Chapter 48 Brother Thornton!

However, if Qilin is hit, the secret of the divine consciousness will be exposed
Consciousness is Aaron's biggest secret and trump card to get rid of his penetrating ability. If it's not a last resort, he can't be seen!
However, when Aaron looked at Qilin, he saw that heroic figure

But with a wry smile, he withdrew his consciousness

I really care about it, but Qilin is wearing the nano combat uniform he just gave her.
With the strength of the nano-combat uniform, a small gluttonous sniper bullet is still impossible to pose a threat to Qi Lin
If it is the devil's God-killing No. [-] armor-piercing projectile, it may be able to penetrate the nano-protective suit

If it is a flame-class armor-piercing projectile, let's run as far as possible!
The nano-combat suit that Aaron gave to Qilin is made of vibrating gold fibers.

There is also a protective layer of carbon sound-absorbing steel. This carbon is not the carbon of coal, but a simple substance of carbon, made of graphene.

It can be said that the strength of this set of nano-combat suits is comparable to the strength of weaker gods
Moreover, this set of nanocombat suits, if an overly strong attack is detected

It will form the strongest No. 216 alloy metal researched by Aaron in an instant

Although the user will also be fixed in place, it will allow the user to have the greatest security
Aaron shook his head slightly, and continued to look in Qilin's direction, the outside of the aircraft was still transparent

At this time, Qilin was slightly relieved to hide behind the pillar, but in the next second, a terrible sense of crisis swept over her body again.

A forward roll, leaving this position, the cuboid pillar was pierced by the bullet in an instant, and continued to hit the ground, forming a small pothole
But Qilin didn't even look at it, she started to move, and began to avoid the sniper's sniper on the other side under the cover of her brother
And there is another Taotie driving the aircraft towards the approach, while firing laser cannons in Qilin's direction.want to end the fight as soon as possible

Seeing this situation, Qilin calculated in her heart the distance from the rushing Taotie.
With various shelters on the road, runners running back and forth avoid sniper bullets and laser bombardment at the same time

The moving speed is very fast, and some afterimages can be seen vaguely

Suddenly, Qilin raised her hand and fired a shot, then continued to run forward without stopping.

And where she was just now, there was a crater left by a sniper bullet

However, the bullet fired by Qilin left behind a corpse, that is, the Taotie who just flew towards Qilin.
And his flying machine crashed on the side of the road and exploded.

At this time, Qilin ran to a small corner and stopped at night, her eyes were bright, revealing the light of excitement.

And it's not that she's tired from running in this place, she's not even sweating now
However, during the running back and forth just now, she roughly calculated the position of the sniper on the opposite side
And the current position happens to be a blind spot of the sniper on the opposite side

Moreover, during the use of the warlock pistol that was accepted just now, Qilin probably knew how perverted this pistol was.

The effective strike distance of this pistol definitely exceeds four kilometers

The speed of the gun is extremely fast, definitely above ten times the speed of sound, that is, 3.5 kilometers per second!even faster

And she doesn't know what kind of ammunition is in it, but it is definitely hard enough!

What does this mean? This means that the pistol in his hand is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Uh, no, a sniper rifle in a pistol casing!
Qilin took a deep breath, suppressing the restlessness in her heart due to excitement
After rubbing the warlock pistol in his hand, he regained his composure, but the excitement in his eyes could not be faked.

She doesn't kill much, even just killed two aliens
But there is no sense of guilt in my heart, there is only a feeling of relief
Moreover, when she helped Interpol deal with some cases in the past, she also killed many vicious gangsters. She was not a little girl who had never seen blood.
Qilin calculated the opposite position in her mind, as well as her best shot time and best shot position

With her eyes half closed, she was constantly calculating in her mind. Suddenly, Qilin opened her eyes.

With a kick, he jumped out of this small corner with lightning speed

Then, without turning her head, she raised her hand and fired a shot in the side direction, but Qilin still didn't stop.

know another hidden corner across the road

And that bullet, at a speed of 23 times the speed of sound, flew towards the corner of the roof of a building not far away.
In less than half a second, the bullet made a hole in the head of the last gluttonous warrior

Taotie's corpse fell from the roof of the building weakly, and the 20-storey commercial building fell to the ground without any change.
And Qi Lin, who was hiding in the other side of the hiding place, carefully listened to the movement around her, and after making sure that there were no enemies, she slowly came out
He let out a long breath, looked up at the sun above his head, raised his hand holding the warlock pistol, and covered a little bit of the sun

My heart must be relaxed, as if the haze of my being killed gradually dissipated in my heart
Originally, Qilin, a big beauty, looking up at the sun is quite beautiful, but at this moment, Qilin's face turned dark obviously

Immediately, a look of anger appeared on his face, and then he walked quickly in one direction

And this direction is the direction of Thornton, until he got closer, Aaron's voice came from inside
"Brother Thornton, let me tell you, after drinking this bottle of wine, we are brothers. Don't forget what I told you!"

At this time, Aaron in Taoist robes was standing inside the pentahedron, eating and drinking with Thorton.
"Brother Baozi, let me tell you, I recognize you as a brother. After so many years, you are still the first person to give me a bun! Hiccup!"

Thorton held five or six big buns in his paws, stuffed them into his mouth, looked at Aaron and said, and hiccupped halfway.
"Don't rush to eat, Brother Thornton, come, drink some wine!"

Aaron saw that Thornton hiccupped, and quickly picked up a big wine jar next to him and said to Thornton
"Thanks, brother!"

Thornton spoke vaguely, then tipped up the wine jar and drank

Don't look at it as a wine jar, but there are cocktails in it, so it tastes good.

"Hey! Qilin, are you done?! Come and eat a steamed stuffed bun!"

Aaron looked at Qilin who was walking towards him from the outside of the five sides, and tapped on the smart watch on his wrist.

The surrounding pentahedrons were put away, restored to six small balls, and flew back to the aircraft
"Hey! I'm exhausted fighting outside, but you guys are still here to eat leisurely!"

Qilin was not polite when she came over, grabbed the bun in Aaron's hand, took a bite, looked at Aaron angrily and said
(End of this chapter)

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