Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 44 The Nanoworm Programming System Language

Chapter 44 The Nanoworm Programming System Language
After Li Qing understood the abilities of the scooter in front of her, she was a little curious about how the small scooter in front of her could be transformed into a carriage

If the scooter was condensed into a disc just now, she can still accept it

But the scooter in front of me doesn't look like it can be turned into a carriage, the order of magnitude of matter is quite different
Rui Mengmeng also looked at it curiously, she has opened her eyes today
Immediately under the curious eyes of the two, the scooter began to become small particles and scattered

These scattered small particles slowly become a horse head, horse body, horse tail, carriage carriage

In the end, it turned into a carriage with a ratio of one to one of reality. There are horses and carts, but it is similar to the British style (you can refer to the carriage in the movie "Detective Chinatown 2")
The carriage formed by the scooter is also suspended in mid-air, and the tail of the horse flutters back and forth, like a real horse

There are a few steps where people get on the carriage, for people to step on the carriage

Li Qing looked at the scene in front of him in shock, I can accept that you said to become a disc, this science can achieve
But the direct gaze turned into a relatively large carriage. Is this fucking science? !
The horse and the carriage are still in color!Can this be tolerated? !

Li Qing held back the shock in his heart, his calf trembling slightly, he reached the steps

Unexpectedly, the steps suspended in the air are very strong, no different from stepping on the ground

Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and walked directly into the carriage in two or three steps

After entering the compartment and sitting down, she was even more shocked by the soft feeling of her buttocks. Is the feeling of the cushion so realistic? !
I met a fairy, and he lied to me that he was a tech boss, so he must be the reincarnation of a fairy!
Li Qing swallowed her saliva, turned her head and looked in Ruimengmeng's direction
Rui Mengmeng chose the blanket, it looks like a flying carpet from a fairy tale
The scooter quickly transformed into a flying carpet, and Rui Mengmeng sat on it directly, with an undisguised shocked look on her face

The maid robot saw that both of them got into the "car", turned around and stepped on the disc, and "flyed" forward along the road
The horses of the carriage also snorted, neighed, raised their front half, and "ran" forward with their hooves
The flying carpet fluctuated a bit, and then "floated" forward.
Although there are only three people, this scene is spectacular no matter how you look at it
"Hi, I would like to ask, what kind of technology is this thing?!"

On the road, Li Qing couldn't help but asked the maid robot who was standing straight beside him, stepping on a disc.

"You can call me Xiaoli, this technology is the deformation technology of nanotechnology combined with elementary quantum technology!"

The maid robot spoke directly, without shy away

But in fact, the information given by the robot is inaccurate, or in other words, the instructions entered by Aaron were intentionally wrong
It's not that Aaron has any conspiracy, but that the real name of this technology is not a safe thing
The original name of this technology is - nano-devouring worm technology (refer to the nano-worm warhead technology in "Special Forces: The Rise of Cobra")
However, after Aaron researched this technology, he did not copy the original technical content

Instead, a simple upgrade was made, that is, the nanoworm programming language system was developed
A language system unique to nanoworm programming
Combined with artificial intelligence, nanotechnology can be regarded as a big killer in Aaron's hands
Like the nano vanguard technology in the anime "Nano Core", Aaron is now completely achievable
Or it has been realized, but it has not been shown

"You are here, welcome to my house, I have been waiting for a long time, the meal is ready, let's eat first!"

When the two walked into the villa led by the maid robot, they happened to see Aaron wearing a very Q apron

Holding a dish in his hand, followed by a row of maid robots passing by with dishes, saw the two smiling and said
"Oh, good!"

Li Qing replied a little dull, and walked towards the restaurant with Aaron along with Rui Mengmeng who was also very reserved.
Although very reserved, Li Qing couldn't help but look at the environment of the villa, the more shocked he looked

And Rui Mengmeng looked at Aaron's back curiously, knowing that Aaron turned his head inadvertently and looked at herself

Then he hurriedly looked away in a panic, but he was still curious about the big boss in front of him wearing a Taoist robe and a ponytail
Until the restaurant, neither of them said a word.
"Okay, here we are, take a seat wherever you want!"

Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng came back to their senses, saw that Aaron was already sitting at the dining table, and they also found a place to sit down
At this time, the door of the restaurant opened again, and No. [-], who was wearing a home service, came in

After greeting the two of them, they also sat down.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of doubts, but let's eat first, and we'll talk about things after we finish eating!"

Aaron looked at the werewolf in front of him and said with a smile
After Li Qing and Rui Mengmeng heard it, they didn't refuse, they all agreed, looking at the table full of dishes, they just planned to eat a couple of bites.

However, what I didn't expect was that as soon as the food was eaten, both of them were stunned.

The taste buds can't help trembling with the strong delicious taste, I feel a little intoxicated
Immediately, both of them went crazy, and they didn't care about being reserved anymore. Both of them ate their food

Aaron and No. [-] looked at the state of the two of them, looked at each other and smiled happily

It's very satisfying to be eaten by others when you cook your own food
After the meal, the four of them moved to the living room, drinking tea while preparing to chat about Ruimengmeng

"Okay, No. [-], you take Sister Qing to visit the villa, and live here today!"

Just a few minutes after doing it, Aaron asked Li Qing to leave.
No. [-] nodded to Aaron understandingly, and Li Qing followed No. [-] for a stroll knowingly.

On the other hand, Rui Mengmeng sat on the sofa pitifully and nervously, her whole body was stiff as hell

Aaron looked at Rui Mengmeng's cute appearance and smiled and said
"Don't be nervous, I'm not a man-eating monster. You must have felt the difference in yourself these two days!"

Aaron looked at Rui Mengmeng in front of him, although it was in a questioning tone, but his tone was very firm
After hearing this, Rui Mengmeng relaxed slightly, and nodded silently, indicating that Aaron was right
"People from the country came to you this morning. I hope you can join the army. You didn't agree. Can you tell me why?!"

Aaron smiled and looked at Rui Mengmeng and said, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, according to Rui Mengmeng's state in the original plot, he shouldn't refuse
(End of this chapter)

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