Chapter 45 Qilin's Suitcase

"I just don't want to go!"

When Rui Mengmeng heard Aaron's question, hesitation appeared on his face. After hesitating for a while, he opened his mouth and said
After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and acted like an ostrich, as if he had lied

"But as far as I know, you should be very willing to serve the country. Could it be that the information I know is wrong?!"

Aaron teased slightly, but Rui Mengmeng's body was still tense, still nervous

"You are because of your mother and younger siblings?!"

After listening for a while, Aaron suddenly asked

"How do you know."

Rui Mengmeng didn't pay attention, blurted out, just said a few words, then quickly closed her mouth, blushed and lowered her head

"Are you worried that after you go to the army, you won't be able to send money to your family for your younger siblings to study?!"

Aaron looked at Rui Mengmeng in front of him, and asked with a smile

Rui Mengmeng didn't speak, but nodded slightly

In front of the big boss, what I expressed was that I stayed with him because of the money, isn't it too much?
"But you have to know that as a super genetic soldier, your monthly subsidy in the army is at least 5000 yuan!"

"Ah?! So tall!"

Rui Mengmeng was also a little surprised when she heard it, and raised her head in disbelief.
But seeing Aaron's smiling face, he couldn't help lowering his head, feeling very embarrassed

"Yes, yes, even higher in the future, most importantly"

When Aaron said this, his face became serious, and he said to Rui Mengmeng:
"Rui Meng Meng"


"War is coming"

Rui Mengmeng looked at Aaron in front of him in confusion, wondering in her heart, war? !

"Yes, it's an interstellar war, and the earth is now facing the most dangerous moment!"

"Pfft, sorry!"

Rui Mengmeng listened very seriously at first, but as soon as Aaron spoke, she couldn't help laughing
war? !Or Star Wars? !Although I have a junior high school education level, I don't look like a fool
So the big boss must be telling me a joke, that’s right, it must be because I’m too nervous

But Rui Mengmeng looked at Aaron with a serious face
Surprised, Star Wars? !This, can't be true!
Although I still didn't believe it, a trace of belief spread from the bottom of my heart.
"Do you think I'm joking?! You need to think about it. Your extraordinary body changes are not like the genetic technology that can appear on the earth!"

Aaron didn't say anything, he just pointed out the changes in Ruimengmeng's body

When Rui Mengmeng heard what Aaron said, her expression became serious
Two days ago, when she got off work, she felt dizzy for a while, but it only lasted ten seconds
After the dizziness ended, she "accidentally" squeezed an iron lock into scrap iron
When I got home again, I accidentally stepped on one of the tiles in the house, and even stepped on a small hole in the cement floor below.

At that time, she felt something was wrong

But as time went by, the surge in physical strength was also invisible to her, so she didn't think too much about it.

But now that Aaron mentioned this matter, she had to admit that perhaps what Aaron said might be true
"Join the army, don't waste your super genes, and, after joining the army, your mother and younger siblings will also receive special protection from the state, you can have no worries!"

"Qi Lin, let me tell you, what are you doing? You carried so many things to the barracks?!"

The next morning, Aaron was having breakfast at the villa

But with super vision, I saw Qilin in a police uniform getting off a police car
Then, two large suitcases were taken from the back seat of the police car
Aaron thought it was over, but the police colleague who was driving also got out of the car
Then he walked directly to the trunk, opened it, and Qilin took down two more boxes
Looking at the male colleague struggling, I think Qilin's box is not very light
And Qilin is very relaxed, holding it in her hand is like playing, as if nothing
After all, the current Qilin has also activated the super gene
Even a fighter who is not known for strength and thickness, but his basic physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people

Seeing this, Aaron also put down the breakfast and study materials in his hands
"Wolf King, go over and do me a favor!"

"Yes, BOSS!"

The voice of the wolf king came from the air, and there was no clear location for the sound, as if it appeared out of thin air

This is a gadget that Aaron has researched during this time, the vibration frequency generator

This original device can form a certain frequency fluctuation in the air through simple electromagnetic field control, and produce sound out of thin air

Be indifferent and don't just take it as something for pretense
In fact, Aaron combined the infrasonic weapon to create a weapon, the V1 infrasonic weapon cannon

How powerful is this weapon, a building twenty feet high
As long as the angle of this V1 turret is calculated, the whole building will be turned into dust in one shot

Including the steel and glass inside, none of the residues of any type of object can exceed five millimeters

And, most importantly, this is just a simple range attack

This V1 turret can also attack specific types of objects
For example, in a certain area, you want to kill mosquitoes in this area

As long as the relevant frequency amplitude is set, the mosquitoes in this area will suddenly die suddenly, leaving no one behind.

Whether there is something protecting it or not, it cannot escape the fate of death
It's like a four-dimensional attack on a three-dimensional object, but this V1 weapon is relatively weak and there is no comparison at all.

After several maid robots moved Qilin's things into the villa, Aaron also came down from the balcony

Looking at Qilin who was slumped on the sofa in the living room without any image, she complained
"Hey! You are a straight guy, I don't know why sister Xiaoling likes you, why do we girls have more things?!"

Qilin, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't move when she heard what Aaron said.
Just like a salted fish, when Aaron said he had a lot of things, he rolled his eyes and laughed fiercely.
"It's nothing (can't afford to mess with) nothing (can't afford to mess with)."

Aaron sneered very spinelessly, after all, what happened yesterday is still vivid in his mind, Aaron really has no spine
"However, what are your things? Why are there so many? You won't move your wardrobe here, will you? You should know that you are going to the military camp!"

Aaron looked curiously at the four super large suitcases in the living room and asked
In the past, he always went with No. [-] wherever he went, but No. [-] would not bring so many things with him. This is really a lot of experience today.

"How is it possible! The white one is filled with cosmetics and skin care products"

(End of this chapter)

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