Chapter 51 Miss Teacher
"Mr. Chen, I have admired your name for a long time, welcome to Super Seminary"

In the Super Seminary, Aaron is talking with a blue "Avatar" at this time

And this blue "Avatar" is just the wandering Ryze who just came to the earth from the universe and just arrived at the academy today.
He also came with Lena, the Goddess of Dawn of Solar Star. After all, if Lena flew to the earth,

Even crossing the Big Worm Bridge, it will take at least several years, and everything will be over when it comes

And Wandering Ryze, as the top bus in the universe, this seat is not for nothing
This is also one of the conditions for the earth and Lieyang to defend against the enemy together.

"Thank you, Teacher Ruiz, it's better to meet you than to be famous."

Aaron also sighed, but his eyes showed a strong desire for research
Because Ryze's blue skin and runes are simply the best research objects
Therefore, Aaron looked at Ryze with particularly fiery eyes, and Ryze looked a little strange

Can't help but touch his own big blue head

"Mr. Ruiz, this is Qilin, this is the bodyguard picked up by Qilin's colleagues on the road"

Aaron also realized his impoliteness at this time, so he quickly changed the subject and said
Show pointing to Qilin who is a little nervous, and said by Thornton who sat next to him with ambition
Qilin was a little nervous. After all, there was a real Avatar standing in front of her.
Listening to Aaron's tone, this Avatar is still their teacher, which is a bit interesting
As for Thornton, he was still reminiscing about the taste of the steamed buns that Aaron gave him, and he smacked his mouth

Seeing Aaron pointing at him, he was stunned, and looked at Aaron and the blue-blooded man in front of him in a daze.

But seeing the two look away again, I scratched my head again, regardless of what happened.

In my heart, I am even more sure that Aaron is the monster brother of Baozi Chengjing
You see, isn't the friend of the monster also a monster, a bald man in blue, dare you say that he is not a monster? !

Thornton thought triumphantly in his heart, admiring his ingenuity
But Qilin had a panoramic view of all this, and Qilin observed all the way along the way.

In the end, I found out that the guy in front of me called Crocodile God is just a simple monster, nothing scary

However, this is not scary anymore, Qilin is also very depressed about her unreliable bodyguards
Seeing Thornton's naive look, he couldn't help but roll his eyes
"Two comrades, welcome to the Super Seminary!"

At this time, Ryze also turned to Qilin and Thornton and said
"Defend the family and the country!"

Qilin stood at attention and saluted, and said solemnly
Thornton, on the other hand, sat there very naively and scratched his head again, without saying a word.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he opened his mouth
"Well, is there any steamed buns here?!"

Ryze looked blank when he heard Thornton's words, what, Baozi? !
Aaron's face darkened, especially embarrassing, this idiot, can't you put up a little face?
Qilin couldn't help but blushed, both angry and holding back her laughter.

Then he swung his foot and kicked Thornton lightly.

"Female bun, why did you kick me?"

Thornton was a little puzzled, didn't he promise himself that he would take care of the bread, so I asked, why are you still kicking me? !
Do you want to covet my steamed stuffed bun, this is not acceptable!
While thinking about it, he looked at Aaron with burning eyes. Looking at Thornton, Aaron was also very helpless


At this time, the door of Ruiz's office opened again.
"Teacher Liu, uh"

At this time, a short-haired beauty came in. She looks cute and has a plump figure, but she looks a bit petite overall.

But the clothes are relatively simple. The bright red long-sleeved T-shirt and black mid-length leather skirt look very homely.
"Sorry, Teacher Liu, to bother you!"

As soon as the beauty in red came in, she saw that in Ryze's office, apart from Ryze's friends Aaron and Qilin, there was also a big monster

I also realized that I was very rude and came in without knocking, so I apologized, bent over and was about to exit
"No, Miss Miss, come in directly, just to introduce you!"

Ryze didn't blame Teacher MISS either, instead he said

After hearing this, teacher MISS also stopped the figure of exiting, got up and walked in
"Mr. MISS, this is Mr. Chen Yilong, a famous genius in the world. She will also be your colleague in the follow-up work!"

Teacher MISS heard Ruiz's introduction, Ye Weiwei turned around and nodded slightly towards Aaron, she is very ladylike

"Mr. Chen, no, I should call Teacher Chen next. This is Teacher MISS, who is in charge of the students' weapon transfer! You are also in charge of this, so the two of you can be said to be colleagues!"

Ruiz turned his head and introduced the MISS way to Aaron

"Miss teacher, nice to meet you!"

Aaron stretched out his hand and said to teacher MISS

"Teacher Chen, you are welcome!"

Teacher MISS also nodded politely with a smile, reached out and shook hands with Aaron
"Mr. MISS, take Qilin and this... er... comrade to arrange accommodation first! Don't forget to gather with other students in the multimedia classroom at [-] o'clock in the evening!"

Ryze also spoke at the right time at this time.
After all, it can be said that Aaron and Mr. Miss are completely strangers and have no information at all.
Therefore, even if Ryze made a brief introduction, the two of them just greeted each other briefly.
"Okay, Teacher Liu! Two students, come with me!"

Teacher MISS nodded when she heard Ruiz's words, and said to Qilin and Thornton

Qilin glanced at Aaron, Aaron nodded to her, and Qilin stepped forward
On the way, they dragged Thornton, who was sitting on the ground and scratching his forehead, not knowing what was going on, and walked away with him.


Accompanied by Thornton's fuss, Teacher MISS nodded towards Aaron, and left with Qilin and Thornton

"Mr. Chen, these children will get rid of you next, and you will be their chief instructor. Old Du told me about this!"

After MISS and others left, Aaron and Kieran were left in the office, and Kieran spoke first.
"Of course, since I agreed, it is my duty!"

Aaron said simply, but the firmness in his tone was obvious
"However, Mr. Ruiz, start training them now. We are not far from war. During the war, can they really go to the battlefield?!"

Aaron frowned again at this time and said, after all, logically speaking, the time of the war is too close

Only now start training these super fighters, just like in the original plot

Whether it is physical fitness or psychological quality, it is not good enough, it can be regarded as catching up with the ducks on the shelves

Many situations also appeared in the Tianhe Battle, and even Ge Xiaolun had the idea of ​​being a deserter

(End of this chapter)

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