Chapter 40 Rui Mengmeng

Ducao felt relaxed for a while, he knew that Qiangwei had figured it out, which is very important

Because he could see that there was no resentment in Qiangwei's heart.
She also recognized the mistakes she made, and knowing the mistakes can make a big difference, he agrees with this sentence

"Then go back and have a good rest! Get ready to go to the academy! The next days will not be peaceful!"

Ducao turned around and looked at the huge screen in front of him, his eyes were slightly distracted. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the content on the screen
But the slight smile on the corner of his mouth can tell that he is in a good mood now

"Yes, Chief!"

After Qiangwei heard it, she straightened her body, saluted and replied:
When he left, he seemed hesitant to speak

But in the end, he didn't ask, turned around and left.
Before reaching the door of the command room, the door of the command hall opened again, and Ajie in a black suit and sunglasses came in from the outside

Qiangwei and Ajie nodded to each other, then passed by
Qiangwei was still thinking about her own problems, and murmured in her mouth


Randomly shook his head and continued walking towards the opened door of the command hall, and vaguely heard some conversations between Ajie and Ducao
"Chief, the successor of the Nuoxing sharp knife is a little reluctant to join the Xiongbing Company!"

"Oh?! Know why."

In the following content, as the door of the command hall was closed, there was no sound

At noon, in Aaron's villa, Qilin had already returned to the office to bid farewell to her colleagues
Aaron was a little free at this time, tasting the fried dinosaur meat he had just made, chewing slowly and enjoying it
In the past six months, Aaron can be said to be so tired that he almost didn't touch the ground.
In addition to being able to relax with you and me every meal, and having fun with No. [-] at night, it can really be said that things are piled up like a mountain

Men have a little time for themselves and can be free to enjoy limited leisure time
However, as soon as he ate a piece of meat, the voice of the wolf king came from Aaron's smart watch
"Boss, General Du is calling for you!"

After hearing this, Aaron paused in his hands, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said

"Connect it!"

While talking, he didn't stop his hands, and continued to eat the meat, but the movements were obviously faster

"Mr. Chen, I just separated from you, and I'm going to disturb you again!"

The figure of Ducao in military uniform and holding a scepter was projected in front of Aaron, and he said faintly
On the other side, in front of Ducao, there was also an image of Aaron eating
"It's okay, just tell me, the war is coming, how can there be any interruptions!"

Aaron ate the meat, picked up the handkerchief next to him, wiped his mouth, and said

"It's like this. In our list of super warriors, there is a super gene Nuoxing Jiandao's successor, Rui Mengmeng, who doesn't want to join the Xiongbing Company now. We found out that she is in a coffee shop under your group. I work here, so I want to ask you to help invite Comrade Rui Mengmeng!"

Ducao said with a slightly embarrassed expression, after all, they have to trouble Aaron over and over again after inviting someone, which is really unreasonable
But Aaron wasn't angry either, instead he asked with some doubts
"Since people don't want to, why don't you invite me?! Why do you have to join her?!"


On the second ring road of Juxia City, a relatively luxurious coffee shop located on the pedestrian street

The coffee shop is on the sixth floor of the commercial building, it's called the Little Idiot Cafe, that's right, it's just such a spoof

Although it is a coffee shop, the whole coffee shop is divided into four areas
It is divided into four regions: spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the drinks in each region are also different

In the coffee shop, there is a strong atmosphere of warmth
And in it, a cute girl in waiter's clothes
Long bunny ears with two long gray studs on the head
Walking through the tables with a beautiful wooden dinner plate
The most striking thing, besides her delicate and lovely face, is her silver-white hair

Wearing a ponytail, which is somewhat similar to Aaron's hairstyle, with a relaxed smile on his face

This seemingly innocent and stubborn girl is a waiter in a coffee shop, and her name is Rui Mengmeng

It is also the successor of the Nuoxing sharp knife super gene that Ducao said

"Mengmeng, the customer at table seven needs a cup of 'Blue Flame', and you can get off work after delivering it!"

At this moment, a message came from the Bluetooth headset Rui Mengmeng was wearing.
Rui Mengmeng replied naturally
"Sister Tong, I received it!"

I couldn't help but have a happy smile on my face
After all, although she likes her current job very much, her education level is not high, and she dropped out of school early to work

But it was because of family reasons, she had to come out early to earn money to help her parents raise her young siblings

I hope that my brothers and sisters can study hard without worries

But she also wants to go to university, so she has been enrolling herself in various cram schools after get off work.
I hope to be able to take the university entrance examination by myself and study computer science

Fortunately, Aaron knew her difficulty in the original plot, and always paid attention to her

After she dropped out of school, Aaron found out about it, so she gave orders to the store manager here

Under a series of "accidental" circumstances, Rui Mengmeng worked as a waiter here

The monthly salary is 8000, including food and housing, and a lot of bonuses every month, adding up to [-]

But even in this situation, Rui Mengmeng is still struggling every month
Because she has to send more than 7000 yuan to her family every month, and then she has to enroll in cram schools, which is 3000 yuan a month

So, I rented a small single apartment, and the money left every month is only a few hundred yuan, and sometimes there is no money left
Life is still very tight, and there is no way to buy clothes, cosmetics, etc. like other girls
But Rui Mengmeng still feels that it is not very bitter, because she is a girl who dropped out of junior high school, and she is only 19 years old now.
To be lucky enough to get such a high-paying job is already a blessing from God in her opinion.
You must know that none of the colleagues and sisters around her are below the level of a first-class undergraduate education
After Rui Mengmeng delivered the last table of coffee, she went straight to the staff locker room

Inside, a few colleagues and sisters who got off work together were chatting and changing clothes
After seeing Rui Mengmeng, the older sisters all smiled at Ruimengmeng, and one of the older girls said:
"Mengmeng, change your clothes quickly. After changing, let's go eat hot pot. I'm treating you."

The colleague's sister had finished changing her clothes, walked towards Ruimengmeng, and said
"Ah, oh, good, but is there anything to celebrate today?!"

(End of this chapter)

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