Chapter 47 Warlock!

A possessive desire originating from the blood makes Qilin feel a clear sense of impulsiveness in her whole body

That is to do whatever it takes to get the gun in front of me, Qilin restrained her desire

Pursing his lips and raising his head, he looked at Aaron and said

"this is"

After speaking, he looked at the pistol in Aaron's hand again, unable to move his eyes away

Aaron said, his eyes full of pride

Qilin was a little dazed, I asked you what kind of gun this is, tell me this? !What is a warlock? !

"Don't ask, just take it. Those aliens will be handed over to you! Can it be done?!"

Aaron watched with a smile, threw the gun into Qilin's hand, and said
Qilin caught the gun in a hurry, caressing the gun back and forth, as if it were some rare treasure

But it is not wrong to say that this pistol is a rare treasure. After all, the materials used in this gun cost at least 3000 million US dollars
And the technical content contained in it cannot be bought with money, the gap is too big
At this time, Thornton also fell to the ground, turned over and sat up, still saying
"Alive?! Send. Send so much food. Ai ai ouch. Take a break."

Thornton looked at the crowd around him, smacked his mouth, and said with a heavy breath
Aaron is a little speechless, he has such a cute look, and he doesn't know how he got the identity of God
"Okay, are you ready?!"

Aaron said to Qilin at this time, the aircraft has also lowered its height, and it is only more than ten meters above the ground, but it is still in stealth mode

At this time, Qilin has already put on a suit that looks like a sportswear, and she looks very heroic

This is a nano-combat suit made by Aaron, the specific performance will wait and see
Qilin looked at the various information displayed on the helmet, took a deep breath, and said

"All right!"

At this time, Thorton heard the news that Taotie had captured it, and after a while of screaming, he stood up and was about to say something


A bullet hit his forehead, it hurt so much that he almost shed tears
But before it could react, several small balls fell from the sky more than ten meters away
With Thornton as the center, five small balls form a pentagon, each extending a plane and connecting with each other

There is also a small ball on top, which also forms a surface, wrapping Thornton inside

Then, visible to the naked eye, the plane is covered with tiny electric arcs, and the whole process takes only one tenth of a second.
This is not over yet, I saw that the pentagon began to expand, and a mechanical sound came out

"Warning! Warning! All Chinese citizens, an armed conflict is about to break out here. Please find a safe place to hide!"

With the spread of a mechanical sound, Aaron's aircraft swept by with a burst of blue light waves, and the figure also appeared

When seeing Aaron's flying figure, the crowd gathered on the side of the road because of Thornton
I also knew that the following things were very dangerous, and most people left one after another.

After all, the gluttonous attack on Airport Road two days ago was still an after-dinner chat
Among them, the power displayed by Aaron's Huanyu Group

Super robots, medical beds, cool aircraft, all kinds of black technology that you can't imagine
It also made many young people regard Aaron as an idol
"Why?! You're not a policeman!"

But not everyone will listen to Aaron, even if Aaron is for their safety

Among them was a man who looked 27 or [-] years old, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and holding a special mobile phone in his hand

He was clamoring while clamoring while filming with his mobile phone, his eyes full of hatred
But obviously, his clamor did not attract Aaron's attention

The warning sound is still repeated, and the pentahedron is still expanding
The yelling man also backed away helplessly, and the people running beside him looked at him with disdain.

And Thornton inside the pentahedron also reacted from the pain in his head at this time
"You beat me! Alas! I was arrested!"

Thornton was very angry at first, but when he looked around, he said in a very cute voice
After speaking, he scratched his hairless head with his paw

But at this time, because of the appearance of Aaron in the distance, the Taotie who stopped his figure stopped.
He also drove his own aircraft in the direction of Aaron's aircraft
While flying, the gun muzzle below the aircraft was still gathering energy, Taotie's eyes flashed with excitement

Colleagues also guessed that the owner of this aircraft should be the one who killed their comrade-in-arms two days ago

Then it fired directly at Aaron's aircraft, and a red laser cannon hit Aaron's aircraft

But it didn't hit the aircraft. An oval energy shield appeared on the outer layer of Aaron's aircraft

The entire shield is light blue, and the laser cannon hits the shield, like a drop of water dripping into a lake, there are some waves, and there is no movement
Taotie, who wanted Aaron to attack, saw this situation, and knew that they must have nothing to do with Aaron
Randomly, an iron claw protruded from the bottom of the gluttonous aircraft, and directly grabbed Thornton in the pentahedron.

But as soon as the claw touched the pentahedron, the arc on it suddenly increased, resisting the claw's attack momentum

At the same time, an electric arc hit Taotie's flying machine along the connecting rope of the claw.

The reaction of the Taotie above was also quick, and he jumped off the aircraft directly if he had a bad sense.

But before he hit the ground, a bullet punched a hole between his eyebrows

At this time, Qilin has jumped from the bottom of the aircraft to the ground

In mid-air, she saw this lonely Taotie, and instantly took out the warlock pistol Aaron gave her, and in mid-air, raised her hand to shoot

When this shot was fired, Qi Lin was stunned. Is this pistol so powerful? !

The armor that the alien should be wearing is at least an alloy armor, right? It can be pierced with a single shot? !

Until it fell to the ground, Qilin was a little dazed.
But at this moment, Qilin suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis emanating from Tianling Point
Reflexively dodged, and hid behind a square stone pillar next to it
As soon as Qilin dodged, a pothole slightly thicker than a thumb appeared at the back of the spot, and I don't know how deep it was.
It's the opponent's sniper. At this time, I have found a good position to snipe Qi Lin who just came down.

As for Aaron, who was watching the battle on the aircraft, his heart almost jumped out just now, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time
Just now when Aaron saw Qilin in a daze, he felt a bad feeling in his heart
Quickly spread out his consciousness, enveloping Qilin, and also noticed Taotie's sniper
Fortunately, in the end Qilin dodged the attack, and Aaron also relaxed
It's not that Aaron has no confidence in his own consciousness, Aaron has never doubted the strength of his consciousness!
(End of this chapter)

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