Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 27 Epic drama!A heroic sacrifice!

Chapter 27 Epic drama!A heroic sacrifice!
"Where am I?!"

In Aaron's villa, in a neat medical room.

A seductive figure is lying on the bed, a white quilt covers her naked body
There is also a figure sitting next to it, equally beautiful and moving, the one sitting is the number one

And the beautiful figure lying on the bed is Qilin brought back by Aaron last night.

I saw Qilin's long eyelashes trembling slightly, she slowly opened her eyes, and found that the surrounding environment was a little strange, but also a little familiar

Slowly turn your head to look around
And at this time, number one also reacted, and said
"Qiqi, you're awake! I'll help you up."

Number one was thinking about something at first, but when he heard the movement from Qilin's side, he quickly got up and walked over to help Qilin up
"Lingling, why am I here with you?! How am I?"

At this time, Qilin also saw No. [-], her consciousness gradually became clear, and her whole body slowly came to her senses.

Just halfway through the conversation, I remembered what happened last night
"Aren't I dead?!"

Qilin was helped up by No. [-], thinking of the high-energy laser ray last night

Quickly lifted the quilt, revealing his upper body like a work of art, wanting to see the condition of the wound
But as soon as the quilt was lifted, he noticed that he was completely naked

With a small exclamation, he quickly covered the quilt, looked left and right, and saw if there was Aaron around except No. [-]

I glanced around and found that there was no one except No. [-]. While I breathed a sigh of relief, there was also a hint of disappointment in my eyes.
Looking at Qilin's panicked look on the [-]st, he felt a little funny
Then with a weird smile, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the edge of Qilin's quilt
In Qilin's somewhat puzzled eyes, she suddenly raised her head.

The body that seems to be a masterpiece of God is exposed, but right now, only one can appreciate it


"Don't worry, we're here."

No. [-] chuckled, with uncontrollable pride in his eyes, and said to Qilin who was tightly wrapped in the quilt in front of her

Qilin's face was red, and there was no look of anger in her eyes.
It's just that his face was flushed with embarrassment, and he looked at No. [-] with some resentment.

Sitting on the bed tightly wrapped in the quilt, the body is tightly surrounded by the quilt

At this moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something

Then, with a release of the hand, the quilt was pulled down, exposing the upper body of the body,

Qilin stretched out her hand in surprise to caress the location of yesterday's wound

Because at this time there is already white and smooth, without the slightest wound
It's like it's never been hurt, it doesn't match her memory
"How is this going?!"

Qilin stroked the wound in doubt. She didn't feel the slightest pain. She raised her head and looked at No. [-] and asked

"Of course Aaron rescued you back."

Then I pulled his clothes and wanted to strip him clean, and said
"No, you have to take it off, otherwise I will be at a disadvantage."

Looking at Qilin who was rushing forward, he was stunned for a moment, his shirt was torn off by Qilin in just that moment.
That's right, it was torn apart directly, and then both of them were stunned, you look at me, I look at you

Qilin activated her super gene this time, absorbed a lot of energy overnight, and increased her strength accordingly
And did Qilin notice, so inadvertently, the clothes were torn apart

And Qilin's two white and jade-like legs were clamped around his waist
He lowered his head and looked at his body in a daze. Where's my shirt? !
Next, there will be an epic battle between the two women
He tickled Qilin, Qilin was tearing his clothes while tickling him
Just when the war was heating up, the door of the medical room opened, and Aaron walked in
However, as soon as he took a step in, the door closed automatically, but Aaron was stunned
It's not that I saw something surprising, but the scene in front of me is so beautiful
Qilin rode naked on her body whose clothes had been shredded
Tears came out of laughter, and the clothes were still being torn in my hands
And he was still scratching Qilin's itch

At this time, the two heard the movement at the door, and both of them froze.

Like a robot turning its head, it turned stiffly and looked in Aaron's direction


A high-decibel cry resounded throughout the villa
When the camera turned back, Qilin had already got into the quilt again, her head was lowered, not daring to look at Aaron
On the other hand, Aaron rubbed his head, with an upright look on his face
Just now Aaron wanted to go out immediately, however, the door has closed automatically
As soon as Aaron turned around, he bumped into the alloy automatic door.

On the other hand, No. [-] stood up leisurely, hung up pieces of clothes, walked to Aaron's side, opened his arms, waiting for something

After Aaron saw it, he stepped forward helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, a suit of clothes appeared on No. [-]'s body

"Okay, let's stop messing around, Qilin, how do you feel now!"

Aaron pretended that he didn't see anything just now, walked to the seat sitting in front of him, and asked

"I'm fine"

Qilin lowered her head and whispered softly,
In the past, although Qilin said from time to time that she wanted to marry Aaron as a concubine or something, that was all a joke.

But today Aaron saw her body, but Qilin was a very traditional girl in her heart

For her, this is tantamount to losing her virginity

However, for some reason, Qilin didn't feel any despair in her heart, but was a little secretly happy
"Oh! By the way, where are my colleagues?"

At this moment, as if thinking of something, Qilin suddenly raised her head and asked Aaron
"I sent down most of the people, but there are still a small number of people who died honorably."

Having said that, Aaron's tone is also a little low
In fact, he was able to save everyone from the beginning, but in order not to arouse suspicion, he could only hide his strength

Watching those good men and good soldiers die heroically

Aaron is lying when he says he doesn't feel sad, these are all fresh lives

Qilin's pupils also shrank, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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