Chapter 26 Medical Press

But at this time, due to the several high-energy laser rays from Taotie, Qilin was hit, and she also fell to the ground at this time, losing consciousness.

After the figure of Aaron's aircraft came out, four beautiful robots of the T-1000 model came out first.
Blue flames spouted from under his feet, and he flew straight towards Qilin's direction

Immediately afterwards, ten silver-white metal robots came out, chasing after Taotie who had just passed by the aircraft.

That blue-and-white gluttonous warrior just flew past Aaron's aircraft

At this time, I also saw an aircraft appearing on the trajectory of my own flight just now
Surprised, he quickly turned around in the air

Seeing the robot flying out of it, raising his hand, a high-energy laser ray hit Aaron's aircraft
The laser shot was shot out, but it was about ten centimeters from the surface of the aircraft.
A defensive shield with blue light spots emerged, reflecting the laser light back
This made the gluttonous warrior's scalp tingle for a while, and he quickly dodged the reflected laser rays

He managed to escape, but at this moment, two robots were already flying towards him

Seeing that it was useless to hit the aircraft, Taotie sent two high-energy laser rays at the two robots. Unexpectedly, a blue dot defensive cover appeared on the two robots——plasma shield
The Taotie warrior's scalp felt cold, thinking that it would bounce back, he was about to move away
Unexpectedly, this time the rays did not reflect back.
When the high-energy laser rays hit the robot's defensive cover, it disappeared abruptly
It's like melting on the plasma shield, but the plasma shield has not changed at all

Before he could doubt, he saw two Terminator robots raised their palms
Stretched out a finger, and the tip of the finger opened a small opening less than one centimeter in diameter
A burst of red light flashed, and the fingertips of the robot shot out a high-energy energy ray, hitting Taotie.
The speed is very fast, the speed of light in the air, understand? !

Therefore, there is no possibility of dodging at all, Taotie was hit
However, this energy ray of the Terminator robot is not a segment, but a continuous energy attack
And the source of energy is the high-energy laser rays emitted by Taotie just now.

Each robot is equipped with an energy converter that can absorb most of the energy.

and convert it into energy that can be used by oneself for attack or defense
It can be said that between monomers, as long as the amount of energy contained in the body of a living body that does not reach a generation of super soldiers or above
can't deal damage to the robot in the energy attack
Moreover, the metal on the robot is an alloy doped with vibrating gold. It is made with the latest ratio researched by Aaron, which is comparable to the shield of the American team.
Its hardness cannot be destroyed by a glutton with the strength of a super soldier of less than a generation

Therefore, at this stage, the robot Aaron can be said to be a real killer
But there are not too many robots produced, because according to the situation in this world,

Aaron doesn't have such huge financial resources to support the mass production of such robots, even though Huanyu Technology's financial resources have already ranked among the top ten in the world.
Therefore, in order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, Aaron only showed about ten robots

As for the other robots, let's put them aside for now.

And the construction robots on the particle accelerator in the sky are not so powerful
They are all robots made to cope with the space environment, and they are not too outrageous in combat effectiveness, and the cost is relatively low

However, the country still bought the robot-related technology from Aaron, I don’t know how the situation is now
And at this time, Taotie, who was floating in mid-air, had a hole with a diameter of one centimeter opened on his forehead by the robot's laser.

The robot stopped its attack, and the attack time did not even exceed a second

That hole appeared on Taotie's forehead, the kind of hole that can be seen from the front.

Falling from the sky, there is no light in the eyes
As for Aaron in the cab, he was a little confused. Is this glutton so weak? !

"Boss, the enemy target has been cleared, and there is no life breath after detection!"

In the aircraft, the voice of the artificial intelligence wolf king came

Aaron's expression was a little dazed, it's a lie, he came over for a while before he said: "Call the team! Prepare to save people!"

The two leading robots that were suspended in the air, and the robot that had just left, flew back towards the hatch.
On Qilin's side, Qilin was put on a stretcher and flew towards the aircraft. Before leaving, a TX said to the surviving colleague

"If someone asks you when you go back, just tell me that police officer Qilin went to Mr. Chen's villa and did not call the police. The day after tomorrow, police officer Qilin will return to work!"

After speaking, Qi Qi flew away and went to the aircraft
And that Qilin's colleague had a gleam in his eyes, and didn't answer.
On the side of the aircraft, Aaron opened the tail compartment, and there were ten robots flying down with five platforms that looked like single beds.
The top of this "single bed" is covered with a half-like glass cover, the whole body is white, which looks very sci-fi

Put five robots together on a relatively flat open space, and ten robots began to spread out to look for soldiers and policemen who had just died but not long ago.
Although the surviving people were a little puzzled, they went up to ask and got no reply.

Seeing the LOGO of Huanyu Technology on the robot, he didn't say anything, and quietly collected the corpse for his comrades in grief

I saw those robots quickly carried the "corpses" of these people to the bed-like table

A ray of light came out from the edge of the bed, moved up from the edge, and slowly crossed an arc to the other side

I saw that all the wounds on the "corpse" lying on the table had been healed, and the heart was beating.
As the light fell to the other side of the bed, the "corpse" lying on the "single bed" also woke up
And this instrument is exactly the BUG-level object in the movie "Elysium" - the medical machine.
As the first "dead" were brought back to life, it also scared the soldiers and police who survived nearby
Immediately, everyone's faces were full of ecstasy, and they also began to help find the dead comrades around
And those robots are in charge of manipulating the medical machine around the medical bed.
First, the dead are resurrected, then the physically disabled and severed limbs are reborn, and then the seriously injured are restored to their original state.

And then those who were slightly injured also recovered as before, and the miraculous medical machines, one after another, saved all the people who could be saved.
However, the scene where the medical machine rescued people was also photographed with a mobile phone. It can be felt that a storm surrounding Universal Technology is coming.

At this time, Aaron had already driven the aircraft back to the villa
In other words, after those robots carried the medical machine down, Aaron left

As for why the healing machine has to take Qilin away for treatment
(End of this chapter)

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