Chapter 49
"No, what's the situation."

Qilin took a bite of the bun, pouted her mouth in the direction of Thornton, and asked in a low voice to Aaron
Aaron looked at Thornton, and couldn't help but laugh, this guy is eating like a sip
Seeing Aaron looking at it, he looked down at his body suspiciously, as if something was wrong

time back a few minutes ago
Aaron watched Qilin's tactics in the aircraft, and he had to sit down

But at this moment, he saw the option of plasma grid on the holographic screen in front of him
There was a big energy drain and the data jumped a bit

Aaron looked at the pentahedron under his feet, which is the direction of the plasma grid
The Thornton inside is sticking out his tongue, smoking from his head, lying on the ground trembling slightly, with a bit of a crooked nose and squinting eyes.

Aaron couldn't help but smile when he saw that it was this idiot
Immediately, after thinking for a while, with a gesture of his hand, a large stack of steamers appeared on the ground in front of him, which was as tall as Aaron's whole body, filled with steaming steamed buns
Then snapped his fingers, a magnetic levitation suction cup appeared under Aaron's feet and under the steamer respectively
He carried Aaron and Baozi and flew down from the back of the cabin

After Aaron got off the spaceship, the surrounding people who hadn't run far also saw it, and they all showed surprised eyes

But Aaron didn't care about these, and it was forbidden to fly into the pentahedron

At this time, the plasma grid has stopped expanding, and it stands there quietly
Only the jumping arc above tells the people around that this thing is not that simple

When Aaron reached the surface above the plasma grid, there was a gap above, allowing Aaron to enter

After entering, Thornton also slowly slowed down at this time, turned over, and sat up

After sitting up, Thornton's eyeballs rolled wildly. It's not stupid, it's just a little straightforward

It guessed that the human-shaped bun in front of it was the one that released the blue pentahedron

So it didn't act rashly after getting up, and used his low IQ to think about what to do

However, before he could think of a solution, he smelled an extremely tempting smell, which came from the position of the humanoid bun.

Thornton couldn't help swallowing, his eyes turned green, he was hesitating whether to take the risk and swallow the humanoid bun

At this time, Aaron took out a steamed bun from the steamer next to him and took a bite.

A strong, imaginative fragrance spread in the small space of the plasma grid

Looking at Qilin's direction, as if she didn't notice Thornton's movements at all

But at this time, Thornton realized that the scent was not from this human-shaped bun, but from the real bun.
Asking about the scent that was at least ten times stronger than the scent just now, Thornton was reluctant to exhale.
"Hey, big crocodile, come one?!"

I don't know when, Aaron turned his head to look at Thornton, and Thornton woke up when he heard Aaron's words

Then I saw a bun that was not as big as his finger flying towards me
Without saying a word, Thornton stood up vigorously with both legs, and then kicked his legs and jumped up

Holding the buns in mid-air with both hands, they fell to the ground

Looking at the big white and fat bun in his hands, it looks like a small steamed bun to him
It's like looking at a rare treasure, and the saliva drools a lot, but I just can't bear it
Thorton has a long mouth, sticks out his tongue and licks his mouth back and forth, saliva keeps flowing down from the corner of his mouth, but he just doesn't want to eat it
Finally, I looked at the opposite Aaron who was eating buns and looking at him with a half-smile

As soon as he became ruthless, he was about to slam his mouth, but, he originally wanted to be like Aaron, eating one bite at a time
However, the mouth is too big, one bite, I am a bit confused without Thornton, should I spit it out and eat it again.
Fortunately Thornton didn't spit it out in the end, but kept chewing it in his mouth, reluctant to swallow it
Feeling the delicacy of the explosion of taste buds, it is almost intoxicated
But after chewing a few bites, I still swallowed the buns
Then he smacked his lips and looked at Aaron in front of him, pitifully, Aaron couldn't help laughing
This Thornton is here to be funny!

"Here, bro."

Aaron took out two more buns and threw them to Thornton, walking towards Thornton
"Man Baozi, I recognize you brother, but Brother Baozi, why did you give me such a good bun!"

When Thornton heard Aaron calling him brother, he said along the way, but he still asked Aaron, after all, he is not stupid
"I don't want to ask you for a favor!"

Aaron looked at Thornton in front of him and said directly, after finishing speaking, he looked straight at Thornton
Thornton was taken aback, glanced at Aaron, and stood up abruptly
"Ha, boy bun, I knew you had no good intentions in inviting me to eat buns!"

Thornton stood up and yelled loudly. After yelling, he saw that the bun in his hand hadn't been eaten yet.

Quickly stuff it into your mouth, chew it, chew it, swallow it quickly

I'm afraid that Aaron will ask him to go back
However, Thornton's shout made Aaron stunned. This Thornton's brain circuit is really a fish, right?

If he remembers correctly, he hasn't asked Thornton to help him yet!
"I'm going, big crocodile, why are you crazy?!"

Aaron frowned and looked at Thornton in front of him and said sharply
I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, did the brain circuits of monsters thousands of years ago jump like this? !
"Ha, last time I was lied to by a girl bun, saying that she wanted to help, but in the end she wanted to kill me. Fortunately, I am more powerful! Boy bun, you, you, you, don't try to lie to me!"

With one move in Thornton's hand, the half-circle ax appeared, with a red light flashing on it

Thorton just ate something, recovered some energy, and was able to summon his weapon

Aaron looked at Thornton who looked like you don't fool me, and couldn't help frowning

He doesn't know what Thornton experienced thousands of years ago

But the preconceived intuitive impression brought about by Thornton's cannibalism

Let Aaron feel that Thornton should be sealed for thousands of years, and it is the punishment that Thornton should accept
However, with one move, Aaron quickly took out a pistol and shot it at Thornton's paw

Thornton let out a cry of pain, his hand holding the ax couldn't help but let go, and the ax fell to the ground

But it's not over yet, I saw pieces of metal gradually forming and spreading from the claws of Thornton's mid laner (you can refer to the appearance of Iron Man's nano suit when armed!)

"Hey, hey, what is this!"

In less than two seconds, the metal covered Thornton's whole body, and Thornton was fixed in place, only two small eyes were exposed, turning back and forth.
The mouth that was howling was also sealed up, unable to make a sound

In the end, Thornton stood on the ground with one leg, his right hand still looked like he was about to throw something away, and he was forced to be golden like that
(End of this chapter)

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