with a smile

But even though he was smiling all over his face, he still couldn't hide the worry between his brows. After all, war is coming
"General Du, long time no see."

Aaron also greeted with a smile

"Eh?! Mr. Chen, Qiangwei didn't come with you?!"

Ducao looked at Aaron alone, and said with some doubts

"Well, let's talk about it later."

Aaron pondered for a while, and said to Ducao
Ducao was puzzled and didn't say anything. He nodded slightly and said with a hand

"Then Mr. Chen, please!"

The two walked side by side into the conference room on the Juxia
Just like before, there is the elder Uncle Huang sitting inside, Lena who just arrived on Earth, and someone similar to Huang Lao's secretary
And the person who gave the lecture in front was still the incomparably beautiful Lianfeng, with a somewhat indifferent expression

However, looking at Aaron who came in, his eyes fluctuated

(End of this chapter)

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