Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 43 The Technological Content of Aaron Villa

Chapter 43 The Technological Content of Aaron Villa
time back to now
Li Qing looked at Rui Mengmeng, who was sitting in his car, who was somewhat cautious, and felt a little disappointed in his heart
The innocent and generous little girl who used to be is now a well-behaved professional, quite boring

"There are some things, the big boss wants to see you."

Li Qing straightened his expression, looked ahead, and said

"Ah?! Big Boss?! Why does Big Boss want to see me?!"

Rui Mengmeng was very puzzled, it was the first time she heard that there was a big boss who wanted to meet her
Although she was puzzled, she had a premonition in her heart that it was related to what happened this morning, and she felt a little bad
".Well, I don't know too well, but Mengmeng!"

Li Qing also had some doubts in her heart, but she felt that the timing was just right, and she wanted to tell Rui Mengmeng what happened back then

"Well, what's the matter?! Sister Qing?!"

"I have to tell you something."

"Well, tell me!"

Rui Mengmeng signaled to be all ears

But Li Qing hesitated again, she didn't know if she would give Rui Mengmeng the illusion of being deceived by just saying that
"...Arranging you to enter the coffee shop four years ago, it was actually the boss who sent you!"

Li Qing hesitated for a while before speaking out, but Rui Mengmeng's reaction was somewhat unexpected
Rui Mengmeng didn't feel angry or anything, on the contrary, she was very happy
Because when she came to Juxia City, she was hungry for two whole days, and she didn't eat a grain of rice.
When you are thirsty, drink the water from the fountain, and when you are tired, go to that park to find a place where no one is around, take out your bedding and sleep
Until she met Sister Qing, she felt that everything had become better. In the past four years, she felt very happy from the bottom of her heart.

However, what frightened her was that, for some reason, she always felt that her relationship with Sister Qing was getting further and further away.
She didn't know what to do, but she was sad

In fact, she is very happy to be able to go out with Sister Qing again today
But after getting in the car, she didn't know what to say
"Big boss! You must thank him later!"

Rui Mengmeng just said in surprise, she didn't have any dissatisfaction, which made Li Qing a little confused

"Mengmeng, don't you feel very wronged?"

Li Qing couldn't help asking

"Grievance?! Why do you have to be wronged! When I was so wronged, Sister Qing, you gave me food, gave me a place to live, and even contacted the big boss to give me a job. I am already very happy! Why? Will you be wronged?!"

When Rui Mengmeng heard Li Qing's words, she asked back with some doubts, and looked at Li Qing a little puzzled.

After hearing what Rui Mengmeng said, Li Qing realized that Rui Mengmeng seemed to have misunderstood
However, she didn't explain much, just treat it as a beautiful misunderstanding

As for Rui Mengmeng's words, he didn't know whether to say that stupid people have stupid blessings! Or if they are wise and stupid!

But anyway, it's not a bad situation, isn't it? !
At around [-]:[-], Li Qing brought Rui Mengmeng to Aaron's villa

Both of them were a little curious, because the villa in front of them, although it was said to be a villa,
But the overall design and style can be said to be a small garden, or the kind of unique style

As soon as the two of them reached the door, the door in front of them opened by itself, and a biochemical robot in a maid outfit walked out.

"Hello, Aaron has been waiting for a long time, please follow me!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to reply, he turned around and walked forward
Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng looked at each other, feeling a little weird, and the woman in front of her was a little too indifferent
This is also the first time for Li Qing to come to Aaron's villa, so he is also a little curious
And for a long time, a large part of the reason she has remained single is because of Aaron
Who doesn't have any fantasies about the young, rich and handsome opposite sex, even if there is a partner, so what? !

If you can't be a regular wife, being a lover is also a good choice, isn't it? !
Moreover, she is very confident in her appearance and thinks she is also very close to Aaron

But the moment she saw the maid robot, her heart trembled

I vaguely heard the sound of breaking, it was the sound of heartbreak

Although she thinks she is very beautiful, she is still slightly inferior to the woman in maid outfit in front of her.

Moreover, in terms of distance, wouldn't this woman dressed as a maid serve Aaron even closer?

No matter how turbulent my heart is, there is no expression on my face
Followed the maid robot in front of me and walked a few steps, and came to a place that looked like a road

But the whole road is white, and it can really be said to be spotless.
And if you look carefully, the whole road is made up of tiny white beads
Li Qing was a little curious, squatted down gracefully, stretched out his hand, and touched
The bumpy touch on her hand told her that what she saw was real
But it is a very regular concave-convex touch, which also shows that this road is not as simple as she saw

Still, she stood up and straightened her dress
At this time, when the maid robot saw Li Qing standing up, he turned his head
But along the road, three things that looked like adult children's scooters floated, and they were very fast.
Both Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng's eyesight are pretty good, and they can see clearly
The scooter has no wheels, it just floats on the road out of thin air

Both of them were a little dumbfounded, but the speed of the scooter was very fast
Before the two could react, the three scooters had already stopped in front of the three of them.
"This is a magnetic levitation slide, because the distance from here to the house is [-] kilometers, which is a long way, so there is this magnetic levitation slide!"

At this time, the maid robot next to the two explained, and randomly demonstrated the usage of the scooter to the two

The maid robot stepped forward and clicked on the middle of the handlebar

A holographic screen is projected above the handlebar, showing various forms of transportation

The big one includes a car, and the small one is just a disc, with bicycles, motorcycles, even carriages, blankets and so on in the middle
In between, the maid robot directly clicked on the disc graphic
The scooter in front of me began to melt, turning into small particles to 'flow' downward
In the stunned eyes of Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng, the scooter turned into a black disc
The disc is about 40 centimeters in diameter and floats in mid-air out of thin air, at the same height as the maid robot's knee

The maid robot occupied the disk, slid a few steps forward, turned around, looked at Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng
Li Qing also reacted, and then in the eyes of the maid robot and Rui Mengmeng, she chose the pattern of a carriage
(End of this chapter)

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