Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 39 Ducao and his proud daughter!

Chapter 39 Ducao and his proud daughter!
Seeing Qilin's treacherous little fox-like smile, Aaron couldn't help but rolled his eyes

Can't you be more cautious and wait a little longer, won't I slap you in the face when I say the next thing

"But, I am your instructor, the general kind!"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Aaron's mouth, and he looked at Qilin in front of him with a smile

And Qilin couldn't laugh anymore when she heard Aaron's words, she froze there with her rosy mouth open
".Didn't you say that you are not a super genetic inheritor?!"

"Yes! But I'm smart enough, so in order to protect you, I will drill you hard."

Aaron pretended to be very satisfied, so he stared at Qilin with a smile and said
"I'm lying"

Qilin opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, so she offered her last sentence of national curse to show her respect!
"Hey! Are you surprised?! Are you surprised?! Hahaha"

Aaron laughed wildly, looking at Qilin in front of her with black lines on her head
In the end, Qilin didn't know what to think of, the corners of her mouth slightly raised
Then, got up, walked in front of Aaron, curled up his legs and sat on the carpet
In Aaron's dazed eyes, he hugged Aaron's calf with both hands
Then he raised his head, looking at A-Longjiao Didi with a lovely and pitiful look.

"Brother Long, you can't bully others."

A picture of wanting to seduce Aaron and bribe Aaron

Aaron looked at Qilin's movements and listened to Qilin's words, his whole body went numb.

However, immediately, he still insisted and said
" is a gentleman, are useless! There will be no shortage of training that is due to you."

Aaron said with a feeling of stammering, Qilin's temptation value is definitely off the charts!

"Oh! Good brother, Brother Long."

(ps: Some of the content in the middle has been deleted, and the river crab master can't afford it.)
Aaron's somewhat embarrassing voice came from below, and the whole space was silent

Qilin was a little puzzled at first, but after she calmed down like this,

He clearly felt the abnormality in his buttocks, and his whole face immediately turned red as if congested with blood.

Then, he stood up silently and sat back to his original position.
Aaron didn't say anything more, stood up quietly, and sat back in his seat

The aircraft returned to the villa, and when it landed, the door just opened, and a slender figure rushed out from inside
And Aaron in the cabin looked at Qilin's back and smiled. It seems that this energetic girl is not so cheerful.
at night,

"Qiangwei, you this time... Alas."

On the other side, after a lapse of one day, Qiangwei finally returned to the Juxia

After the notification, he directly entered the command hall

Ducao in the command hall was also taken aback when he saw Qiangwei coming in at the door, and then his eyes became a little complicated
After Qiangwei approached and saluted him, Ducao said with a complicated heart

Qiangwei lowered her head slightly and did not speak, she pursed her lips tightly, the blood was gone from her lips

Ducao looked at Qiangwei who lowered his head in front of him. It was the first time he saw his daughter who was so proud to the bone.
Showing this, it looks like a normal daughter's expression when she makes a mistake

He was a little stunned, or rather, he didn't know what to say.
Qiangwei is now 22 years old. Before Qiangwei came to the army, he
For a full 18 years, because I was busy.He has not seen Rose more than ten times
Each time is only a few minutes, at most an hour

He's not a good father, or rather, he doesn't look like one

Qiangwei also lived up to his "expectation", smoking, drinking, racing, almost without her own body to send out
At the age of 18, on Qiangwei's birthday, Ducao, who learned about Qiangwei, took Qiangwei to the barracks with a gloomy face
Since then, Qiangwei has officially become a soldier

Thanks to the effect of the super gene, even if the super gene is not turned on, the physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people

Therefore, long-term tempering has worn away all her bad habits
And that bad temper has become the only thing that has not been changed in the army. It may be the so-called last stubbornness.

However, also because of her super military quality, she successfully made the people above ignore her bad temper, or in other words, it is called personality

The position was promoted again and again, and later under Dukao's operation, his daughter Du Qiangwei successfully became his subordinate.
And he is also going to discipline his daughter at close range, to get rid of her last trace of stubbornness
However, under his discipline, Du Qiangwei has completely become a veritable iceberg beauty, proud and withdrawn.

Now, because of her temper, Qiangwei is in Aaron's hands, and she was taught a lesson

He didn't have any schadenfreude, he was only worried that Qiangwei hadn't figured it out yet.

As mentioned earlier, he is clear about how powerful Qiangwei has now opened up the genetic system
Mental problems will be the biggest obstacle for super fighters
"Chief, I will review myself!"

Qiangwei pursed her lips, and after being silent for a while, she opened her mouth and said

He knew exactly what Ducao wanted to say, maybe it was just another long sermon
Ducao looked into Qiangwei's eyes, bright and firm!
(End of this chapter)

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