Chapter 53 Reina's doubts

"This, what's the situation?!"

Ge Xiaolun walked up to Cheng Yaowen, pointed to the news report on the screen and said in disbelief
But he already has the answer in his heart, but he still can't help but want to confirm it with his friends

But as soon as he finished asking, Xin Zhao's voice came from the door

"Alas! Have you read the news?! They are really aliens!"

Xin Zhao ran into the classroom at this time and said, his face was serious

Originally, he didn't fully believe what Aaron said, even the video of alien forces attacking Airport Road three days ago

He felt it was fake. After all, it was widely rumored on the Internet, but there was no official news. He believed that alien forces did not exist.
But what I didn't expect was that the alien attack broke out again today, and it broke out on the news

He can't help but believe it, but he's struggling, he's fighting his own fear
"This crocodile should be the one on TV."

At this time, Rui Mengmeng's voice sounded weakly from the side
Everyone showed that they took a look at Rui Mengmeng, and saw that it was a bleeding girl wearing a ponytail and suspender jeans

But at this time, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Cheng Yaowen have no other thoughts

His eyes followed the direction of Rui Mengmeng's fingers and looked over.

I saw a shocking big crocodile playing with a mobile phone, although everyone saw it just now

But I was just a little surprised, I thought it was something grown in a laboratory

After all, Dr. Lizard in the United States is also playing around, so I thought Thornton was the same as Dr. Lizard.

But what I didn't expect was that this guy was still a god, although he looked a bit like a monster!
"Gudong. This, it should be."

At this time, Xin Zhao couldn't help swallowing and said:
Although there is still some fear in the eyes, there is still a bit of entanglement
"Then, shouldn't we be called together to fight those gluttons?"

Ge Xiaolun also swallowed at this time and said

"I heard Qiangwei say that we're going to get together to fight aliens, so that's it?! Gudong"

Ge Xiaolun also said at this time, couldn't help swallowing
"Here, are you kidding me?! Is this something we can fight?! Isn't there a female policeman who can fight? Why do you call me? We don't seem to be able to fight this small body! Mao! No, I have to go."

Xin Zhao said suddenly at this time, he was a little dazed when he said that he was completely alone, as if he still couldn't believe it

Then he turned around and walked outside, ready to leave, but at this moment
"Emma, ​​I'm fucking here to fight aliens?!"

Liu Chuang, who was sitting in the middle and back, spoke. He was wearing a flowered shirt and looked foolish.
After finishing speaking, he secretly glanced in Thornton's direction, for fear that the monster would stand up suddenly and give him a blow.
After all, with such a big man, he is taller than others standing just sitting there, so it is scary to look at.

But seeing that Thornton didn't move much, Liu Chuang put his heart into his stomach.

"I am the boss of the underworld!"

Liu Chuang said with an arrogant look, as if it would make him happy to pretend to be in front of a group of college students

There is also a folded stool in his hand, as if he is not happy to see anyone

"Damn it, why did you come here, you scum."

At this time, Ge Xiaolun also noticed Liu Chuang, frowning and asking in confusion

"Why... how could there be a gangster?!"

At this time Rui Mengmeng spoke, she was a little scared, she was a little shy
It's not as sunny and cheerful as it was when Gangdao Juxia City

Even after being appreciated by Li Qing and Aaron's help,

But in her long life, many situations she encountered also made her timid and introverted.

Hearing Liu Chuang's arrogant words at this time made her a little scared. She didn't know anyone here.
"What kind of underworld, at most, it can be regarded as an older society youth!"

At this moment, Qilin spoke, frowning in disgust and said:

She didn't know why this scumbag came to this place, she felt disgusted and angry
Because such a scumbag, can he really have such an "honor" to join the army protecting the earth? !Really, God is blind!
"Yo huh?! My standard black brother, the number ten brothers outside, you."

Liu Chuang dropped the stool in his hand and said loudly, as if he was going to hit someone

But at the end, from the corner of his eye, he clearly saw the big crocodile sitting next to him looking towards him
I was so scared that I quickly shut up and dared not speak!I am afraid that if I say one more word, the crocodile next to me will violently hurt people
Damn, why did this big crocodile suddenly look at me, am I talking too loudly? !Wouldn't it be like he was eating me!Mother!

However, Thornton, who was playing mobile games at this time, made a loud noise because of the stool thrown by Liu Chuang, and was startled

Playing games is just a slip of the hand!However, a few letters "YOU WIN!" were displayed on the screen.

Thornton looked confused, but the psychological drama was like this
well!How did I win just now? !As if because of being scared? !

Alas, this stool scared me, but let me win, then I don't care!

Ugh? !What is this boy looking at me for? !It's so dark, it must not taste good, forget it, don't care!

But Qilin didn't care what the two were thinking, she stood up all of a sudden, turned around and said!

"You mean the gun-fighting type in the movie?! Or the sneaky type in the news?!"

While talking, Qilin approached Liu Chuang with an undisguised disgust on her face
"Emma?! It's your sister Qilin again! What's the matter?! How many big girls are mixing with our group of old men?!"

At this time, seeing the big crocodile Yoyo turned his head away, he was relieved
Then I heard Qilin's ridicule, I felt very uncomfortable, and my anger rose
"Who is this?!"

At this time, Rui Mengmeng also stood up, turned to look in the direction of Qilin and Liu Chuang, and said in a low voice
"What's the matter?! Aren't you tired of working with men and women?!"

Liu Chuang was still shouting there, as if he wasn't happy if he didn't vent his anger!
But Lena, who was sitting in the last row on the other side of the classroom, stood up at this moment and walked towards Liu Chuang
When passing by the sitting Thornton, he turned his head and looked at the vicious-looking big crocodile in front of him.

She couldn't help but frowned, vaguely, she felt a little threat, it was still fatal, but it was very slight
She thought for a while, then loosened her brows again, and continued walking towards Liu Chuang
But I have some doubts in my heart, I don't know how the earth side subdued this big guy
After all, the ones who can give her a sense of threat are at least the well-known strong men in the universe, and the arrogance of this kind of warrior will not allow them to bow their heads!

(End of this chapter)

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