Chapter 52 News Flash
"In fact, it should have been later. At least when the earth entered the space-level civilization, it was the time to activate these super genes. However, what I didn't expect was that the god of death in the Styx galaxy had moved his mind on the earth in the Milky Way. ,Ugh."

At this time, Ruiz looked at Aaron helplessly and said, but his eyes were calm

Thousands of years of wandering in the universe not only played all over the universe, but also saw a lot of life and death.

"I'm actually more curious about the earth, what is it that attracts so many god-making civilizations to gather their attention here, such as the Lieyang star, the angel civilization, the remnants of your Shenhe civilization, and the remnants of the Deno galaxy. , and now there is a gluttonous civilization that does not hesitate to launch an interstellar war, what is the purpose of these gods in the universe?!"

Aaron sat on the chair, frowned and couldn't help asking
"...All of this is a coincidence!"

Ryze looked at the photo of Principal Kieran on the wall, his eyes blurred, and he waited for a while before speaking
"But, these super genes are the most valuable on earth?! How can this be a coincidence?!"

Aaron's words are very straightforward, and he is very rude

Just pointing at Kieran's nose, although the earth is a living planet
But maybe the resources of the entire planet are not worth enough for any super gene in the heroic company.
So, is it because of these super genes that the gods pay attention to the earth?

Or to put it more clearly, is it because of the remnants of these Deno galaxies
It is the reason why they brought these extremely precious super genes to the earth, which caused the earth to be targeted

"Perhaps, the Lieyang star pursues the prosperity of the country and the people, and is not far away from participating in the maelstrom of the earth. What's more, thousands of years ago and... well, forget it, they have a close relationship with the earth, and they have no choice but to participate. The angel civilization believes in justice. Order, or the rules of order, as the first civilization in the universe, they want the earth to believe in them. Lao Du, a survivor of Deno, just wanted to find a place to live, but they came to the earth at the right time. And Taotie, they Believe in the God of Death, Karl the God of Death is their main god, and they also want to spread their faith on Earth, so they are going to directly create death!"

Ryze spoke for a long time, explaining clearly the situation of several civilizations

But this didn't make Aaron feel relaxed, on the contrary, he became more confused
"Faith?! What's the use of that?! In order to increase a few fans?! Or can it increase their strength?!"

"No, not at all! Since the era of super gods opened during the Kamigawa civilization, many civilizations in the universe have gained immortal life and incomparable power. At this time, money, resources, and reputation are all meaningless , People no longer fight for these simple and boring things, but for ideas!"

Ryze explained, not impatient, in fact he quite likes to tell people these things

"Yes, that's right! Philosophy! The angelic civilization believes in justice and order, and the demons believe in freedom and disorderly depravity! Therefore, the top civilizations of the two universes have fought for tens of thousands of years, but you must know that the queen of demons, in the original He is also an angel! Therefore, in the confrontation of these advanced civilizations, the battle of ideas has become the main reason for the battle between the gods!"


Aaron couldn't help laughing out loud, interrupting Ruiz's words

"I'm really sorry, Teacher Ruiz, I'm sorry that I can't accept this reason, or maybe I don't know what kind of situation this idea dispute should be, but can I directly understand it as the law of the jungle ! And we are just insignificant ants! All we can do is continue to strengthen ourselves, right!"

Aaron spoke directly, and said conclusively
"Alas! You are right in saying that!"

Ruiz didn't say anything when he heard Aaron's words, and said with a slight sigh
"Okay, Teacher Ruiz, it's a pleasure chatting with you. It's almost time, so I'll go and see these students first!"

Aaron got up at this time and said
Aaron was actually a little angry when he said just now. After all, the so-called advanced civilizations
For the sake of some bullshit idea dispute, they are unscrupulous in the universe
In Aaron's view, there is actually no difference between so-called angels and demons.

One high-sounding, one without bottom line

It's just a good-sounding, civilized member is more eye-catching!

But the gluttonous civilization is just a pragmatist who believes in death

Lieyang civilization, the civilization most similar to China, is full of intrigues and tricks, bullying the weak by the strong

The struggle between higher civilizations does not take into account the situation of lower civilizations or new civilizations

Whether it is an angel, or a demon, or Taotie or Lieyang

Angels can unscrupulously release a Xeon attack on planets of other civilizations, ending the lives of millions of people, but before that, they found a high-sounding reason and acted righteous

The devil unscrupulously turned the aborigines of the planet into her demon warriors one by one, creating this so-called liberal degeneration, doing whatever they want

The Lieyang civilization’s desire to invade the earth was manifested thousands of years ago. If there is not a Monkey King, the earth may be called the new Lieyang star
And gluttonous, not to mention!

This is not a so-called dispute of ideas, this is nothing more than animalistic higher civilizations biting each other!As for the little bugs and ants at your feet, who cares? !Weakness is a sin!
Aaron turned around and walked out of the office, and walked towards the multimedia classroom after leaving the office building. It was already past eight o'clock

As for Ruiz in the office, he stared blankly at the closed office door and sighed.
Then he turned his head to look at the photo of Kieran hanging on the wall, why couldn't he understand the problems that Aaron could understand.
And at this moment, in the multimedia classroom, a good show is going on

At this time, Leina, Qilin, Qiangwei, Cheng Yaowen, Rui Mengmeng, Ge Xiaolun, and Liu Chuang are all sitting in the classroom, and there is a big crocodile playing with its tail behind the classroom
Everyone sitting in the classroom couldn't help looking at Thornton from time to time, and Lena was no exception.
But at this moment, the content of a news report attracted everyone's attention
"This afternoon, near the commercial street of our city, unknown armed forces descended from the sky, intending to capture a crocodile-like humanoid creature, but with the support and help of Huanyu Technology, they were shot dead by our city police one by one. It is understood that the follow-up three The armed force is an alien force, and it is the same alien race as the creature that attacked Airport Road three days ago, named Gluttonous! The crocodile-like humanoid creature is named Thorton, who was the god of the earth thousands of years ago, and is called the crocodile god Now he has become a super soldier of our country, contributing his strength to defend the country!"

(End of this chapter)

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